Summary: Black Order: A society of supernatural beings. Objective: keep magic hidden from humans. Kanda, Lavi & Lenalee are members of the BO and fight against Noah who want to kill humanity. The third side of the war is worried about something bigger: The World


Prologue - 5 Years Ago

The woman ran into the conference room, sucked in a large breath to reveal her dreadful news to her 'colleagues'.

"They found him!" The room immediately fell into disarray, as each of the others panicked.

"What if they awaken him?" One yelled whilst others just simply sat wide eyed as they watched everyone lose their composure one by one.

"SILENCE!" Yelled a young boy. Everyone looked to the child.

"Sorry sir." A few mumbled whilst others just followed the order.

"Now act like the civilized people you are. If they wake him, they wake him. It's as simple as that. It's our job to make sure he doesn't lose control like last time. The seal will only last another six years at most, anyway. We knew this was coming soon." The other people all nodded in agreement. "We will have to make some arrangements. We need those necessary to be nearby at all times in case something goes wrong again."

"I still don't understand why we don't just eliminate him; get rid of the threat." A man who appeared to be in his late thirties snarled.

"He is the last. You know perfectly well what that means." The boy responded.


"The loss of an element is enough to destroy the earth. We cannot allow him to die or fall into the wrong hands. We should be grateful that the Black Order found him and not the others, with him, they could accomplish what they have set out to do in a heartbeat." A murmur of agreement circulated throughout the room.

"Who will go?" The same man asked.

"We need a member of each element." The boy pondered for a moment before speaking again and revealing his choice. "Ivy, Storm, Saraph." At the mention of their names two women and a man stepped forth, all appeared to be in their early twenties and were eager for a mission.

"But, my lord, they are only level threes, how can they hope to handle a level five, so powerful that it took four others of his station to seal him?" Yet again the man interrupted the boy. He was silenced however when he felt the ground shake beneath his feat and the child stood. An unearthly glow seemed to radiate from the chocolate skin, as cold brown eyes took in the figure who was shaking and unable to meet his gaze. The rest of the room had fallen silent and all the occupants kneeling on one knee, heads bowed, in an attempt to show their respect and keep the wrath from being redirected at them.

"You dare to question my choice?" The child's voice had become deeper and much too mature for the young body it originated from. "I don't ever want to see your face again, Thorn, leave my sight, and don't ever return." The only response he received was a squeak and then the man was scampering away. Slowly the boy lowered back into his seat, at the head of a large table, and took a deep breath. The effect was immediate. The lights, that had begun to flicker, returned to their previous bright glory and the air lost its magical zing, which had had all the others' hair on end. Everyone else relaxed and stood from their bows before seating themselves back in their appropriate seats around the table, all, that is, accept Saraph, Ivy and Storm. They re-approached the child to stand before him nervously.

"My Lord?" Ivy uttered.

"Ah, yes." The boy opened his eyes once more, having calmed himself and restrained his powers that had responded to his rage. "You three need to prepare yourselves for a long term observation mission. I do not want you conversing with any of the Black Order. I also expect a report every fortnight, at times deemed safe enough to leave the area. Is everything clear?"

"Yes my Lord."

"Ivy, you are head of the operation. Good luck." With that last word the meeting was dismissed and everyone left.

Ivy was a natural beauty of a woman, with reddish brown hair and green gem like eyes. She was dressed in a simple green dress that came down to mid-thigh and flat shoes. As she left the meeting place, cleverly disguised as an ordinary office block, she was followed by Saraph and Storm. Saraph was a man with amazingly dark cobalt eyes. His hair was of a similar colour and the healthy skin had an even tan. He was dressed in red skinny jeans and a black shirt with the first few buttons undone, that clung to the well defined muscles across his chest, stomach, back and upper-arms. A scowl was present on his features.

"Why couldn't I have been in charge? I am the male of the group. And stronger!"

"You know, full well, Ivy is the stronger and elder of us." Storm contradicted. "We should be glad to be working with a more experienced and stronger supernatural." She continued, sending a glare in Saraph's direction and received a small smile from Ivy. She had icy, blue eyes and dark hair, and wore a pal grey matching jacket and skirt, finishing the look off with a pair of glasses with 'invisible frames'.


"We should head out. We need to keep an eye on the transportation as well so it would be best to head to the port and follow them from there. Storm, can you arrange transport."

"I'm on it." And with that she reached into her pocket and brought out a miniature looking laptop that could fit in the palm of her hand. Within seconds she had put it away again. "The train leaves in two minutes. If we miss that one there's another fifteen minutes after that."

"Right. Come on then you two." They left in the direction of the nearest station.

Chapter 1 – Present day

"Shit!" Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! The red head sprinted to the end of the corridor and skidded round the corner. "Crap!" His voice broke on that one. The sight that met his single eye was enough to make his knees want to buckle, and the tears that had been threatening flowed freely. It was chaos. People were lying all over the place, many of them bending in places they should not and others just staring lifelessly up at the ceiling. Only a few people remained. Trust Kanda to still be up and going. His trusty sword, Mugen, was glinting in the moonlight coming through the gaping hole in the wall. Drops of blood dripped steadily from the deadly edge.

"Baka-Usagi! Get over here now!" That certainly jerked Lavi back to a degree of normality. Walking to the Samurai's side he looked up at the giant that was one of many invaders of their Order. In its arms was Lenalee. She was being held upside-down by her ankles; some blood was trickling down from her head where the brute had swung her against one of the walls.

"Damn it! Yuu-chan, Komui wants you. Said they've broken into the science department, into the ice chamber. He needs you down there to protect his 'treasure'. I'll take care of this oaf!"

"Che." Kanda turned on his heal and ran to the hole, jumping through into the corridor on the other side and glanced briefly behind him before sprinting out of sight. In that brief glance he had seen a black aura engulf Lavi as his finger reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a miniature hammer.

Name meanings:

Allen: Harmony/ Noble

Lavi: Lion

Yuu: Gentleness/ Superiority

Ivy: Ivy

Saraph: To burn

Storm: Violent weather