This is not a chapter update unfortunately, but more just me sharing my sadness with this fandom.
As you all know by now, Cory Monteith sadly passed away today. I'm still in such shock and denial over this. It will take such a long time for it sink it. He was far too young, and one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to witness and to have seen him in concert, along with the cast, was a moment I'll never forget. Cory was the sweetest, kindest, most sincere human being and was taken from us too soon.
I can't even imagine the pain his family, friends and, of course, Lea, are going through, but my thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to them.
I hope you are all coping with this okay, I understand some people might have more passionate fans than others so this will be an even harder time for them, but as a fandom, we can stick together. If anyone needs to talk, I'm here.
Unfortunately, due to this sudden and devastating news, I don't know if I can finish this story. I may have gone off Glee recently but I've always adored Cory. Even thinking of this now, it just brings tears.
Maybe in the future I'll be able to continue this, but as of now, I can't.
Rest In Peace, Cory. May 11, 1982 - July 13, 2013. You'll never be forgotten.