Bella sighed. It was soft, so soft, what she was lying against. She curled closer to the soft, to the warmth. She was here, for real, with Jacob. She was in Jacob house and she was taking a nap with him or more on him because he was in his wolf form.

She entertained her fingers with his wolf fur. She had her ear on his wolf chest, and the rest of her small body was curled against him.

A soft noise, almost like a purr came from inside him.

"Morning Jacob." She said to him. She felt his head move around and nuzzle her back. She very slowly flipped around and hugged him around his neck. He licked her on the cheek and she giggled, moving between his front paws. They wrapped around her and pulled her closer.

"What are we doing today?" She asked. He answered with seven gentle purrs. She just nodded like she understood perfectly. Suddenly his grip on her intensified as someone walked in.

"Morning dog." It was Alice. Jacob turned back. Now Bella was sitting in his lap, his arms still around her.

"Morning leech." He said back. She glared at them both.

"I have a message from Edward; he has challenged you to a fight." Bella stiffened.

"Tell him I'll be at the usual place." Jacob answered, turning his full attention back to Bella.

"Good, I'll make sure to tell him." And with that she was gone.

Sometime later…

They were at the usual place now, and Bella was no happy. Edward was in one corner and Jacob in the other.

They were in her old dance studio.

"Alright, remember, the rules are, there are no rules, and the winner takes Bella."

"Does no one care about who I want?"

"No, ok, GOOOOO!"

Then the two men started circling each other. Growling and hissing, shorting and smirking. That's when it happened, they started dancing.

Jacob proceeded to tap his toes in elaborate ways, and Edward started jumping lightly across the room.

Jacob was tap dancing and Edward was ballet dancing.

More importantly, Jacob had on a kilt (*cough cough* man skirt) and Edward had a tutu (*cough cough cough* girl skirt)

"Can't beat me know, isn't that right blood-sucker!" Jacob challenged, his legs moving fast as the wind.

"You wish mutt!" Edward shot back, prancing with the best of them.

"So, what exactly is going on here?" Bella turn to the all too familiar voice.

"Oh, hey Victoria. How's it been? These two, well they are just annoying the crap outta me."

"Well that's good. Things seem normal enough." By now both boys had stop and were staring at the girls.

"Bella look out, she's trying to kill you?" Jacob said, well asked.

"Why would I do that?" Victoria giggled. "We had a girl's night out and everything. Bella did my nails so pretty!"

"I did do I good job, didn't I?"

"This is getting a little too odd for me, what do you guys think?" Laurent said, suddenly appearing.

"I agree." Edward said. "Ima call Alice, have her come pick me up."

And with that, Edward was gone.

(Loud speaker) "Edward Cullen has left the building!"

"NO EDWARD WE LOVE YOU!" A sudden scream broke out from, well who knows where a random fangirl can hide?

And then, a horde of fangirls, all in jeans and shirts that read 'We Heart U Edward!" ran after the car Edward had left in.

"Hey Bella, wanna go home and make-out?" Jacob asked.

"Alright." She agreed.

"Cool, can I join; we could make a really awesome three-some!"


"But the fans will LOVE us!"


You are all very welcome jk jk jk XD. No really, sorry it took so long to update, there should be one or two more chapters before I'm done. You can make what you wish of Jacob's Purrs. Review/ask and perhaps I will tell you what he said! XD

And neko is a word, in Japanese. It, however, makes no sense in this context :D

P.S. Who knew werewolves purred!