Disclaimer: Still working on that lack of owning Avatar

A/N: There is something entirely awesome about the dynamic of this universe that I love. I shall greatly miss writing for it. Hopefully, I might come back and add a bit more here or there. Either way, I wanted it to end on a happy note.

It had taken the group a while to get the Jet Pet properly hidden outside of the villages sight, but they were glad they did when they entered the small coastal town and a farmer began crying out, "Good Omen!"

The continuous cry pulled everyone from their homes and had them all coming out into the square. Nervously, the group shuffled about. They had their share of 'omens' to know that they might not like what was coming next. They found themselves quickly being surrounded by villagers.

"Are you sure it's them," A portly villager asked the farmer.

"It has to be, they showed up at the same time."

The portly villager nodded and held out his hand to the group to shake.

"I'm the mayor here. It seems tonight you will be honored guests. Good luck seems to travel with you strangers," The portly man explained.

Sokka shook the man's hand awkwardly asking, "What exact good luck did we bring?"

"Our first two headed cow has been born. Its only the second in the last hundred years. It calls for a great celebration. Come you must all be weary. I'll lead you to the Inn," The mayor said guiding them.

"An Inn," Aang questioned.

"The Two Headed Cow, of course," The man said pointing up to the sign that hung on the Inn.

"Okay, that is just weird," Katara said, voicing all their thoughts.

The mayor laughed and said, "There was once a farmer about a hundred years back. He had a two headed cow. The thing was amazing at predicting the weather. People came from all over to see it. It brought so many people that the Inn was created and the rest of the town sort of sprung up around it."

"I've seen far worse reasons for a town to start," Zuko admitted.

"So, what is this about guests of honor," Toph asked.

"With your entrance to our land and town, you brought such luck that you even brought the two headed cow back. It should only be customary that we throw a feast tonight in your honor," The mayor pointed out.

"We wont be eating the cow, will we," Aang questioned looking green in the face.

"Of course not. The farmer has left to go bring it into town. It shall be the main attraction for the coming seasons," The mayor said bringing them into the Inn. "Have a seat here. I'm I'll get everything taken care of for you."

The group sat for what felt like ages as people came in and wanted to shake their hands. Everyone wanted to ask them questions. There was great cheering when Sokka revealed himself to be a Bard. As they sat, with Sokka off in the center of the room entertaining with tales, they watched the festival unfold around them. Sooner then Sokka would have liked, the farmer came in and broke everyone up to get their attention.

"Gentleman and Ladies, if you would be kind enough to humble our village by having a look at the newborn, I should feel very honored," The farmer told them with a bow.

"He does realize that he is treating us like nobles, because of the random chance that we walked into town at the same time as his random cow was born, right," Toph asked.

Sokka shrugged, but they all stood and left to meet the miracle cow. They had the calf neatly pinned with its mother in a fenced enclosure at the towns center. Someone had decorated the fence with ribbons and people could even be found decorating their own homes with blue and yellow ribbons. The group quietly agreed that it did make the town look rather festive and cheery.

Toph had to elbow Sokka to stop his endless comments about how amazing beef was as they stood at the enclosure. Zuko hardly noticed. His eyes were glued on Aang. Aang and Katara had actually talked their way into being allowed in the enclosure with the calf. They were both making mushy faces at it and laughing at one another. Zuko had forgotten how much Aang loved animals, especially baby ones. He tried to remember the last time Aang had found one and asked if he could keep it, but the memory was surprisingly distant.

Together, they entered the Inn. Everyone one chatting with one another about the recent events. Zuko didn't mind that no one spoke to him on the matter though. His thoughts a million miles away. It wasn't until his lack of paying attention crashed him into Aang that he worried. He had expected to knock the smaller boy over, but was forced to realize that Aang really wasn't that much smaller. The last growth spurt put them at about the same height. He eyed him taking in the boy turned man.

Zuko found himself unable to pull his eyes away from Aang for the better part of the night. Aang was so small when he began traveling with him. Aang always saw it as just them traveling together, but Zuko had to admit, he had practically raised Toph and Aang. Katara had mostly clung to her brother and Sokka wouldn't have had it any other way. Often Sokka had had conversation with Zuko and they joked about being single parents.

Golden eyes looked at Toph. She was a grown and mature woman. Her personality showed how childish she could be, so Zuko blamed his lack of realizing how much she had grown on that. However, looking at her, he had to realize, she wasn't the tiny girl that had burst from the cage those years ago clutching at him desperately. She dressed like a tomboy and Zuko couldn't recall the last time he had seen Katara dress her in girls clothes, but even through the boyish clothes, her figure showed how much of a woman she had actually become.

Aang was much the same, but there was so much more that he hadn't even realized. He didn't have an ounce of baby fat. He was rather toned from their adventures. His movements were fluid and graceful, like the trained shaman he was, not like the clumsy child Zuko knew him to be. It was like a whole new person.

Katara caught him in his musing. She cornered him when he was getting into his bags.

"Aang is always starring at you, but tonight you seem to be starring back pretty hard. You look like you've just seen him for the first time."

It was hard admitting to himself that he felt like he was.

"You're making Aang skittish. He's been worried about you a lot lately," Katara went on.

"I've been really close to the situation. I've always seen him as someone so much smaller that needed protecting. He clung to me for years needing that protection and care that I could offer and I gave it freely. I feel like it the first time I've looked and realized, he isn't that child any more," Zuko admitted.

"I don't think its my place to say how happy hearing that will make Aang. You've been his whole world for a long time, but I don't think you realize that while he is yours, it's completely not the same. Don't mistake things, Zuko. Remember that while you might see it as having raised him, he has never seen himself as any less then a companion to you. Treat him like the man your now seeing him as and not that boy you raised. He deserves that much."

"Katara, can you do me a favor?"


"Ask Aang to meet me at the cow enclosure," Zuko said, glad that his voice didn't give him away.

Aang left the Inn wondering why Katara looked so excited and demanded to change sleeping arrangements as he left. He walked out into the night. The Inn was bustling, everyone in town seemed to have made their way there.

Zuko waited for him at the enclosure. He stood alone, petting the calf. Aang tried not to show on his face how happy it made him to watch Zuko do that.

"You wanted to see me?"

It was bright enough that Aang could clearly see Zuko nod. Zuko made his way over to him. The Necromancer took a few looks around and then grabbed Aang's hand. Aang could feel the light weight of something pressed into it. Slowly, he opened it. A circled pentagram necklace rested in his hand.

"I've been waiting to give this to you. I've been looking for the right time. I wanted to talk to another shaman and ask them, but you're the only one we've ever found. You surprised me when you explained to Sokka about what it means. I haven't realized how much you have grown up. I've been so worried about you growing up and wanting a life of your own away from everyone that I didn't realized you were already grown and had already picked us," Zuko explain, emotion thick in his voice.

Aang was pretty sure he surprised Zuko, as much as he surprised himself, when he threw his arms around him. Quickly, Aang pressed their lips together in chaste kiss, but it was enough for Zuko to get the point. It was like a missing puzzle piece that he'd needed to solve it. Katara's words and Aang's actions all made sense. He felt like he could finally name what it was that he saw when he looked into those silver eyes.

"I don't know how many times I told you. Stop talking like we wont always be together. I wont leave you. You don't leave the people you love behind. Even, if the others decide to go their own way, I don't ever plan to leave you. I love you the most," Aang explained.

Determining that actions spoke louder then words, Zuko hungrily press their lips together. Zuko could tell by how fiercely Aang clung to him and kissed him back that he understood everything Zuko meant.

FN: Prompt: Meeting a creature with two heads (#50 of 50)