This is my newest fanfic. Pokémon based and this time around I'm gonna need help from the audience. For my fanfic, which is all OCs, I will need your help for ideas on what kind of people I should use; in your reviews if you wish to submit an OC list their name, age, gender, physical description, history for the fun of it, single Pokémon partner, and country of origin; e.g. China, U.S.A., Japan, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, the works. And for the final note; don't everyone pick the same countries to keep things fresh. Onegai-Shimasu.


International Tournament File 001: To Be A Master

Chaos; that's all anyone knew about anything. Pokémon battling had changed; trainers are now only allowed to have one Pokémon and to register that Pokémon as a legal partner with them in sanctioned Pokémon battles fought for the International Tournament. Those who harbor more than one Pokémon are outlaws and constantly fight for their freedom to choose how many Pokémon they should be allowed to be in their care. This story is about people who believe that in order to be a master you have to be willing to break the rules…

Location; Concord, New Hampshire

Time; 20:30

"Bam! Bam! Bam!" whatever was out there kept hitting the door repeatedly. On the outside several police officers are pushing on a presumably locked apartment door using large weights on battery rams in a vain attempt to open it…meaning that a giant Pokémon was blocking the door behind them.

The room was dark, too dark for anyone to see anything except for the lit lamp in the center of the room. He sat in a large armchair under the lamp revealing his face from the mouth down, the mouth revealing a straight look while reading a book. The banging continued as he finally grew irritated by it. He walked over to the Pokémon and patted it on the shoulder.

"That's good enough, Bouffalant, may as well let them in, oh and make sure you greet them very graciously." He said.

The bison Pokémon moved silently in the darkness with only the easily recognizable afro visible. The police tried once more opening the door meeting with Bouffalant at the same instance.

"Wild Charge!" the boy said from his chair.

Bouffalant lifted its body that began glowing in a silhouette of its physical appearance and charged the men sending the three officers flying out the door just from the electro-shockwaves it produced from its attack. The boy closed the door behind them when another officer entered the door. She entered the room and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and walked towards the boy. Bouffalant took a step towards her and the boy put a hand out to calm him down.

"Officer Jennifer Peterson, been a while, makes it two weeks?"

"Can the sweet talk kid you're under arrest on grounds of illegal battling in a public area around minors."

"Unless you have probable evidence I'll have Bouffalant show you out of my home by force."

"You call this a home, delinquent?"

The boy's eyes dilated at the sound of that word as he tried to calm himself with a bit of success. The boy stood up from his chair and walked towards the young officer.

"Bouffalant, I'll ask you one more time, send her away! Wild Charge!"

Bouffalant made the same move as last time this time slightly striking the officer launching her out the door. The boy continued to glare at her for calling him that word; "delinquent". The boy walked back into his house as the police retreated saying the tired old saying, "you won't get away with this!" As the boy turned the overhead light on and turning off the lamp and retreating back to his armchair. He told Bouffalant to take a load off and join him in quiet harmony. The two sat like that for about a minute or less than that and then just turned on the TV after a small look at each other.

Bouffalant began to eat his feed out of the already prepared dish waiting for it at the edge of the kitchen in the apartment. The show that began playing was soon interrupted by late-breaking news showing the young female news anchorwoman.

"Are Pokémon trainers getting violent with even our cities finest? Registered Pokémon trainer Andrew…no last name had just been seen attacking Officer Jennifer Peterson and several other police officers who attempted to arrest the youth on grounds of suspicion of illegal battling in school settings aside from official battle arenas."

"Ah, shut-up!" the boy said.

As the anchorwoman said, his name is Andrew but no last name. A Pokémon trainer whose partner, Bouffalant, have been through everything together including time in jail on grounds of illegal battling. Bouffalant, despite being a Normal-Type Pokémon, has proven useful against any and all elements of Pokémon that it has battled against including Ghost-Types.

Andrew turned off the TV and bid Bouffalant a good night. Andrew lied awake in his bed thinking about why all this happened. From what he was told Pokémon became so violent with their trainers that the police enforced this rule to keep people safe from rampaging Pokémon, but that's just one of many conspiracy theories. Bouffalant entered his room and went to sleep next to his bed as Andrew stroked the very recognizable afro hairstyle. He too went to sleep with the same wish he had had every day since his parents left.

"I wish for a better tomorrow…" he said under his breath, and then fell asleep.

Ring! Ring! Ring! The alarm clock continued to ring in repetitions of three in a vain attempt to wake Andrew up for school. Bouffalant already awake smashed the alarm clock quiet without breaking it and simply used a Body Slam attack to wake him up. A split-second before he landed Andrew opened his eyes to see Bouffalant three inches away from his face.

"!" he screamed as Bouffalant kept a comfortable position on him. "DON'T YOU DARE! NO, DON'T, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and will leave the rest of the wake-up schedule for the imagination. (Pulls on collar.)

On the way to school Bouffalant carried his incapacitated trainer on his back with a smug look on his face with a slight chuckle as Andrew gave a hysteric chuckle after dealing with "Commander Stinky". As the two entered the school several people began to stare at them with looks of terror just based on the allegations against him. At his high school Pokémon are allowed to be outside their PokéBall but must remain under supervision of the trainer at all times.

Andrew regained consciousness and entered his class with Bouffalant tailing behind him. He took his place at the higher area of the classroom due to his Pokémon's enormous size. The teacher arrived and began class with a small announcement.

"As most of you know, our friend Andrew is a wanted fugitive now for assaulting an officer in the line of duty." He explained.

"Bite me!" he said from the top of the class.

"Nevertheless! We will continue to treat him as though he is a solid citizen without a warrant out for his arrest!"

"Yeah, like that'll happen!" he yelled out again.

"Andrew! Please step outside the class for a minute!"

"La-di-da…" he said getting up from his seat telling Bouffalant to stay put.

Outside the classroom, "What do you think you're doing in front of my class?"

"Making a fool out of you. I'd think that be obvious."

"You're just lucky I don't call your parents, I would-"

"Go ahead and try, you can call as many times as you want, they won't answer! They've been gone for five years now!"


"Oh, you think that it's their fault for how I am? No! I live by myself, I take care of myself and my Pokémon, and because of that there's been a stereotypical view of me that because I'm a legal orphan I automatically am this delinquent who decides that it'll be okay if I just break a couple laws! I've been isolated from the rest of the world for no good reason!"

"How did your parents die?"

"Die? They left me on some crazy adventure the day after I got Bouffalant, and it's just been the two of us since that day! I don't conform to the rules because that's what drove my parents away and leave me to fend for myself!"

He began panting as the teacher tried in a vain attempt to comfort him placing a hand on his shoulder as he just threw it aside.

"I don't need your sympathy, what I need is for my opinion to be recognized and respected among other things. I know that in order to be a Pokémon master I will break the rules. Specifically the big one."

"You can't be serious."

"As the plague."

After he said that final sentence an alarm went off for a lock-down procedure, as in most educational settings when an intruder is on campus the administration puts the campus in lock-down forcing all students into the classes. The teacher pulled Andrew into the class and locked the door. Andrew looked out the other window to find a wandering Pokémon on the grounds.

"Maractus" he said under his breath. "The cactus Pokémon. It uses up-tempo sounds and dancing to drive away its natural enemies; the bird Pokémon who target the seeds of its flower."

"What was that Andrew?" the teacher asked, the students all clutching their Pokémon in terror.

"I know what the problem is" he said opening the window and returning Bouffalant to its special PokéBall known as a HeavyBall. "And I'm gonna go fix it."

Andrew jumped from the window and sent Bouffalant from its ball and landed on him with ease. Maractus turned its attention to them and charged with a Needle Arm attack. The Needle Arm hit Bouffalant but did minimal damage due to its high HP levels. Andrew dismounted Bouffalant and ordered him to use Wild Charge. Again uses and electrified tackle Bouffalant hit Maractus but as Maractus did earlier, minimal damage because of the negative effect of electricity on grass. Maractus again used Needle Arm but added a bit more oomph into it actually causing Bouffalant noticeable pain. Bouffalant charged it like a mad bull and hit it dead-on with a Horn Attack. Maractus was launched back and went into unconsciousness. Andrew stared at it for a moment and thought about what he had witnessed; a Pokémon who had been able to noticeably harm his Bouffalant even though it had been mentally toughened up while the two were in prison. Andrew smiled and pulled out another spare PokéBall. The teachers and students kept telling him no and to leave it there. Andrew looked over at Bouffalant for another opinion. Bouffalant nodded.

"Go! PokéBall!"

The ball hit Maractus who had just woken up and accepted the PokéBall, twitched three times and closed catching the Pokémon as his knew unregistered partner. He lifted the PokéBall to the sky as several students began clapping. Soon the whole attendance erupted into thunderous applause.

"To be the best, I'm willing to break a few rules!" he shouted out to them. "Well, Bouffalant, I guess my wish finally came true…"

Location; Osaka, Japan

Time; 17:45

The ball was thrown and hit the Pokémon and captured it within a few seconds. The PokéBall just lied there as the figure picked it up. A large tarantula Pokémon followed him as they both looked at each other with looks of satisfaction.

"Well, Denchura, looks like this our first step to becoming Pokémon masters. And in order to do so, we will have to break some major rules. To be the best, I'm willing to break a few rules!"

End chapter one.

This is just an idea of mine so please don't flame it when you read it. There will be more characters introduced as time goes on; loosely based off of people in my family and significant others.
