Harry Potter had been summoned to Dumbledore's office after his exciting adventure at the Ministry where he had been saved by Zatanna and the Justice League. He arrived early in the morning grateful that Dumbledore was running Hogwarts again. He was just as happy that Umbridge was leaving. He would have been insane with pleasure if he had known where he was about to wind up. Harry entered Dumbledore's office just in time to see Fawkes erupting into flames. No matter how many times he saw it, Harry knew that he would never get used to it.

"Burning day, professor?" Harry asked.

"I'm afraid so," Dumbledore confirmed.

"I'll never get used to it," Harry sighed.

"I know that it can be a bit unnerving," Dumbledore agreed.

"Why did you want to see me?" Harry wondered.

"I was wondering if you have any questions for me," Dumbledore answered.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Harry piped up. "What was the big fuss over this ball?"

"Concentrate on the ball," Dumbledore commanded.

Harry did so and a voice appeared in his head.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."

"So I am the one who is supposed to fight Voldemort?" Harry wondered in awe.

"It would seem so," Dumbledore answered. "Now I must ask that you leave that with me so I can hide it in save keeping."

Doleres Umbridge was packing her things to leave Hogwarts. When she had finished packing, she came upon a startling discovery. Her diary was missing. She knew that she could be in a lot of trouble if the wrong person read it. She tore the place upside down looking for it. Finally, she decided to leave and hope for the best.

When the hated teacher left her office for the last time, there was a line of students jeering at her. There was clearly no love lost at her departure. Peeves was adding to the festivities by flying around her and blowing raspberries. Umbridge hurriedly left the castle in a hurry in case the students decided to throw things. When she got out, she found a rather ominous sight. There was woman in an orange robe with long dark hair staring down at her.

"Leaving so soon, Delores?" Zatanna barked.

"Who are you?" Umbridge demanded.

"My name is Katie McGwire," Zatanna sneered.

"I'm not familiar with that name," Umbridge spat.

"Are you familiar with the name Lily Evans?" Zatanna wanted to know.

"Everyone is," Umbridge replied. "So what?"

"She was my best friend at Hogwarts," Zatanna explained. "Unfortunately for you, it also means than I am Harry's godmother."

"I don't have time for this," Umbridge grumbled as she tried to leave which caused Zatanna to shove her back.

"Just a minute," Zatanna protested as she pulled Umbridge's diary from her robe. "I have something that you might be interested in."

"Where did you get that?" Umbridge howled.

"I think the important question is 'What is going to happen when Madam Bones reads this?'" Zatanna laughed

"What are you going to do?" Umbridge probed.

"I'm not going to do anything," Zatanna cackled as she pointed behind her. "He is."

The shadow of a giant bat suddenly engulfed Umbridge and she screamed bloody murder. A few minutes later, Harry came up with his things to board the train. He received a pleasant surprise when he got outside. Umbridge was hanging upside down suspended by a black cable with a gag in her mouth. He also found his godmother surveying the scene with a pleased grin on her face.

"What's going on?" Harry questioned.

"You'll be happy to know that she is through forever," Zatanna explained. "She sent the Dementors after you. We have proof."

"Wow!" Harry exclaimed. "Did your friend do this?"

"You guessed it," Zatanna confirmed as she motioned towards the gate. "I thought that I would ride on the train with you."

"Great!" Harry answered as he started to leave. "So long, Umbridge! I always knew that this place would drive you batty!"

Zatanna rode on the train with Harry since she had one final mission to fulfill. She bought snacks for Harry and all of his friends. Unlike the first time, they all knew who had done it. For most of the train ride home, Ron tried to beat Zatanna at chess. Even though Ron was the best chess player at Hogwarts, he did not have a prayer of beating Zatanna. Every time that he thought he was going to win, she pulled off a miraculous move to get out of it.

"Where did you learn to play chess like that?" Ron complained.

"From Remus," Zatanna revealed.

Ron finally gave up on the last part of the trip and played Exploding Snap with Harry. When the train pulled into the station, Harry left with his baggage and hugged his godmother.

"I'm going to miss you!" Harry proclaimed.

"I'm not leaving yet," Zatanna answered. "I have some business with your uncle."

"What kind of business?" Harry asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You'll see!" Zatanna giggled.

Zatanna walked through the barrier just behind Harry and her eyes narrowed considerably when she saw the current object of her despise. She rolled up her sleeves and marched over to Vernon Dursley. Several Hogwarts students gathered around in a circle since they seemed to since that trouble was brewing.

"I want a word with you!" Zatanna demanded.

"And who are you?" Mr. Dursley snarled.

"I am Katie McGwire, Harry's godmother," Zatannna explained. "Perhaps Lily metioned me to Petunia."

"No," Vernon spat.

"That's not important," Zatanna spoke as he noticed Superman just entering the station. "What is important is that you are going to start treating Harry a lot better from now on!"

"If a don't?" Vernon snarled.

"Then our next meeting will not be so pleasant," Zatanna explained. "My friends and I will be checking on Harry from time to time. If you don't start feeding Harry like a person and if you don't stop your idiot son from picking on Harry, we will make your life very miserable."

"Are you trying to intimidate me?" Vernon spat as he started to turn purple.

"That was my intention," Zatanna answered while waving at Superman to come over. "However, I can clearly see that you are no match for me. Superman, will you please help Harry load his luggage into the car?"

"Sure," Superman agreed, picking up all of Harry's luggage including the metal carrier and effortlessly putting it on his shoulder. "Which car is it, Harry?"

"Ahhh!" Vernon screamed as he tried to run away only to run into a pillar.

"That one," Harry declared as he pointed at the car.

"You will do everything that my friend said?" Superman asked.

"Y-y-yes, sir," Vernon squeaked.


AN: Thanks to everyone who reviewed this story. I had a lot of fun writing it especially the part where Superman melted Fudge's candle.