"Well then I guess you've made your choice." she said clearly annoyed. She then proceeded to shoot Jessie in the chest. She was dead before she even hit the ground.

(Cam POV)

It was a 10 hour flight. We spent the time going over the plan, sleeping, and then going over the plan again. Liz and Jonas were going to stay on the plane, hack into the security system, and give us directions through the base. The rest of us were going in. Grant and Nick were going to place the bombs while Bex and I looked for Macey and her partner and get them out.

Jonas landed the plane about 5 miles away from the base. He and Liz set up their equipment. We changed into our all-black suits and loaded up on weapons. As I looked around I could tell everyone was nervous. Hell, even I was nervous. I was afraid of what we would find inside. What if Macey was…No! I couldn't think like that. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I faced my team, everyone ready for my order.

"Okay guys, we remember the plan. Grant and Nick set the bombs. Bex and I will find Macey." I stated. Everyone nodded. "Alright then, let's move out."

We made our way out of the plane and headed south towards the base. No one talked the whole way. When I saw the base, we stopped. We had to wait until the cameras were disabled and the guns disarmed. Not five seconds after we stopped did I hear Jonas say: "Okay guys, you're good to go. Bex and Cam when you get inside take a left, right, right, and another left."

We ran for the entrance and silently slipped inside. That's where the team split up. Bex and I took a left and then the next right. When we looked around the corner, we saw seven guards walking our way. Bex and I hid around the corner.

When the guards came around the corner, Bex and I attacked. I punched one of the guards in the face then pulled out my gun and shot him. I turned around and round house kicked another one in the chest knocking him into another guard. I shot one and slapped napotine patches on the other one as well. Just as I was getting off the others, one of the guards tackled me. We rolled across the floor with him ending up on top of me knocking my gun out of my hand. I tried to reach for my knife, but he punched me in the nose. I felt it break and the blood gush out of my nose and down my face. He pulled back and got one more hit before Bex shot him. She pushed him off me.

"You're going to have a one bloody hell of a bruise tomorrow." Bex said as she helped me up. I could already feel the bruise forming. My shirt was stained with his blood. Gross. We put the bodies in a nearby closet. Then we continued down the hallways as directed not running into any other guards thank god. My face was throbbing.

"We've placed the bombs. We are heading back to the plane. Find McHenry and bring her home." I heard Grant say in our comns.

"Good job guys. We will see you at the plane." Bex said in her comns. We turned left and were met with a dead end. There were two doors on our left and right.

"She's through the right door." Liz spoke through the comns. With that we busted down the door. There was a LOT of blood. It was gruesome. Macey was in terrible condition. Bex and I were at Macey's side in seconds. Bex began to cut at her ropes.

"What are you doing here, guys? Especially you Cam, they are trying to kill you in particular." Macey asked. I could tell it took a lot of energy just for her to say that. Her shoulder was black and blue and swollen through her torn shirt. It was terribly dislocated. She had a deep purple bruise around her eye. She also had a nasty cut across her cheek and a busted lip. I could see the bruises and cuts on her arms. Her clothes were soaked in her blood.

"What do you mean 'what are we doing here?' Bex and I are getting you out. And screw that Macey. You are just as important to us. We weren't going to leave you here." Bex said.

"You shouldn't have come." Macey said. I ignored her comment.

"Where is your partner?" I asked. I saw Macey's face grow dark. "What's wrong Mace?"

"She killed her. Killed her right in front of me. No remorse. Nothing, Cam. How can someone be so damn evil?" Macey told us.

By then Bex had freed Macey. Bex and I helped Macy to her feet, but when we let her go she nearly fell to the floor before we caught her. I looked down at her and saw that she had a sprained ankle.

"Her ankle, Bex. She's not going to be able to walk on that by her self." I stated. Bex threw Macey's arm over her shoulder. I tore a strip of fabric from the sheets on the bed in the cell and used it to wrap up her ankle. I stood up and nodded at Bex.

"You thought it would be that simple to rescue McHenry here." we heard someone say. My head snapped up at the voice. Catherine Goode. I glared daggers. How the hell did she know we where here?

"You tripped a silent alarm Cameron. Undetectable by computer." she said as if she read my mind. Damn! I hate her so much.

"Now let's do this the easy way children. Cameron you'll stay here with me and give me the information I want, and I'll let your little friends die quickly." Mrs. Goode said. I stepped in front of my friends defensively. Mrs. Goode smirked at that.

"You are just like your father. Defensive and stubborn. I hated that man. Whatever, he's dead anyway. But there is someone who has been dying to see you." she said. "Bring him in!" she yelled at someone behind her.

"Cam, we need to get out of here now. Macey is losing a lot of blood." Bex whispered to me.

"I know Bex. What do you want me to do, we are surrounded just give me a moment to think of a plan." I whispered back.

I reached in to my back pocket and grabbed my gun. I was about to shoot Mrs. Goode when I see a man walk into the room and throw a body on the ground in front of us. It was a man. He was in worse condition than Macey. He was bloody, beaten, broken, and bruised. He looked familiar. Just as I thought that, the man's eyes opened. They were a familiar and comforting emerald green. My heart stopped at the sight and I couldn't stop my self from gasping:


Well that's another chapter down. I'd just like to thank all those that have read my stories. I'm glad so many of you like them.- Review please. Tell me where you think i should go from here. I've got some ideas but i want to here from you guys. Happy writings guys.