A/N: Okay I'm redoing this whole story. Cause frankly I hate it with the passion of a thousand burning suns. That's a Lot of hate I know. This is still dedicated to Kureru Elric because she did inspire it. Some of the plot is going to change so bear with me. I love my readers immensely and this is why I'm doing what I'm doing. I will delete GIRITL when I have passed the last chapter I have written . Plus I wanted to change the name of it.

Don't Hate Me!

Disclaimer: I will never own Naruto no matter how much you all beg for it.

Warnings: Boys Love, Citrus ratings, AU, Some Extreme OOC, SasuNaru, Violence, Blood, Cursing, Rape, You get it. New Warnings will be added as New Warnings: Insert warning here

Description: Sequel to A World Were You Don't Exist and the Rewrite Of GIRITL.

[This is Naruto Talking] (which is actually Naruto using sign language.)

'This is Naruto thinking.'

{This is Naruto Writing something down for someone to read.}

'This Is Texting'


Sasuke and Naruto … two very unfortunate souls that I have messed up along with the help of my brother.

Who knew that our two must beloved creations would kill themselves over the loss of the other.

Where did it go wrong?

Both lives to us were so precious.

Both Souls were a bright blinding light only to be tarnished by things that we did not see coming.

Someone must have tampered with these two, but as of right now it doesn't matter.

I will fix this and let no one in this room until their story is told right.

With out bloodshed dealt to both of them.

I fear for my sanity if it doesn't go right this time … d

On the year 1992 both Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto were born. At the exact same time, but in different months. Sasuke was born at Midnight on July twenty-third and Naruto was born at Midnight October tenth.

No one knew that they were both going to have a violent relationship as soon as they met, both disliking each other instantly, but not knowing why. Not knowing that they had met in a previous life.

Dieing before confessing their feelings for each other.

Why was fate so cruel to them?

Do they not deserve happiness?

A/N: Not much changed in the Prolog though just wording. My readers I have been on a ItaSasuNaru binge. I fear that there are not enough of this glorious pairing. How do you fill about ItaSasuNaru my dear readers? Big Hint Hint. So how do you feel about the SasuNaru pairing becoming a ItaSasu, ItaNaru, SasuNaru, NaruSasu and of course ItaSasuNaru pairing? Tell me what you think in your reviews. Did you tell I put Itachi as a Seme only, cause seriously who sees him as a uke? Raise your hands if you do see him as a uke.