A/N: Soo, this is a new story that I had stuck in my head for a while now, and I just wanted to see what you thought. If it sucks; go ahead and tell me. If you love it; go ahead and tell me. Sorry in advance, this is the first time I ever wrote a story in third person D: Anyways, tell me what you think!

The girl stumbled down the street, tripping occasionally on the rocks that were embedded into the road. Her dark russet hair whipped wildly in the wind, stinging her unusually pale face. She breathed in small pants of exhaustion as she pushed on. She had to get there, she had to. Her destination was merely a block away, and she forced herself forward, determined to fulfill her mission. She took not three more steps before letting out a sharp gasp of pain, and fell to her knees.

She let out a harsh cough, spitting crimson blood onto the ground beneath her. Tears fell from her clear sapphire eyes as she slowly stood back up. The was no way she was failing. This was her one and only mission, and she was going to make it. Taking several shaky breaths, she put one foot in front of the other, and made her way to the building. And then, finally, she was there, only the steps remained. She laughed, but it quickly turned into a lethal fit of coughing. Not able to stop, she collapsed.

Her delight soon turned into dread as she lay there. She tried to move, but her limbs wouldn't respond. This was it. She was going to die here, and she was so close. All she had to do was make it up those steps, but she had failed. Closing her eyes, she let the darkness wash over her.


Sirius was restless. He never liked to be out of any of the action for long, and sitting in this house all the time was killing him. He had to do something, or it would be the death of him. Of course, if Molly found out, that would result in nearly the same thing. Smirking, he put on a coat and slipped out the door. He was glad he had the jacket; it was snowing. But the wind felt good against his face, for it had been months since the last time he was outside. His smile had lasted only a minute before he sensed it. Something was wrong. Deadly wrong.

Sirius had walked two feet when he saw her. A girl no older than Harry lay still in the snow before him. He would have thought she was simply making a snow angel, if it were not for the pool of blood gathered around her. He didn't hesitate before leaping into action. Sirius didn't know this girl, but whether she was a witch or muggle, he wasn't going to stand by and let her die. He dropped to his knees beside her, and scooped the petite body into his strong arms.

Running into the house, he slammed the door behind him.

"Molly!" Where was that woman anyways? He dropped the girl onto the kitchen table and tried to examine her. There was blood pouring from her mouth, so that meant internal bleeding, he guessed. But from what?

"Molly!" In a matter of seconds, Mrs. Weasley had rushed into the room. Mirroring Sirius's earlier actions, she instantly started to take care of the girl.


Harry was with his best friends when he heard the shouting.

"Molly!" Sirius's voice carried up urgently from below. On impulse, Harry jumped up from his spot on the cold floor. Was something wrong? Was someone hurt? He immediately sprinted to the stairs where Mrs. Weasley stood with a look filled with confusion.

"Molly!" Sirius's voice was packed with such alarm that Mrs. Weasley rushed towards him with a fierce look fixed into her aged face. She made a shooing wave to Harry as she ran down the steps, taking them two at a time.

"Stay in the room, Harry. Do not leave it." And with that she vanished into the kitchen, where Sirius was stilling shouting for her. They only thing that moved him was Hermione's gaze that said to do as Mrs. Weasley had asked. Grudgingly, he made his way back to the room they had been chatting in before.

"What's going on?" Ron looked up at his friends, but neither one knew the answer. Harry's instincts were still telling him to run downstairs, but he ignored them as well as he could. Nobody answered Ron's question, they just sat down onto the floor beside him. And for an hour, they waited for something to happen. Anything really. A sign that everything was going to be all right.

A scream broke the now deafening silence.

It was one of complete torture, of absolute agony. And it was enough for Harry. He leapt up and ran down the stairs, practically soaring to the kitchen. What he saw there stunned him. Mrs. Weasley and Sirius were leaning over a young woman about his own age, and thick streams of blood dripped down the sides of the brown table. The girl was struggling against them, thrashing about and screaming on the top of her lungs.

"Shh, it's alright dear, you're going to be alright." The girl took no comfort in the words, and kept shaking her head ferociously. Harry froze, and couldn't seem to move. Who was this girl, and what happened to her?

"Oh, Merlin..." Hermione's voice whispered from behind him. Mrs. Weasley looked up at them.

"I should have known you three wouldn't stay. Since you're here, help us hold her down." There were no other words spoken as Harry walked gradually to the girls side. Tears were pouring down her face in endless streams of misery, and Harry had to look away. The pain in her eyes was too much to witness.

"Sirius, I need you to stun her. We can't help her when she's like this." Mrs. Weasley struggled to maintain her hold on the small girl's arms. Sirius nodded and pulled out his wand. The girl seemed to know what was coming, and closed her vivid blue eyes.

"Stupefy!" She immediately stopped struggling and fell limp against the wooden table. The silence that followed seemed to resonate in everyone's skull. A serene look was on the girl's face, as if she were sleeping. Mrs. Weasley sighed and waved her wand, cleaning up the blood from the table and everyone's shirt.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Ron broke the new silence with yet another question no one had the answer to. And yet again it was ignored as Mrs. Weasley tended to the girl. She gently pulled up the ripped shirt to reveal a gaping wound in her stomach. She couldn't hold back her gasp.

"Sirius, it has to be dark magic! What else would cause this? We healed this wound not thirty minutes ago!" The look on Sirius's face was grim, and he walked out of the room.

"I'm getting Dumbledore."


The wait was lengthy and excruciating. Harry needed to know what was wrong, and he wasn't comfortable with sitting around while he could be doing something to help. It seemed like centuries before Dumbledore arrived, but in truth, it was only minutes. Harry jumped out of the chair he sat in when the door opened. Dumbledore strode in with an importance that scared him. What was going on? Dumbledore stepped to the girl and pulled her shirt up.

The twinkle that frequently sparkled in his blue eyes was now nowhere to be found. He shook his head, and waved his wand over her still bleeding stomach. Whatever result he got must have shocked him, for he jerked back in shock. This was what worried Harry the most; nothing shocked Dumbledore. Whatever had happened to this girl, was serious, and Harry wasn't too certain he could handle any more drama in his life.


A/N: So, let me know what you think, sorry for the short chapter. Just wanted to see what people thought about the story before I went all out on this!