A/N: Here is a short little thing I wrote because I felt like it. A review would be nice, I know alot of writers are up in arms about the lack of reviews, but I wrote this because I wanted to, and sharing it with the world is just a bonus, so if someone decided to review/leave a comment then great but if not I wont lose any sleep :)

Sara Sidle wasn't the type to go out drinking after work. Occasionally she would have a quiet beer at home alone to wind down or share a bottle of wine with Grissom over a meal but to go out specifically to get drunk wasn't much like her at all. It had been a tough day, another harrowing case involving things and people she didn't want to think about. Grissom had been petulant with the whole team as the case load built during the shift, the whole team was feeling the pressure and Grissom's irratable manner and catty comments were helping no-one. Least of all Sara. Who eventually snapped back at him. They hadn't spoken all day after that. Grissom had left without saying goodbye. Sara had accepted Nick and Greg's invitation for a drink and didn't bother to call or text Grissom to tell him she would be late home.

Just as he was nodding off on the sofa, Grissom was startled by muffled sounds from behind the front door. There was some rattling of the door and a few curses and eventually he heard the key slide into the lock and Sara all but fell up the last step and through the doorway. Grissom got up and made his way over to the door, he was relieved to see Nick was the one guiding her home in her inebriated state.

"There we go, drink plenty of water and get some sleep." He told Sara.

"Thankyou for getting her home safely Nicky." Grissom patted the younger man on the arm, "And thankyou for the text message earlier." Little did Sara know Nick had sent Griss a message confirming she was out with him when Sara had let it slip they had fought and she hadn't told him.

"You're welcome boss. G'night."

"Night." Grissom closed the door and turned around to Sara lay prostrate on the sofa. He sighed and went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

"Am I drunk?" Sara slurred as he arrived back in the room, placing the glass on the coffee table beside the sofa.

"It would appear so." Grissom answered as he sat down in the small space between her head and the arm of the sofa. She lifted her head and scooted up the sofa to rest it in his lap.

"Don't be grumpy with meee." She whined, "I do..don't like it when you're -hic- all grumpy like this."

Grissom sighed and moved his hand to brush her hair out of her face. "I don't like it when you don't come home after work and don't tell me where you are." He decided, after he spoke, that it probably wasn't the best time to discuss this.

After a few attempts Sara managed to sit up, she stumbled whilst she kicked off her shoes and walked back over to where Grissom was sat, she put her hands on his shoulders for support and climbed onto his lap, straddling his legs. "I'm sorry, but that case was... and you were.." Although she seemed unable to think of adjectives at this given moment, Grissom knew what she was trying to say. He had been shocked by the case, as they all had, but the anger he felt witnessing the crime scene didn't need to be used against his team, least of all Sara.

"I'm sorry too. I was.. grumpy." He smirked quoting her. She looked adorable perched on his knee, hands around his neck, lids half shut and lips parted as she sucked in some heavy breaths. She leant forward burying her head in the space between his neck and shoulder and groaned.



"I feel sick."