Seven years ago

"Come again?" Patrick Sutcliff loomed over his sixteen year old son, grimaced and flexed his fingers. He was built solidly from working in construction for a number of years and his red hair was kept short. He gripped Grell's shoulder and his eyes flickered over to the dark haired man stood beside him as Grell swallowed audibly and straightened his back. He gripped Sebastian's hand tighter as he spoke.

"You heard me Dad, I'm in love with Sebastian." It all happened so fast. Sebastian was flung aside as Patrick lunged for his son and wrapped his hands around Grell's neck, shoving him against the nearest wall.

"No son of mine is gonna be a faggot!" Grell tried to shove his father away but the older man was far stronger. Stars danced at the edge his vision as he struggled to breathe.

No…please…I don't want to…die…

Suddenly, the pressure around Grell's neck disappeared and he breathed in deeply as he fell to the floor. He could feel tears in his eyes and as he went to wipe them, he noticed his glasses had come off in the struggle. He stood up and scanned the room for Sebastian.

Where is he?

"Yer fuck buddy just left. Ran out the door." Patrick was stood near the open door gesturing and grinning cruelly. "Guess he didn' love you back then."

Grell stepped backwards as Patrick shut the door and advanced towards his son. Grell backed away until he hit the fireplace, his eyes darting around looking for escape, but there was none, he was trapped.

How could he leave?

Grell only realised his father had reached him when he felt large hands around his neck again.

"You want to live like a beast, I'll make you look like one!"

Present day

"Grell!" The red head heard his name being called and his eyes snapped open. He realised he was staring up at the ceiling and that there was something warm and soft supporting his head. He blinked a few times in an attempt to clear his head.

"Grell?" Alan called his name again, worry lacing his voice and Grell turned his head to look at the brunette. "Are you ok?"

"I-I…what happened?"

"You dropped off asleep for a few minutes." Grell could hear Will's voice. "Then you started screaming and launched yourself off the chair."

Grell twisted head to find Will, only to realise that the warm thing under his head was the dark haired man's lap. He blushed and sat up, his head spinning a little.

"O-oh! I'm so s-sorry-"

"Come with me Grell." William stood up and held his hand out to help the red head stand. He hesitantly took the offered hand and they walked to William's office. Will closed the door as Grell walked through. The red head sat down and swallowed audibly as he looked up at the other man.

"Am I fired?" Will leaned against the desk and shook his head.

"No, I just wanted to talk to you. I was going to bring this up later, but now seems as good as any." He handed Grell a cooling bottle of cola, encouraging him to drink. "Alan mentioned how horrified you looked when he told you Sebastian's name."

"He did?" Grell put down the drink and placed his head in his hands.

Why does the past keep coming back to haunt me?

"Did you know him?" Grell nodded and felt the slight pressure of Will gripping his shoulder. He could feel tears making their way down his face.

"This is so silly, you shouldn't comforting me after what to you today." Grell used his sleeve to wipe face. "It's nothin-"

"Grell." William tightened his hold on Grell's shoulder and looked the red head in the eyes.

"H-he..." Grell sighed and looked at the bruise forming on Will's lip. "He was my ex."

"Small world." Grell nodded in agreement.

"Is it ok if I don't get into that right now?"

"Of course." Will stood to full height. "I'm here if you need to talk."

"Thank you Will. Uh, I guess I'd better go and get that draft finished." Grell smiled and wiped the last few tears away.

"Try and have it done by four." Will opened the door and to usher the red head out. "Then we can talk about getting you an interview with the artist."

"Sure." Grell brushed himself off and strode over to his desk, smiling at the others as he sat down. He gathered his notes and started writing his own review on sculptor Undertaker had been researching. The article was going to feature both their reviews but Undertaker hadn't managed to secure an interview with the artist.

If I can get an interview arranged then that'll definitely prove I can do this job.

He pushed thoughts of an interview out of his mind as he concentrated on writing.

Grell sat wringing his hands and tried not to watch as the man sat opposite read through his draft review. William frowned occasionally and made quick notes with his red pen but the pair of them sat in silence.



Damn my voice squeaked.

"I've made a few notes, pointed out the odd spelling mistake but this is looking good." Will handed the papers back to Grell and smiled. "Can you have it finalised tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes, no problem." Grell smiled and felt the warm feeling of relief flood his body. "Then after this you want me to work on getting an interview with the artist?"

"I've just been on the phone with Undertaker about that. The reason he couldn't get an interview was because she doesn't want to." A sour look crossed William's face. "She refuses to give an interview to anyone."

"What? Really?"

"Unfortunately yes." William started fiddling with the pen in his hand. "She doesn't seem to realise that this could really boost her popularity."

"Well, that really is a shame, I would've liked to have met her." Grell scanned the top line of his review.

Madame Red huh?

"Do we even know her actual name?" William took a sip of tea and nodded.

"Luckily, one of her assistants leaked the name to us. Needless to say he was fired. It's Angelina Durless."

"You're kidding?" Grell's hands flew to his face at the mention of the name as he started murmuring to himself. "Angelina…Angelina, Madame Red. How could I not make the connection?"


"If it's the same Angelina then I knew her!" Grell had to restrain himself from jumping. "She was in her final year when I started university. I think she was studying medicine back then though."

"How close were you?" William leaned across desk, trying to get Grell's attention. "Grell! Would she meet with you?"

"I'm not sure, we only knew each other for about six months. We lost contact after university, but I can try."

"Well that's all I can ask. I may be a journalist, but I'm not the rat like kind." William smiled and finished off his tea and checked the time. "We have about an hour before Alan drags us out so just work on your review until then."

Grell nodded and practically skipped out of the office. Overjoyed with not only the fact that he might be able to get an interview with an elusive artist, but also, that he may get to see the woman that saved his life.

"Alright people put down your pens and gather up your shit! We're out!" Eric stood in the middle of room and shouted.

"Eh? But I'm in the middle of-" Alan's protest was cut off by Eric picking up the smaller man and carrying him on his shoulder. "No! Put me down!"

"We'll see there, usual place." Eric ignored his cries and carried him out the door leaving the other three men staring after them. Ronald broke the silence by collapsing into a fit of laughter, he was soon followed by the other two. Once all three of them had calmed down, they collected their belongs and left the office.

"Are those two usually like that?" Grell turned to Ronald as Will called the elevator.

"Pretty much. Alan complains but he loves Eric's impulsive nature."

"Yes, but manhandling your colleague does seem a tad improper, maybe I should…" William started speaking but was cut off by Ronald slapping his back.

"Oh don't worry about it boss." He then shoved Will and Grell through the elevator doors and followed them, pressing the button for the ground floor. Grell soon realised that this contraption wasn't built for three people carrying large bags as he found himself being pressed against William because of Ronald's backpack.

"Ah, sorry about that Grell." Ronald turned his head a little to look at the red head, not sounding sorry in the least. The doors soon opened the Grell sprang from Will's proximity, hiding his face as he was sure it was red as the setting sun.

"Um, where are we going then?" Grell started following Ronald and Will as they exited the building.

"It's a little pub called Magic Mushroom, it' just at the end this road." Ronald pointed. "We go there all the time."

"Is that a good thing?" Grell smirked and Ronald laughed. The trio idly chatted until they reached the pub, Grell noticed a glowing neon mushroom above the door as they entered.

"Took you guys long enough!" They turned in the direction of Eric's voice and found him and Alan sitting in booth opposite the bar with a tray of shots.

"Eric." William said with a cautionary voice as they sat down. "You remember what happened last time we all decided to partake in shots."

"What's the big deal? You got your tree trimmer back in the end. Now." Eric carried on cutting off anything else Will might say. "Welcome to the team Grell."

All five of them picked up a glass as downed the liquid in one go. Grell gasped as the alcohol stung the back of his throat.

"W-was that whis-key." William coughed and glared at Eric.

"Well, it was either that or tequila and I figured Ronald wouldn't want to go near the stuff again after the Christmas party." Ronald threw his napkin at Eric's face and strode over to the bar.

"Eric!" Alan slapped the blonde's arm. "Don't mention that party!"

"Sorry." Eric walked over to where Ronald was standing and William followed him. Grell watched them, it looked like Eric was apologising whilst William ordered.


"I know what you're going to ask and I'm sorry, but I can't tell you." Alan smiled apologetically. "It's up to Ronald or Will to you that."

"Oh. Fair enough." Grell stood up and checked his trousers for his wallet. "I'm getting myself a drink."

Grell stood next to Will as he waited to be served. William handed over his money and picked his wineglass as he walked back over to the table.

"Aah, you must be the new blood Eric was talking about." Grell jumped as the dark haired bartender spoke to him.

"Oh, you startled me, yes I'm Grell Sutcliff." Grell held out his hand and the other man shook it.

"Call me Lau. What can I get you?"

"Just a red wine please." Lau nodded and poured a glass, handing it over. Grell pulled out his wallet and Lau held up a hand.

"Will's already paid for your drink, guessed correctly too." Lau smiled at Grell's reaction and shushed him away from the bar in a playful manner. The red head sat back at table next to Will and sipped his drink. Eric and Ronald were talking about some sporting match whilst Alan listened to them, smiling and William was reading through a menu. The pub lighting was dim but still light enough to read by and there was soft music drifting from the speakers mounted on the walls. All in all, it was a relaxing atmosphere, the perfect place to unwind after a day at work.

"It's nice place right?" William had put down the menu and was facing Grell. The red head nodded and took another sip.

"It's lovely, I can see why you guys frequent here. Oh, thank you for the drink."

"No problem."

"Lau said something about you guessing right?" Will smiled and set his glass down.

"I made a small bet with him, I guessed you would choose red wine as your first drink." Grell sniggered.

"Am I that predictable?" Will shook his head.

"I said that not just because of your outfit." William swirled the white wine in his glass before he continued. "Red wine is a passionate drink. It takes a certain character to truly appreciate the complexity of its taste and the lure of its appearance. You, strike me as one of those people Grell Sutcliff."

Grell looked away from William's piercing gaze as he drank a calming mouthful.

"Well, thank you William." Grell picked up the menu and hid his face behind it. "So, what's the food like here?"

AN: I am so sorry for the wait. I've had really bad writers block T^T