A/N: Hello, fans of death note. I have decided to post one chapter of a few story ideas I have. The most popular one I will finish, the others will be discontinued until I finish the best one.

Another note: Rating may go up, I'm not sure were I'm going to go with this yet, but I have high hopes!

Disclaimer: I don't own death note.

October 3rd 2004

The brunette awoke, head foggy. Dazed, chestnut eyes surveyed the small, dark room. It was lit by a single, dim bulb; the walls were painted with flaky, pale cream paint; the only furniture was a small bed Raito was lying on, like the ones in prison cells, and there was a cast iron door opposite the bed. After a few minutes of letting his head clear, Raito started to think about his situation.

He was in a cell.

Was this one of Ryuzakis tricks? A test too see if he was Kira? He had been put in a situation like this before. No, last time he saw the detective, he was handcuffed to his wrist, there was no way he would do something like this. So what was going on?

Getting up, the young male noticed that he wasn't restrained in any way. This was odd, to put someone in a cell and not use restraints. It would make it easier for them to escape. Walking forward a few steps, Raito opened the door. That was another strange thing, that the door could be opened. It was a bit pointless to put someone in a cell, for them to be able to escape with ease, unless…

Raito stepped outside into a dull, grey hallway, lined with doors just like the one he just opened. "This hallway goes on forever" He thought, before something, or someone grabbed his attention. This confused looking someone was the last person he expected to see.

The raven haired man sat up, brushing some of his bangs from his eyes. He sighed, trying to remember what happened. Still slightly fuzzy in his mind, he remembered it was evening. Aizawa had left that day, so they were working extra hard that day, but this being the kira suspects 3rd all-nighter in a row, he wanted to go to bed. Raito fell to sleep instantly, as Ryuzaki went to his own bed and started working on his laptop. After a few hours of work he heard a sound. This couldn't have been the task force, everyone but Watari was a sleep, and Watari never disturbed him after Raito had gone to sleep. He decided to ignore the nose, but listen out in case of more. A couple of minutes later, Ryuzaki got a call on his cell phone.

"Yes, Watari, what is it?"

"Is everything okay? All the cameras are down, every single one."

"That's a little odd." Ryuzaki thought. He was about to reply when all of a sudden he heard a crash come from near the window. This made him jump; he dropped his phone on the ground. Before he had time to react he felt something cover his mouth as a hand blocked his vision. As he tried to struggle he began to feel faint. The thing that covered his mouth was a drugged rag. The last thing he heard before he blacked out was Wataris concerned voice, on the other end of the phone, before everything went quiet.

Raito walked up to the young detective, a few doors down.

"What's going on?" He asked, a confused expression on his face.

"I have no idea but…" He replied "It seems like we've been kidnapped.

"What! By Who?"

"I'm not sure."

"We have to find a way out of here."

"My thoughts exactly."

"Then, which way?"

The long corridor spread out far, seeming endless. It was impossible to figure out whether to go left or right, especially since both ways looked exactly the same.

"We could split up." Ryuzaki suggested.

"Ryuzaki, I think it would be better if we stick together. It would be easier to defend ourselves if we are in a group."

"Two is hardly a group, but, I suppose your right." Ryuzaki reluctantly replied as he brought his thumb up to his mouth.

The two geniuses decided to go left, as a completely random decision. They both decided that there was no way they would be able to figure out which was the right way. After about ten minutes of walking down the dull hallway, they found a wall, with a door. This door was different from all the others. It was smaller than the others, and made out of posh looking wood; it seemed much more delicate. Raito grabbed the sleek, shiny metal handle and twisted it, revealing that the door was in fact, unlocked. Raito slowly opened the door, unveiling what looked like a gigantic food hall.

"What … is this?" Raito questioned.

"What is going on?" Ryuzaki thought "Who was that person who brought us here? What was the purpose? Could someone have found out my identity and location?"

As the two young men walked in the room, the door slammed shut behind them.

"No use, it's locked." Raito announced after pulling at the door handle.

"Well, well, it looks like our new arrivals are here." A voice called out from now where.

"Who are you?" Called Ryuzaki.

"I am the puppet master!" The voice called, followed by a man dressed in black, much like Watari, out of a door on the other side of the room "And you two are going to play a little game with me."

"What do you mean game? Where are we?" Shouted Raito, it was more a demand than a question.

"Calm down Raito. You and L will get answers soon enough." The puppet master spoke, voice calm. With that, he left. After a few minutes of silence, Raito was first to sighed, then spoke out..

"So, what do we do now?"