It all starts with the birthing of a half vampire, who grows to be a prominent part of the immortal world. His first friend spreads this story out, allowing it to grow. The two bring out the life to which we know today, but this is the story of where it all started in the vampire and werewolf wars.
Akatsuki is owned by Masashi Kishimoto
Prequel to Forbidden. Basically, I wanted a backstory for the rest of Akatsuki back in Forbidden, so it's how everything started! Yeah! Also, I believe I stated somewhere it'd start somewhere in like 1134 or something, but I didn't want such a HUGE timeline, so I shortened it and now it all starts in about the 1300s… OH JUST READ IT!

October 1305
Undisclosed Location


The sun shone brightly into the courtyard, illuminating every knife that had been embedded into the wooden posts placed about for the training. In the center of the yard, a small porcelain skinned boy stands, having just landed gracefully after throwing those very knives into their targets.

Just out of the reach of the scorching light, the head vampire nods in approval. "The boy shows great aptitude for only a four year old…"

"He has been training for three years, sir…" A timid woman—the only human for miles it seemed—responds softly, watching the boy over the vampire's shoulder.

The elder bloodsucker hums in response. "You should be proud of the boy, my dear." He says, taking only a second to glance at the human. "He is your son, after all."

"Father, is it really necessary to have my son work so hard?" The redheaded vampire beside the human demands, stepping forward to glare at the back of the clan leader in case he were to turn again and be able to see his anger.

The head vampire only chuckles, watching the redhead's son out in the courtyard go about picking up the knives for another attempt—one that will undoubtedly be perfect as well. "You seem to think it unwise to let a half vampire train, my son… what do you think, Chiyo?"

A second woman—this one obviously vampiric—jumps lightly in surprise. She stares at her husband for a moment before looking out at the little redhead again. "Sasori is… very skilled, but still holds the same needs as humans."

As though the boy could hear his name, Sasori turns to look at the group of adults as though expecting to be called in. When none of them made a move, he turns back to the posts and throws another knife, swiftly hitting his target.

"He will be five next month, father…" Sasori's father states, moving to stand beside the other man. "Surely you'll let him rest on his birthday?"

"Sasori may do as he wishes on that day, as long as he's back to training on the next." Without even looking to the others, the clan leader turns to leave. "If you'll excuse me, I have to tend to the wolves; one of the younger ones is acting up again, and may need more of a punishment than being sent to the fields."

They watch him leave in silence, all hoping with pity that it wasn't the young werewolf from the year before again.

"Mother, you can't really want Sasori to train on his birthday." The man turns then, staring at his venom mother with hope.

Chiyo only shakes her head. "I don't want Sasori to be like this, but if it is what he wants…" She lets her sentence hang, not sure if she should go on.

Sasori's mother moves to the court yard, her immediate presence in the sunlight alerting Sasori to stop in his movements. "Sweetheart, it's time for a nap…" She calls, moving further towards her panting son.

His father watches the two from his place in the shade, unhappy with being forced to only watch them out in the warm light.

Sasori had been born to a vampire father and human mother, something that had never been done before. Surely the boy and his parents would have perished if it had not been for his father's venom mother. Chiyo, who cared deeply for her supposed son, had considered herself lucky she was married to the head vampire. Her husband had relented and allowed the human his vampiric son impregnated to live, along with what many of them had called the "abomination".

Vampires were meant to drink the blood of a human, not mate with one. The very thought of Sasori had turned many of the vampires against their elder leader, but not for very long. He had proposed a proposition, one with which they found to be enlightening.

Sasori may have been an accident, but the head bloodsucker turned it into that of something worth having: experimentation. Of course, they never touched Sasori. They merely watched and trained the boy once he was capable of standing up right on his own.

It was like the breading of the werewolves all over again—only this time, the vampires were testing to see the limits of the vampire blood in a half human. It was found that Sasori required blood like the vampires, but could stand in the sunlight like a mortal being. Furthering this discovery, the boy was like a human, in that he did need rest, but his endurance matched that of any vampire born from a venomous bite. He was a truly remarkable creature, aging as a human would, but growing to be like the vampires of his clan.

Of course, his test results were far better than the werewolf mating experiment had been; one of the head vampire's greatest advisors had come up with the idea. Werewolves were merely ghastly creatures in the form of a wolf, none of them even remotely human anymore. Of course, the werewolves came about just as the vampires had, though they never started out with human appearance—the demons never understood how that had happened in the process of creating the two branches of other immortals. They had always been originally mindless, once-human wolves. The werewolves seemed to be a lost cause when they'd begun killing and attacking one another in fits of rage, but once one of the beasts bit a human and turned it into about half of what they were, the demons figured they were getting somewhere with the animals.

After a while, they'd brought down the beastly characteristics to only show once a month—incidently, the night of the full moon. The rest of the moon cycle, werewolves looked just as human as the vampires did. However, they were weak, which brought the vampires to take them in as servants, and that was where the demons gave up on working out their creations.

When the head vampire's advisor told him of his theory, they put it to test. By mating together two werewolves, who had been bitten and brought into this life from mortality, they created what they called the "pureblood" werewolves. The only strange thing about these purebloods was their skin complexion—they were born blue.

Not wanting to create too many unnaturally colored creatures, the vampires didn't continue this werewolf mating tests and left the five blue wolves to grow and see where'd that would take them in testing. Their complexion remained a wonderful shade of blue, but they changed just like the other wolves, and acted like normal humans. The test was put to rest, and the purebloods were left alone.

Until one of them had acted out.

It was only a year ago, in 1304, when test subject "Kisame Hoshigaki" had caused an uproar in his ward, forcing not only the elite vampires down to the experimentation halls, but the head vampire himself. Though it was uncertain what had caused this fit of rage, Kisame had killed his fellow purebloods and was sentenced by the clan leader himself to work in the fields like the rest of the wolves.

Kisame went quietly.

It was often that many of the vampires who were far below the head vampire to pity the lone blue wolf, but none knew just how brutal their leader could be. He hadn't just sentenced Kisame there at only five years of age, he'd personally beaten the young immortal to near death before his advisors pulled him off the crying boy and gave him the idea of just sending him to work with his brethren.

The boy was six now, only a year older than Sasori, and the half vampire's father could only hope Kisame hadn't done something in the short span of a year to call for the clan leader's spite to be taken to that level again.

With a look to his venom mother, it was fairly obvious that Chiyo too worried for the little wolf as well.

"Father, I don't want to take a nap right now." Sasori's voice broke through his father's thoughts, bringing him to full attention again. The small redhead was held in his mother's arms, staring at his vampire parent with half lidded eyes, one arm around his mother's neck.

A smile grew on Sasori's dad's lips. "You've been training hard; I think you need a rest, son."

Sasori sighs, looking to his venom grandmother for some sort of support. Chiyo only grins and shakes her head, turning to leave through the shadowed halls to find her husband.

Chiyo didn't look for very long, finding her husband in a darkened chamber, lit only by the light of candles, with two other leeches and three wolves. Two of the wolves stood before the head vampire, holding the smaller werewolf between them, obviously having been the ones to bring him in as the sun was still high in the sky.

Kisame stared at the ground, a blank look to his cerulean face.

"Is it true then, Kisame? You called your superior wolf a bastard when he ordered you to another area of the field?" Chiyo flinches at the tone her husband uses, but does not look away from the poor wolf before her.

Slowly, the six year old looks up at the bloodsucker, looking him in the eye despite regulations. "With all due respect, I was only returning the favor when he called me a bitch." A toothy grin grows on the pureblood's lips. "And I'm sure it's obvious that I am not a female, nor am I a dog."

The head vampire smacks the boy across the face, a resounding sound of skin on skin contact in the room being the only indication as he'd moved so quickly. "You'll find that you're very much a dog when the moon shines tonight, mutt."

Kisame only chuckles. "How can I be a mutt when I'm considered a pureblood…?" His voice was soft and directed to the floor, but all of them could hear it. Chiyo looks away, the sound of her husband pushing the small child to the floor with his foot letting her know it wasn't too bad of a hit.

"Send him to the box; he won't have anything to attack but himself tonight, so I hope he's prepared for some burning scars." With that, the clan leader strides from the room, pulling Chiyo along with him.

Looking back at the blue wolf, Chiyo holds her breath as she watches the two werewolves on either side pull him to his feet before dragging the grinning child away.