A/N This is my first ever ever fanfic! Hope you like it... it's just a drabble of an effort of my first one-shot. Enjoy!

What Just Happened?

Sonny's POV

My eyes popped as I walked into my dressing room. It was trashed!

Only one person could have done this...

"CHAD!" I yelled, storming into the Mack Falls set. Chasity and Skylar were the only ones on set, and they glanced over, saw me, but didn't say anything. Chasity rolled her eyes and Skylar just grinned and waved. I opened my mouth to speak, but-

"He's in his dressing room," Portlyn told me, looking irritated and amused at the same time.

"Go!" One of them said. I didn't know his name. Was he new? Hm...

Oh, yeah, Chad. I hurried off.

Soon enough, I reached his door, with its gold star and general stuck-up jerkthrob look. I considered knocking, but he never gave me the courtesy, so...

"COOPER!" I screamed, slamming through the door.

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" he said cockily from his couch, popping his collar. He was watching Mackenzie Falls.

"Really, Chad, really?" I said sarcastically, pointing at the screen.

"What, I'm the greatest-"

"No, you're not; now let me get to the point, COOPER!" I yelled, cutting him off.

He turned to face me.

"What do you want, Munroe?" he snapped. "As you can see, I'm trying to watch the number one Tween show here,"

I growled and rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

"What did you do to my dressing room?" I yelled. He started to speak, but I cut him off. "No, I know what you did, I wanna know why you did it!" I was so mad I wasn't even making sense anymore. Did he have to ruin my every day here at the studios? Apparently so.

"I can't answer your question, because I have NO IDEA what it is I'm supposed to have done to that hole you call a dressing room," he sneered at me. I growled again.

"You know exactly what is I'm talking about!"

"Not sorry, I don't!"






"DO! Aah!" I grinned. He fell for it again.

"See, you admitted it," I said triumphantly.

"I hate to be honest Munroe, but I really don't know what you're talking about. When you find out who did do it, though, call me. I wanna send them flowers for managing to get you so mad." Gosh, he's so irritating! And ho- I mean hateful...

Yeah. Let's go with that.

I checked the time on my phone. Oh, man, I was late for rehearsal!

"Great, Cooper! You made me late for rehearsal!"

"Oh, so it's my fault you came over here to falsely accuse me?"

"Yes, it is!" Okay, I admit that didn't make sense. I wasn't telling him that though.

"Fine!" Maybe he didn't notice?



"Good!" He was on his feet now, and moving closer, to get in my face. But my heart sped up at his proximity.

"Fi-fine!" I refused to let him get me.


"Go-" I was interupted with him kissing me. Oh... Wait what! He was kissing me!

He pulled back.

"So are we good?" he asked

"Oh, we're so good," I answered automatically, dazed.

"And remember," he said pecking me on the lips again. "Tell me who it was caused you to come over this fine morning," he said, kissing me one more time, before I turned, and stumbled out.

What just happened?



Chad's POV

"Whoa," I whispered, touching my lips.

"What just happened?"

So? Love it? Hate it? Review! Let me know if I should wrote more... or just give up at my embarrassing attempt to write...


Nangelgirl x