Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. Life is just busy. But it's summer now, so I should have some new stories soon! Unfortunately, I've discovered that my writing style has changed so drastically that I'm better off rewriting entire stories and reposting them. As such, all of my current stories that ARE NOT oneshots or a series of oneshots will be removed and possibly rewritten. I will have a poll up inquiring whether you want them rewritten, or if you just want entirely new content. I'll have another poll up after that for those of you who want the oneshots continued; however, they will most likely not be similar to the ones I have already released. Sorry for the not being here and the not updating. Thanks.

~SZ13 (Unchained)

P.S. Stories will be removed by the 21st of June. Poll will be closed by the 1st of June. Really sorry guys.