Yes I am writing a new fic, and yes your welcome to hunt me down and shoot me for writing more fic's when I need to just finish my others lol. I couldn't get this out of my head and while I had a virus on my computer I had to do something to get by. So writing this fic was it. Hope you enjoy and yes it is weird. I got a little help with this fic thankx to the song 'Evil angel' and 'Choking.' This is not a song fic's no worries.


Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or Sakura. Or Itachi I guess either. Lol

Chapter one:

Somewhere someplace...(dundundun?)

Sakura took the kunai to the stomach as it ripped through her clothes, and into her tender flesh. She however didn't stop as she cut down the red haired female while continuing to her next opponent. The female had caught her off guard, only for a moment, at Sakura's shock of seeing her old teammate again. She had been in-gauged in battle with out so much as a hello from that ungrateful prick, so she would show him. She wasn't weak and she would take down his entire team.

All the friendship she had thought she had with this raven haired male, she long forgot. She was long ago released of any bond she thought she had with him. It seemed the only thing to matter to him was death and revenge. Though one would come quicker to him then the other she was sure.

The next opponent was a large man that she took a punch from to the jaw, but retaliated and sent him into a tree. He got up slowly she was sure she broke a few ribs. He rushed her only to be cut down as well. It was pathetic, she was taking down his entire team alone with out much of a work out.

The third opponent was a little trickier but not by much, the out come the same as the others, except with a little more of a wound to her. She got a few cuts to her person, but nothing she couldn't heal. Though the blood loss wasn't welcome. She sure the hell wasn't going to die in a battle against one of his lackeys. If she died it would be against him. She wasn't afraid of dying. She was willing to bet this was her last battle anyway. Her last stand so to say. She was glad it would be with him. If she were to die she would hope he would as well. A battle to the death.

It was funny that this would be her last moments. She would die here most likely but so would he and his team. It was ironic because with her would die all his dreams. Sort of how he killed all her dreams, at least dreams of a future with him. She had other dreams, but she supposed she didn't have to complete them. As long as he died here she wouldn't regret any of it. Even leaving her friends and family. It was worth it.

That evil son of a bitch sat there against the tree and watched each of his teammates die at her hand, and never even batted an eye lash. With a bit of redirected chakra she could heal most of her major wounds with out batting an eyelash as well. They stared off as the only thing in between them was the bodies of his teammates.

She had to say killing someone she had thought once her friend, once loved, and thought of as a brother like Naruto, wouldn't be easy. Though she figured he didn't care about them so why care at all for him. There was nothing to link them together anymore. He was just another missing-nin needing killed. She just happen to know him.

They started the battle and it lasted longer then she would have liked though he seemed blank she could see the confused surprise in his eyes that he wasn't winning immediately, she was putting up a fight. She couldn't last much longer she was low on chakra and the blood loss didn't help matters. She hadn't slept on her mission back to Konoha either. All this adding to her slowing and ultimately how he stabbed her in the arm and how she got past to stab him in the chest. He stiffened and looked almost shocked as he stared down at the kunai. He stumbled back but took the kunai he used to stab her arm and slash it across her closed eyes. Eyes she closed seconds before he struck. She opened her eyes as pain shot through them. Her vision was blurred and blotched with spots of blood.

So this was the end after all. As much as she wanted to live, it seemed the end had come at last. She had wondered how long it would take for this day to come. She at least got the pleasure of taking someone with her. Sakura never realized death came so quickly. No goodbyes to anyone not even yourself, there was no time to except your fate. How could a few moments help you to except your own death? Sakura had given this last wager all she had. She Shoved the kunai in his chest deeper with a sudden palmed punch and blood was coughed up. He glared at her, and even though her hazed red vision she could see the pain and anger across his face as he weakly pushed her. She landed hard on her knees as he backed up to land on his butt in the snow painted red with their blood.

Sakura watched Sasuke struggle as he pulled the kunai out of his chest. He heaved struggling to breathe as he died. She simply smiled and fell back into the bloody snow. Her back hit the warm cold. She watched the snow flakes fall with hazy blotched vision and smiled.

She was proud her last gamble would be his as well. Sasuke was through causing Naruto pain, causing her family pain, causing her pain.

' It serves you right Sasuke-kun.' She thought with satisfaction. She watched the snow fall maybe for the last time. Most certainly for the last time, she figured. Blood ran down her face like tears as she smiled to herself. She wasn't happy to die. She was choking with fear of what death would bring, but she smiled regardless because she wouldn't be going in alone.

Somewhere else... ( I know original)

He heard the battle from the camp they had set just out of the village. They had been traveling for a long time on a mission from Leader. The large blue man waited at the camp while he walked to the battle scene not a mile away from him. He had not expected to find what he did. He watched the familiar pink haired ANBU battle with his little brother's team. One by one they dropped like flies and finally she came to his brother. They faced off and just from the bored look on Sasuke's face, Itachi could tell his little brother did not think he needed to worry about her. He did not take her as a fair opponent, but from what Itachi had seen he could tell his little brother was just as foolish as ever.

So he watched this battle play out as her chakra grew short, and as his brother started to realize he needed to actually concentrate on the battle, once Sasuke realized he shouldn't have taken her lightly it was too late. Itachi's body jerked a little when he watched his little brother suffer a death blow. Of course the woman was wounded as well as a last resort from Sasuke, she could very well be blinded. His brother fell to the bloody snow coughing up blood with nothing but pain and anger across his face, no doubt for being killed before he could kill his elder brother.

The girl he remembered as Sakura Haruno, his little brothers ex-teammate with the fox Naruto Uzumaki. The top medic in the country only under Tsunade the Hokage herself. Apparently ANBU, this little girl had grown up fast into a top ranking Shinobi who took out Sasori and fought against more then her fair share of nin. She was in the bingo books.

She fell back in the snow and he walked into the clearing seeing no point not to with his brothers dying gasps he couldn't have even seen him in his last moments of clouded death hazing on him. Where Itachi had thought she had fainted she was staring up at the sky with wounded eyes coated in blood. He wasn't sure she could even see at all but she was smiling up at the sky. He stood over her looking down at her with his black hair falling into his face. She smiled wider and reached out to touch his hair with a finger tip covered in the blood she was laying in.

Sasuke drew his last wheezing breath, but he couldn't have the heart to care as he watched the beautiful pink haired girl laying before him smiling up at him as if he wasn't even there, but he could tell she saw him even with the damage done to her eyes. She could have made out his form at least. As his brother died in anger and regret she smiled up at the sky and him, and would die in peace it seemed. Her amusement confused him. She was smiling as if she had just seen the funniest thing and she didn't look nor feel afraid as he knelt at her side in the blood ridden snow.

He didn't know what possessed him to take his hand and lightly touch the blood that trailed down her face from her wound like tears. He didn't know what possessed him to do it, or why but before he took his hand back, she spoke almost startling him.

" Death is unexpected isn't it?" She asked almost too softly to hear. Her voice was soft and sweet even to his ears. He took his hand back instantly as her smile widened despite the pain she must feel, or perhaps she felt no pain at all. She maybe too far gone by now to feel a thing. Perhaps that was why she was smiling. He decided to amuse her so he answered her. He wondered if she knew who he was, or if she knew he was even real.

" Yes." He said almost as softly as she had. Her smile widened and her eyes locked with his. He remembered her bright jade eyes. The eyes now were badly wounded and filled with blood. He didn't know how long she would be able to see before her vision failed completely, or how long she would live if at all. She didn't seem too badly wounded, and wouldn't die if he helped her.

" I bet he was lonely," She said softly again her smile wavering but not dying, then she asked, " Are you lonely?" He stared down at her. He looked over to his little brothers sightless dull eyes staring at him, as if in death he wanted his elder brother to see the anger and betrayal he felt. Itachi looked up to the snow filled sky then closed his eyes.

" Yes." He answered honestly. She sighed in contempt and then went silent. He thought perhaps she had finally died but he could still feel her chakra hanging on, feel her life. She smiled a funny smile, that he thought might be a little insane.

" Put me to sleep, evil angel." He stared down at her in surprise as she finally closed her eyes a flash of pain crossed her face. He wondered if she had finally lost her mind. She reached up with a hand to hover over her closed eyes. She was blind now, he could tell by the twist of her lips into a ironic type of smile. Her hand shook and she dropped it to her chest with a deep sigh. Her voice wavered when she spoke again.

" Don't leave me to die here." So as she passed out he picked her up, unsure if he decided to save her because of her request, or because she had caught his attention.


She was in a type of darkness so deep she could no longer remember what light was. For a panicking moment she thought she had forgotten color, light, and all the things she had seen, but a flash of memory and she remembered seeing him through the haze of red. He was the last thing she would ever see. It made her smirk. It would figure that that man would be the last thing she would ever see. Him and his long black hair trailing over her as he knelt touching her face wiping her cheek as if wiping tears. With his deep onyx eyes showing curiosity, but not anger or sorrow. He only thought she was interesting or he would not have bothered being with her in her last moments. Well at least she could die with a pleasant sight in mind, and the knowledge she amused the one and only Itachi Uchiha. That had to be an accomplishment of some sort.

Of course when she thought to death, she realized she wasn't dead just yet. Waking to darkness wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world as panic started. She knew she shouldn't panic. She was blind, but it's a rational fear not being able to see. One for a Shinobi was much more serious and frightening.

She was alive, though for how long she wasn't sure. She wasn't as badly hurt as she had first thought, her wounds already healing, except for the one across her eyes. She hesitated healing it. She wasn't sure the damages extent and her chakra was too low to try. She knew though with out looking her vision was permanently gone. No amount of healing could recover what was lost.

Once she calmed herself down she realized she was being carried by warm arms strong. She could hear the sounds of soft breathing coming from the man carrying her and his partner who's steps were much heavier. The crunch of snow and the cold wind on her face at least said she was very much alive. She had lost a lot of blood, and her chakra was dangerously low, though if she could get to a warm place with food and water she would be able to rest and rebuild strength. She faltered though. With out sight how would she ever get back to Konoha. She didn't know why Itachi had saved her. She knew however if he had saved her it was for a very good reason, most likely as a medic for Akatsuki.

She raised a shaking hand that seemed to weigh more then it did to her face as she felt the bandages there. Someone had wrapped a bandage around her eyes and head. She was grateful for that at least. As soon as her hand moved to touch her face the person carrying her no doubt Itachi Uchiha himself stopped walking.

" You are alive Sakura Haruno. Sasuke blinded you." He said as way of explanation in case she did not remember. She remembered. His voice was a rumbling deep that she felt against her side and face that was pressed against his chest. He smelt like blood and forest. It was a disturbing relaxing scent. She wasn't so much afraid of being blind as she would have thought. It was an acceptable loss she figured.

She didn't respond to him just settled in his arms, once he realized she wasn't going to speak he started walking again. The trip was done in the silence of soft breaths and even softer footfalls. The snow melting against her skin was almost as comforting as the thought that she was alive. Though the not so comforting thoughts were that she would most likely never get home, and that she had a fever.

Itachi was surprised she didn't have any questions what so ever. She didn't ask why he saved her, where they were going, or anything of the sort. She lay docile in his arms. She was much lighter then he had thought and even smaller then she looked with soft curves and hard taunt muscle under her ANBU uniform. She lay helpless in his arms, and she knew it. Perhaps that was why she didn't say anything to him. Frankly thinking on it further he wondered if saving her had actually been a rescue at all. She would be blind for the rest of her life and he for one knew what it was like to be a Shinobi with lack of vision. He could see, but not as well as he could when he was younger. His vision was fading and he wondered if in a few years he would be in her place as well.

She could no longer be a Shinobi with no sight. What would she do when she knew nothing else in life? He frowned but let her to her thoughts. He had always been comfortable in silence and Kisame knew how to stay quiet.


Kisame glanced at the pink haired female. He knew the girl of course, but not very well. It wasn't as if they had hung out at bars or anything. They had been enemies when he had come across her, but he knew her in a way. She had grown up in more ways then one since the last time they had seen her. She looked more like a Kunoichi then a little kid playing Shinobi. With that long pink hair trailing down her waist though covered in dirt, blood, and wounds, she was still beautiful and nothing even scars would change that. Even blinded she was beautiful.

Thus Kisame had to wonder Itachi's motives for rescuing the girl after she had just finished killing his little brother none the less. Did Itachi see potential? She was a medic if he remembered correctly. Did he have plans for her then to heal him or be of use to the Organization? Did Itachi even know why he saved her from her slow death? Apparently her wounds looked worse then they were, but her flushed face couldn't be good at all. And he certainly knew it wasn't from the shocked embarrassment of sitting on Itachi's lap that had her face flushed.

She had to have been running a fever and Itachi had to realize it as well, he was touching the girl, if he couldn't tell her body temperature was up then there were problems. Kisame was sitting in front of the caves entrance keeping watch for the night and even he knew she had a fever from yards away.

Itachi sat against the cave wall in front of a small fire. Sakura sat huddled on his lap in his Akatsuki cloak. He had noticed her fever spike and knew if it didn't break they would be in trouble, well she would be in risk of death, and he hadn't saved her for her to die. Her breathing was labored but she didn't make a sound of complaint even when he had set her firmly on his lap. She didn't look uncomfortable in his arms at all. He had an arm securely around her waist to hold her in place in case she fainted. It would keep her from falling forward into the fire at least, though he was slightly regretting holding her so close. He never had liked personal contact. Of course she was overly warm which kept him warm as well at least.

Kisame wondered why Itachi was acting almost kind with the girl. Was it her condition that caused him to act gentle toward her. The fact that they knew her? Or was it that she had impressed him by killing Sasuke, and his entire team with out dying? With Itachi it was hard to tell. Kisame had worked as a partner with him for years and still didn't know how he thought. Kisame just didn't under stand his 'safe' act with her. The woman was sleeping in his arms though trembling no doubt from her fever. Though she was comfortably relaxing in his arms with her head on his shoulder exposing her throat to him. By exposing her throat she was trusting her life in their hands. Either she realized they wouldn't kill her because, why would you rescue someone then kill them, or she simply didn't care either way if she died or not. He was betting the latter.

She could very well be in shock right now, with a fever who knew how high, blood loss, risk of infection. All these medical terms he had no clue about. Itachi's arm tightened on her waist as the trembling started worse. Her body shook with the force of it. Itachi wasn't sure whether from cold or fear. He kept her close to his warmth either way. Of course if she was afraid simply of him, and holding her so close was scaring her that could be why she was shaking so hard, but he really doubted it was fear. She had never shown fear of him in all the times he had seen her and now was no exception.

She's a capable Kunoichi who knew her situation, and was dealing with it like a real pro. The Hokage and Hatake Kakashi had trained her well. Of course she had to have been trained well to become a ANBU. She could be thinking anything at the moment because he knew she was not sleeping. She could very well be realizing at the moment her life was over in a way. She would be forced to change her life and self to merge into the new situation being blind caused her. Of course she could also be wondering what he and the Akatsuki wanted with a blind Kunoichi. She could either realize she was being taken and used as a medic, or bait for the fox, or even worse be used as a sex slave.

She didn't show any fear, regardless of her current situation, regardless of what she must be thinking anywhere from bad to worse. Right now she was helpless until she could adjust to her new conditions. Of course holding her so close could very well make her think the worst of him. He grit his teeth as she continued to tremble, but she surprised him once again by doing something shocking and digging her nails into the arm around her waist. Not to make him let go, but to keep his arm around her. Obviously not afraid of him he almost relaxed not realizing why her fear of him or not mattered so much to him.

He couldn't understand why she was putting so much trust into him. Him a Akatsuki criminal, a missing-nin, a murderer. Though she could very well just know he was the only thing, only one, who could help her right now. It wouldn't be so much trust as reliance. With her silence it was hard to tell what she was thinking about. And for the first time he had trouble reading anything from someone. He couldn't see into her eyes to know emotion there, and her body language could be from any number of things. From fear, to fever, to shock, to cold. He couldn't tell if she was thinking like a wounded woman, or a wounded Kunoichi.

He supposed either way didn't matter. He felt an uncontrollable need to comfort and protect her which worried him. He couldn't place why he felt the strong urge or what made him act on her rescue. He couldn't explain his own actions let alone explain them to anyone else. He knew Kisame must wonder as well. He killed people with little regret, woman and men alike. Yet a little girl no older then eighteen he felt this uncontrollable need to care for? Was it because he knew her? Was it simply because he was impressed by her actions? Her feats at killing four people and making it out alive morally wounded or not? Was it simply his confusion of how she was so willing to die not in fear, but smiling in almost bliss. Not showing pain, or fear accepting it with a welcome smile. His little brother had died in hate and anger, and all he knew died similarly hating the world for taking their lives, yet she was smiling.

His memory took him back to when he knelt over her. Her words to him. Her calm soft words, her question and his answer. She had called him an evil angel. Was that was he was? An angel didn't seem to fit him, perhaps the evil did. She had wanted him to kill her. To put her to sleep. Yet then she asked him not to let her die there. He sighed and rested weary eyes.

His eyes ached from use. He limited the use of his Sharingan because it made things worse though with out it on he could see less then he would like. He would make things out and see close up but not very well, and certainly not enough to be comfortable with. Did he save her because she reminded him of a part of himself he let die? He ran his free hand over his eyes as her trembling slowed. She released the death grip on his forearm with her nails though her soft but roughly calloused hands held his arm, holding onto that comfort she relaxed in an almost boneless way, which again surprised him because he had thought she was relaxed. He stared down at her face inches from his own, so close his cheek brushed her soft hair.

There was a long scar across her throat that could have only been a battle scar, though a terrible one. Impressive for someone even a medic to survive a fatal wound like that. Her face was set in pain finally showing through her unaffected mask. She didn't make a sound or move an inch as fire shot across her eyes as pain, great pain, ran through her. Those bandages started to seep blood, and he realized she must have opened the wound he had tried to close to stop bleeding. No doubt she had been trying to heal herself which was why she was trembling with the effort. He had to give her credit even if she had failed to do it.

Blood started to stain the white wrap across her eyes. He shifted his weight and searched through his pack at his waist for another wrap which he found and placed in her hands. She fingered it as if wondering what it was, then she understood as he touched the side of her face. She jerked at the touch but didn't move more then that as he started to peel away the bloody bandage. Once unwrapped he could see where she had tried to heal it but not knowing the damage and not having enough chakra she failed. Her eyes were closed and there was a ragged scar in place of the wound on her eyelids only. She had healed that much, though he was sure she didn't do much more. The rest of the wound was still open and now bleeding, from just below her temples across her face from one side to the next right across her closed eyes.

He applied some pressure to stop the bleeding and after a short while it stopped. She had lost too much blood, though being a medic she had to realize it as well, and not eating anything he offered her wasn't going to help, though she could very well not have the stomach for food so he couldn't blame her. She is a medic, she knew what needed to be done.

He rebound her wound with a fresh bandage wrapping it fully around her eyes and head. The wrap covered most of her upper face from mid-forehead to just above the tip of her nose. The wound as already seen would scar but he wondered if it would matter, with scars or not she would remain beautiful. Skin tanned, yet pale from blood loss currently. Lush lips covered in a dusty pink rose color that looked full and soft. That soft yet firm body against his. As fit as a Kunoichi should be but with curves enough to be desirable. She had to be the most efficient Kunoichi in Konoha. Skilled medic, beautiful face, and perfectly applied form, skill of an ANBU class Shinobi. He could tell her breasts were bound down so knew she would have made a terrific Kunoichi for any job whether it be a mission to seduce or kill she was more then suited.

Itachi knew the mission she had been on was not to find and kill Sasuke. She had to have just stumbled across them on her way back to her village. He did not know her mission and had not grabbed her bag to look inside and see if she was to retrieve something or scout. She relaxed against him again after he secured the wrap. Her breathing grew deep yet lighter then a person in deep sleep. He closed his eyes as well but only slept a very light sleep. He wasn't a very good Shinobi if he wasn't aware at all times even when sleeping.

End chapter:

I decided to split this up into shorter chapters because a one-shot was just not going to work. With thirty some pages I don't think so lol. So review and tell me what you think ne? ^^
