No P.o.V.

Well Rebecca was crushing on Kendall. Well Rachel was making out with James in the boys locker room. Same Rachel. Getting the hottest guy in school and making them hers. No one likes her. The only reason Rebecca and Renee hung out with her was she was a "loser" once. They thought she was pretty enough to hung out. But something must have got in her head about boys. And now she's the whore of our school.

Rebecca's P.o.V.
I kept looking at the new kid. He sat in front of me. He was so familiar. But I couldn't put my finger on it. "Aaron Jones?" The teacher said. "Here." Aaron replied. "Kendall Knight?" "Here." He replied. My mouth dropped. I tapped his shoulder. "Your from Big Time Rush right?" I asked. He nodded. I stared deep into his blue / greenish eyes. "I'm Rebecca." I said then shook his hand. "Kendall." He said. I bit my lip.

I shook my head. "Hey, I'm having a pool party, tomorrow. You should totally come." I said. "Sounds great. I can invite my friends right?" He asked. I nodded. I took out a piece of paper and wrote down my phone number. "Here. Call me or text me anytime." I said. He nodded and around back around. Aaron looked at me. "Really?" He asked. "Yea. He's cute." I replied. Aaron looked mad.

After class "Hey." I heard a voice. I turned around it was Kendall. I smiled. "I'm really looking foward to the pool party." He said. "Well that's great to know cause, all my parties are AWESOME." I said. Kendall laughed. "Well, ill text you later." He said then headed in the biology room. As I was walking, I was looking at Kendall and not really paying any attention to where I was going. I bumped into the same girl I did early. I laughed. "Hey again." I said. "Hi." She said quietly. "I'm Rebecca." I introduced myself. "I know. Popular, pretty, captain of the cheerleading squad." She said. "Sounds like you heard of me." I said laughing alittle. She nodded. "I'm Mallory." She said. "Pretty name." I said. "Well, I gotta get going." She said then left.

"Hey cutie." I heard someone said then slap my behind. I turned to see Brad : Captain of the football team. We had a date once and I really didn't have feelings for him but he did. "Yes Brad?" I said in a annoyed voice. "I heard, your having a pool party. I'm looking forward to it." He said. "Great." I said stretching the word 'great'. "Cheerleaders meet in the gym, now. After school all students can try out." The innercome said. " I gotta go. I guess, I'll see you tomorrow." I said then left.

I grabbed my cheer bag from my locker and to the gym. I look around and see Amelia talking to Aaron. He's also one of the male cheerleaders in the team. My coach Ms. Wine was coming up to me all mad. "REBECCA! " she shouted. "Yes? " I said. "No one is listening to me. Get them to pay attention." She said. I laughed alittle. I walked up to everyone talking. I grabbed couche's whistle and blew real hard and loud. I got everyone attention. I smiled.

"Now, that you guys are quiet. Coach has something to say." I smiled. "Ok guys. Try outs are in the field after school. Be in uniforms and be prepared for ANYTHING." She said. They all nodded. "Ok. Now to practice." I said.

James' P.O.V.
After the little make out session with... ummm... I really don't think I even got her name. Anyway, I didn't think chicks wanted me like that girl did. "James." I said a voice say. I turn and see Carlos. "Hey dude." I said. "I heard you had a make out session with one of the wannabes." He said. I was straight up confused. "Well. I'll wont be home till later. I'm going to cheerleading tryouts." He said. I gave him a look. "Not cause of the girls. Cause it's different, something new." He said. I nodded.

Logan's P.o.V.
The bell rang and I went to biology class. I arrived in a class with black lab desks and a tray with a frog. I threw up alittle. "Hey. I'm Mallory." The girl said with her hand out and putting her hair behind her ears. "Logan." I said smiling. "I'm suppose to give you a tour today. So shall we? " she said. I nodded. "So this is the biology classroom. Mr. Young is the teacher, he's awesome. Well my opinion." She said laughing alittle. I smiled.

"This is what we call a mini quad." She said as she showed the rectangular space of kids talking and studying. "Cool." I said. She began to show me where my classes were and important parts also.

"So, you know where your classes are? " she asked. I paused. "Kinda. But it wont take that long to know my classes and stuff." I said. She smiled. "Well, see you around." She said and left.

Next day.

Rebecca's P.O.V.

I woke up around 7:am cause my mom and David. (David is my step dad. He works in Staples but he's a manager or something. I can call him my dad but I just call him by his name. But my "real" dad lives in Chicago. Parents divorce). My mom woke me up at 7 cause they were going on a business trip. And I'm stuck watching Tatiana.

I made Reese( one of the chefs. He's gay, which makes him the best... :) ... ) make me a muffin for breakfast and help with the pool party.

Around 12 I had woken up from my little nap when I heard the door bell ring. I got up slowly and nearly fall off my bed. "I'LL GET IT! " I heard Tatiana say. I walk into my bathroom and fixed my hair. "Rebecca! Get down here!" I heard Rachel say. I rolled my eyes. "COMING!" I yelled to her.

I walked down stairs and saw Rachel and Renee. "Hey, Sleepie Head." Renee joked. "Ha Ha, that was so funny. What are you guys doing here, so early?" i asked. "ummm, we wanted to help out." Rachel replied. I put my hands on my hips. "Ok, fine. I came early cause i got something really important to tell you and like i didnt want anyone else knowing." She said, then took my hand and into my downstairs bathroom.

"Ok, yesturday. I met this guy. Super hot. I made out with him. And i really want to go on a date will him, like date him." she said like a total air head. "UmHm." I said just pretending to laugh along. "Well, i think i hear my phone." i said trying to leave. I see Renee and Tatiana crossing their arms looking alitte upset. "Ok. Akward. Im going back upstairs to get ready, ummm. Renee, people will probaly start coming so if anyone knocks just answer it." I said then went up stairs. I put on a Yellow plaid Ruffled string bikini and hot pink beaned necklace. I put on white short shorts and let my hair down. I heard the door bell ring. I heard a loud yell "PARTY." from like 10 people. I grabbed my phone and saw my mom called. I called her back.

"Hey mom, you called?" I asked worried "Yea, just checking up. I miss you already." "UmHm." I said completely not listening to what she was saying and looking at my window which had a view of the front yard. "Are you listening to me?" She said.
"I kinda go. I'll kiss bye to Tati, but i gotta go." I said then left.

Wow she talk for hours... LOL.