AN: Well here it is ... the final chapter. Thank you to all my wonderful reviewers! Once again you have made this not only enjoyable but another experience that can only be expressed in words like: awesomeness, ridunkaless and greateriffic (BTW, the last one I totally just came up with because I needed a third word and I will now use it in everyday life and encourage you to as well). So thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope this last chapter doesn't disappoint!

Chapter Ten

Sunday April 27


It was early morning by the time the plane touched down in Vancouver. The sky was still an inky black, not even the hint of light or the vibrant navy blue of the moments leading up to sunrise had yet appeared in the sky. The plane bumped against the tarmac, causing Sarah's head to fall off Castiel's shoulder and wake her abruptly as the pilot told the cabin that they had arrived safely at their destination and made a crack at the drizzle which hit their windows and distorted the lights from the airport.

Lifting one hand to rub her tired eyes, Sarah tried to collect her senses. Beside her Castiel gave a grunt as he also woke. Sarah could not help but smile at Cas' confused look. The smile got wider when she realized she had fallen asleep curled up against his arm.

However, Castiel did not seem to find the arm cuddling as nice as she did. He was glaring down at his arm with such intensity Sarah felt herself start to doubt how nice it had been last night.

"Is this ... not okay?" Sarah asked, quickly letting go of his arm.

"No I ... my arm feels ... odd," Castiel muttered.

Frowning, Sarah leaned down to inspect his arm. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Frowning, Sarah asked, "how does it feel odd?"

"It is ... tingling and aches when I move it," Castiel explained, looking perplexed as he tried to move the fingers. Wiggling them, he frowned hard, letting out a soft his as he tried to move is full arm.

Unable to help herself, Sarah chuckled.

"Cas, it's nothing. I think your arm just fell asleep," Sarah explained quickly. "It'll go away soon."

"That is impossible," Castiel argued. "An arm cannot sleep."

"No, it's a term," Sarah laughed as the plane bumped along the tarmac heading towards the proper gate. "I don't mean it literally. Some say that it fell asleep, other call it pins and needles. There might be more terms, I don't know. But it's completely natural to get that, it just means your body was unable to circulate blood properly to that certain body part because of the way you were sitting or holding it."

For a moment Castiel was silent, just staring at her. The people in the seats around them started to twitch and mutter in their seats. People were anxious to leave the tiny plane and stretch their legs on solid ground. Sarah was just busy trying not to blush under the angel's intense stare.

"What?" she finally asked.

"I like that you explain terms and meanings," Castiel told her, so factually that he might be discussing the weather or something equally boring such as grammar. "Not many humans are that patient."

"No, what you mean to say is that Dean isn't that patient and Sam is little better," Sarah teased. "Besides, I like explaining things to you. I might not be able to help with an angelic civil war and I might not know how to even turn a safety on or off a gun, but I can at least teach you a little about humanity."

"The instructions that you left were very useful," Castiel told her, still wiggling his fingers and tilting his head as if examining the feelings that came with having his arm fall asleep.

"Oh good," Sarah said, having almost forgotten about her Christmas gift to the boys.

By this point in time, the plane had finally come to a full stop and their seat belt sign dinged off. Before unbuckling her seat belt, she leaned over and brushed a quick peck against Castiel's lips before pulling back. There was little time that she would be able to do that and Sarah didn't plan on wasting a single second of it.

The mission was to get back onto the set of Supernatural without anyone noticing.


Only a few problems stood in the way.

First there was the fact that Vancouver, unlike Halifax, was a bit more known for actors and celebrities and there was actually a small paparazzi swarm that hovered in this northern city. They would recognize Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins: especially after the now famous freak-out that saw the three main cast members (the only series regulars) walk off set and which was becoming huge news in the online fandom and even making its way onto shows such as Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight. This problem was only heightened by the fact all three actors were also married and the girls had been very adamant about not creating negative gossip about them being seen with three unknown girls.

The second problem was, in many ways, even worse than the first one. Sam, Dean and Castiel had been so focused on leaving the set that they had not giving much thought about where it was located. Meaning they had a whole city of possibilities and no clue as to where start.

So they devised a plan.

A simple plan, which involved Cas, Sam and Dean to walk straight out the airport and grab a taxi. Have the taxi take them to city hall. Lianne, Katie and Sarah would also get a different taxi and also take it to city hall. Then, at city hall, they would meet up, get in another taxi and hope the taxi driver knew where the "Supernatural set" was. So there might be a few flaws in the plan, but Katie was fairly proud of it.

The plan went off without a hitch. The long taxi ride from the airport to downtown was passed in lots of laughter and Lianne and Katie joined forces to tease Sarah.

"So you and Cas, huh?"

"Shut up."

"How was it?"


"Was it magical?"


"Was it out of this world?"


"Was it ... heavenly?"

"That doesn't even deserve an answer."

By the time the taxi had pulled up to tall off-white city hall buildings the sky was a deep pink and the large clock on the face of the building showed the time to be six in the morning. Feeling proud of how well their plan was working so far, Katie felt that they should have realized that the next part wouldn't work as smoothly as they had hoped. Turned out that the first five taxi drivers had never heard of the show Supernatural, and at the request that they be taken "to set" they had been met with blank looks and confusion and suspicion.

It was now seven o'clock and there was only one hour to find the set and sneak on before Balthazar tried to summon the guys back. Katie wondered idly what would happen if they didn't make it. Would some poor sucker working on the set get pulled-in in their stead? She wished she could ask Castiel, but everyone was too focused on finding the set and tempers were starting to rise. It didn't help that the cold had numbed her nose and fingers. Dean has started to groan about the cold and Katie was scared that if they didn't find a way to set soon he might hit Lianne who was now trying to convince him that he should hunt unicorns and sell their hairs as good luck charms.

Finally, Taxi Driver Number Six, his grizzled grey beard and crooked nose and smile as he nodded sagely and told them he knew exactly where they needed to go. After spending another ten minutes to convince him to let all six of them into his taxi, and then twenty driving to the set, the idea of trying to be sneaky and ninja their way onto set was put on the back burner. Running out of the cab, Dean happily throwing more money than what was necessary at the driver, they ran across the parking lot area, where trailers were parked horizontally, small make-shift signs reading "make-up and costume" and "J. Padalecki" were filed away for when Katie hoped they would have more time to snoop.

Katie was unsure what to think when she noticed Sarah and Cas holding hands as they ran. It was probably Sarah's idea; it was obvious who wore the pants in that situation. One part of her felt like cheering, the other part wished she could whack her best friend with some common sense – Cas was leaving and getting closer did not seem like a good way to avoid further heart break. The entire place was eerily quiet and empty. Then Katie remembered it was Sunday morning, before eight, and of course no one was here ... she felt like an idiot.

The door to what looked like a large warehouse was locked. Luckily Sam was able to use the bobby pin that Lianne had in her pocket to unlock the large metal door. Quickly, everyone rushed inside, the door slamming behind them.

Complete and utter darkness.

Katie could not even see the end of her nose. The warehouse-type building had no windows and none of the lights were on.

"Cas, you and Sarah better be fully clothed by the time we get the lights," Dean laughed, and Katie knew he probably had his flirty little smirk firmly in place. His disembodied voice came from somewhere in front of her in the darkness.

"Are you jealous Dean?" Lianne asked, she seemed to be to Katie's left. "I read on the internet that you and Castiel were a couple."

A choked sound, that Katie was sure was Sam trying to not to laugh, was followed by a shuffling movement and a groan of pain. It seemed Dean had either elbowed or punched Sam ... she couldn't be sure.

"We need a light," Sarah was saying.

"Oh! I have a light," Lianne said. There was more shuffling sounded, and then a small, tiny light. Katie recognized it immediately. Lianne two years ago had bought a keychain of a unicorn, that when you squeezed it, the tip of its horn lit up. As a flashlight it was pathetic. Barely lighting anything up, it was enough in this complete darkness to create the outlines and barely make out each other.

Sam was clutching his side and sending a very familiar bitch-face at his older brother, who was too busy rolling his eyes when he noticed Lianne's keychain was a unicorn. Sarah and Cas were still holding hands. There was no time. Only four minutes left. Hurrying as fast as they could in the near-darkness, tripping over large wires and random equipment, Katie was the first one to recognize the half-room set of the living room she had spent so much time in so long ago.

They made it with two minutes to go. Katie let Sarah and Castiel have their own, private moment, as she and Lianne hugged Sam and Dean tightly.

"If you're ever in the neighbourhood again, look us up anytime," Katie laughed, trying to hold back any tears which threatened to fall.

"Definitely," Sam laughed, hugging her tightly.

Lianne hugged Dean then Sam, taking a step back and then waving a hand in front of her, as if throwing something on them.

"Uh, what?" Dean asked, still a bit unbalanced around the odd girl with crazy hair.

"Positive thoughts," Lianne explained. "This should help protect you two a bit."

"Um, thanks," Sam tried to sound genuine, but as Lianne smiled and looked away both him and Dean shared a scared look of bemusement.

"So, this is it ... again," Sarah said, looking around the eerily quiet set.


"Okay," Sarah looked up trying to blink tears back. "Oh, I said I wouldn't cry. This sucks. Really, really, sucks, but I wanted to tell you something."

Castiel waited, not saying a word, but looking intensely at her. Sarah tried to desperately memorize his eyes, and mouth, and cheek bones ... it suddenly seemed more important than anything else in the world to memorize each and every inch of his face.

"I know you're fighting a civil war in heaven and I won't ask you to stay. I know why you need to go. I get that you need to stop Raphael ... but I want you to promise me. If you need me, in any way, whether it's for moral support, or because the war is done, or if you just get too far in and need a way out ... promise me that you'll come back and find me."

"Sarah," Castiel hesitated, Sarah knew he wasn't about to promise that.

"Cas, you are amazing," Sarah told him, sensually stroking her thumb against his cheek before threading her fingers into his hair and bringing his forehead to rest against hers. "But you can't live your life detached from everyone else. Promise me that before you do anything drastic or if you feel like there is no one to turn to or that no one will understand ... you know where I live now. Promise that you'll come to me. I don't want to see you hurt."

Still Castiel hesitated. Feeling desperate, needing him to promise, Sarah closed the mere inches that separated their lips and gently sucked on his bottom lip before opening her mouth in a kiss that held the promise for so much more that would never happen. It was wonderful and hurt and was perfect and Sarah never wanted it to end. By the way Castiel's hand pressed against her back and brought her flush against his body Cas also did not want to stop; though she was careful to not press against the bandaged side the gunshot had gone through. But the powerful need for him to promise was more pervasive. Breaking from the kiss, Sarah tried to catch her breath, "Promise me."

"I promise."

Sarah felt a bit smug that his voice was even rawer then before.

"Look!" Lianne said, pointing at the fake window which had started to glow with some bizzaro symbol. It was reminiscent of a punch in the gut, the feeling that hit her with the force of a freight train when she saw the symbol. Castiel moved away from her, wearing his 'Welcome to Nova Scotia' sweater and still walking favouring his non-wounded side. Don't be silly. He promised. You'll see him again. Don't cry. Don't be a baby about this. Just smile and nod.

Moving between Katie and Lianne, she felt a bit better as their arms wrapped around her shoulder and waist in silent support. As the boys looked back one last time, Sarah couldn't help but yell out the one spoiler she knew about what was coming up.

"Have fun in the Wild West boys!" she yelled out, causing Dean to whip his head around in excitement.

"What?" He asked.

"Dean we need to go NOW," Castiel commanded, not looking back at Sarah. This time though, Sarah found it didn't bother her as much. If she was Castiel ... Sarah didn't know if she could look back before literally running out of his life.

The three of them took two large steps before launching themselves at the window. Sarah couldn't help the small little tear which escaped, right before they hit the window pane ...

... and landing with a thud on the other side.

Sharing a bewildered glance and Katie and Lianne, the three of them ran to Castiel, Sam and Dean's side as they lay groaning on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked, quickly at Castiel's side, as he sat up, shaking his head as if to clear it.

His blue eyes blinked dramatically and he looked over at Sarah, tilting his head in the familiar motion that Sarah knew so well.

"Who're you?" He asked, and Sarah couldn't help the squeak of pain she made, snapping back a bit, giving him space. Castiel wasn't looking at her anymore; instead he was too busy looking over at Sam and Dean, who were also starting to sit up. "Jared? Jensen? God, I feel like I was roofied ... Jared?"

With a sinking feeling, Sarah realised what had happened ... and she looked at Katie and Lianne scared shitless. Who could they explain this? If these people were really Misha, Jared and Jensen, what were they to do?

"Dude, my head is pounding," Jared moaned, cradling his hand in massive hands, as Jensen got to his feet unsteadily.

"Who're you three?" Jensen asked, before realizing, thanks to Lianne's little keychain which Sarah would later be impressed she was still squeezing. "Why are you three on set?"

"That's ..." Katie tried to think of something to say but ... anything they said would sound insane.

"You three dragged us here!" Lianne yelled at them, waving around her keychain.

"What?" Jared asked, joining Jensen, having to hold his co-worker's shoulder as he almost fell back onto his ass.

"That's right! You had some sort of freaky freak-out, thought you were actually Sam and Dean and Castiel. Stormed off set. Flew to Halifax. Kidnapped us! And brought us here, saying how you need to jump through a window, you weirdos! I didn't even know this show existed until you three psychotics charged into our life!" Lianne cried out. Sarah hoped her shocked face was close enough to 'scared' that they could maybe get away with this.

Misha laughed, his smile seemed wrong on his face – but Sarah supposed it was just because Castiel wouldn't smile like that. Therefore this ... lookalike shouldn't smile like that. "This is a joke right? Okay guys, where's everyone else?"

"Joke?" Lianne said, sounding both angry and scared-shitless at the same time. Randomly Sarah thought that perhaps Lianne should have tried acting. "You don't believe us? I'm sure you have cell phones, check it yourself!"

It took one minute of stiff silence as Misha and Jared pulled out their cell phones, Jensen merely looking on Jared's screen. It was obvious they had found the many articles which had been published by their freak out, as the colour drained from their face. Jared looked up at the three girls huddled together; looking like someone had punched him in the stomach.

"I am so sorry we kidnapped y'all," he said, sounding so genuine and unlike Sam that both Sarah and Katie flinched noticeably, luckily the men seemed to think it was because they had been kidnapped.

"Listen, I don't know why ..." Jensen apologized. "Is there anything we can do? Get you guys home?"

These people standing in front of them were so ... soft, gentle, caring, and open ... nothing like Sam or Dean. Dean would put his life on the line to save someone's life, but Sarah was sure that he wouldn't worry too much about how they got themselves home afterwards. And even if he did, he would be a lot more blunt and abrupt then this ... Jensen-guy.

"You already bought us tickets for a flight back," Katie said softly, her eyes darting between the three actors, completely unnerved. "We just need a ride back to the airport for this afternoon."

"Sure, we'll give you a ride," Jared said enthusiastically, obviously happy to do something positive for his supposed kidnapped victims. "We'll call Cliff! Cliff can give you a ride! Anything y'all need. Just name it. We're all so sorry. I never thought all these hours would actually ... we're sorry."

Much more talkative than Sam.

"We just need a ride," Sarah found herself speaking, her eyes never leaving Misha, who seemed unsettled by her intense stare. Which was odd, it was always Sarah unsettled by Castiel's stare. That more than anything was the final evidence Sarah needed to take a step back and close her eyes. Opening them, she looked towards Jensen and Jared.

"We'll be fine after that."

There was nothing left in that warehouse for her anymore. Nothing left but the only desire to get back home and sleep for a week.

AN: The end. No seriously, I am ending this right now. I never really intended for a sequel and now that it is all said and done, I have to admit ... I am happy that I did it, but it's definitely time to stop. So tell me what you thought! I know some people were hoping Sarah and Castiel would end up together, but after many conversations with my "Katie" about the pros and cons, I finally decided to end it this way. It just felt a bit more true to Surviving December. So hopefully you liked it, even if it was not what you were hoping for.

Also ... NEWS: My next Supernatural fanfiction is ... "Backwards Motion". Kate Winchester is about to get a little lesson about her family history by skipping backwards through time. Basically I am taking six seasons of Supernatural and telling the story backwards focusing on seasons 1-5. Yay! Thank you to everyone who voted. Don't worry if you wanted the Dean-centric one, I'll write that one after I'm done with this one. The first chapter should be up tonight or tomorrow morning!

So thank you one last time! Please review! Much love,
