Nightmare in the Vandal Homeworld

Disclaimer: i do not own Hot Wheels Battle Force 5

Summary: Vert gets stranded on the planet Vandal and is attacked by a cave dwelling creature

Chapter One: Stranded

Vert and his team was fighting against the Vandals in the Ice battle-zone. Vert was against the Vandals all on his own and his team was trying to help. "I cant get these freaking Vandals off my car!" said Vert. "I'm coming Vert!" Stanford yelled. He got out his sonic blasters and aimed them at the Vandals. the sonic blasts hit Kalus. Kalus roared in anger and drove at Stanford, shooting crossbow at Stanford. But before it hit Stanford, Vert got in between them and got shot instead.

"VERT!" everyone screamed. The arrow broke the windshield and hit Vert in the shoulder. Vert yelled in pain and tried to stay on the road. Vert grasped his shoulder and swerved off the road and off a cliff. Vert and his car landed on a ice ledge at the bottom and Vert fell out of it and to the ground. Vert yelped in pain. Kalus jumped down and walked over to the Vert, smirking. Vert struggled to sit up, but the pain was too much.

"Time to finish you off once and for all" said Kalus. Vert glared at him. "what can you do to me?" Vert taunted. "I could kill you meat boy," Kalus said in a serious voice. "not if i kill you first," Vert snapped back. Then the two charged at each other and started to fight. Vert doged Kalus' blows and stabs with ease. And then, when Vert was about to counter,


Vert looked up and saw Spinner coming down on a piece of a ice and screaming at the top of his lungs. Kalus saw that Vert was distracted and hit Vert in the side of his head with the blunt part of his spear. Vert collapsed to the ground, out cold. Kalus slung Vert over his shoulder like he weighed nothing. He also latched the Saber to his Fangore and started towards the Vandal portal. Spinner saw that Kalus had Vert. "guys! Man down! Vert needs help!" He yelled.

Zoom ran to the portal but before he got even 5 feet from Vert, the portal closes behind Kalus, leaving the rest of Vert's team.

"Vert! Noooo!" Zoom wailed.

they were unaware of Vert's fate.

cliffhanger! review if you want to see what happens to Vert.