Yes, I realize that there are some mistakes, but you got to give me credit, it's hard to remember ALL of the details from Post battle things. So anyways, thanks for reading.

Ginny woke up to the sound of a loud clunk from the floors below. Ginny rolled out of bed, out of habit grabbed her wand, and out of her room to identify the noise. She stumbled out onto the landing and looked down at the floors below. Ron and Hermione were laughing as Harry rubbed his head. "Harry, you are blind. Haven't you learned not to take staircases without your glasses on?" Hermione teased as Ron helped him up.

Ginny let out a laugh, as Harry looked up to see Ginny. "Merry Christmas! Hermione you are here! Ron was going nuts," Ginny said as she started down the staircase. It had been a week and Hermione was finally here. Today was Christmas day; she must have just arrived here. Ginny gave Hermione a welcoming hug and then walked over to examine Harry; there was a gash on his check where he hit the stair. "Vulnera Sanentur," Ginny said as she pointed her wand to the cut.

"Thanks hon," Harry murmured as he touched the place where it had been and smiled. This time Harry pulled out his wand. "Accio glasses." The specticles came zooming from the floor above, and Harry put them on. "Much better, it was all Ron's fault rushing me down here to get a look at the presents," Harry claimed.

"Hey, mate, it's not like I pushed you!" Ron said brightly. His mood had changed dramatically since Hermione had arrived.

They opened their presents, which was wonderful. Ginny got of course a sweater with a G on it from her parents, a book from Hermione, instant darkness powder from George (and I guess Ron since he was his partner now), every flavor beans from Hagrid, Bill and Fleur got her new perfume that smelt like flowers, Percy go her a new quill and stationary set, and Harry had gotten her a locket when you opened it it revealed the letters G and H on each of its small mirrored windows, with the word always engraved below it. It was so simple but Ginny loved it.
"Thanks Harry," Ginny told him as she gave him a kiss. It was better than what she got him, which was a picture frame of a moving picture of Harry and Ginny holding hands in front of the burrow, their faces smiling slightly and looking into each other's eyes. It was from the past summer, just after they had gotten home. George took it unsuspectingly and gave it to Ginny. In the frame Ginny had engraved the words 'Together, we piece life back together' with her wand.

Christmas went as well as it could without Fred, the entire family was there, including Charlie. Who was loaded with stories as usual and his hair as long as ever. Fluer's baby bump growing bigger but she was still small and petite. Bill seemed to always have a smile on his face, and was constantly kissing Fluer. Ron and Bill were chatting about the joke shop while Harry, Ginny, and Hermione helped in the kitchen. Harry had a charm on the tomatoes he was chopping as he was talking to Hermione and Ginny. "Yeah, Kingsley is revolutionizing the ministry really, making the world a safer place for everyone. Setting up forces to find remaining death eaters, and helping bring justice to everyone. After everything that happened, you know, people are hesitant," Harry said.

"I hope he does something about house elves and all the other magical creatures that are poorly treated," Hermione added.

"I think it's good that things are changing for the better," Ginny said as she diced her onions, her eyes starting to water. In the back of her mind she wondered if there was such thing as a safe place anymore. Yeah it was over, Riddle was dead, but after all everyone had been through Ginny started to realize that safe places are rare. People betray each other, people die, and people fight.

"Oh and you would not believe Neville, he is really brilliant in the Auror department," Harry went on.

"Does not surprise me, you should have been him last year. He told off a death eater on the Hogwarts Express and was helping kids escape left and right. He has always had potential," Ginny said happily as she thought of her friend who she had not seen in too long.

"He said he would swing by sometime this week," Harry said as if he could read her mind.

"Oh, that should be wonderful," Hermione said happily as she mixed her salad.

Just as Ginny was about to speak, Andromeda came into the kitchen with Teddy in her arms. His hair was bright green today, and he smiled up at Harry. "Teddy! Andromeda! So glad you could come," Harry said as he took his godson into his arms. Teddy resembled his parents so much, it was like she was looking at one of their baby pictures.

"Oh, you know. Where else would we go? It's just us two," she said sadly.

"He has grown so much!" Hermione said as she reached out to stroke the baby's hair.

"He is a big boy, right Teddy?" Harry said happily as he bounced him on his hip. Harry had such a good way with Teddy, Ginny could not help but thinking about having kids with him one day. Ginny started daydreaming about having mini Harry's running around.

"Har-har," Teddy replied.

"Say, Har-ie," encouraged Andromeda.

"Har-har," Teddy said.

"Oh well, one day he will learn. He is still only eight months old," Harry said laughing.

An hour later dinner was ready and everyone was crowded in the small room. Ginny sat in between Harry and Hermione, their elbows were constantly touching. But as uncomfortable as it was, this was Christmas. Ginny's father stood up with his glass raised. "Merry Christmas to you all, a year ago today I was terrified. I looked around at the table and half of you were not sitting before me, and yes there are some faces that are gone permanently," he said his eyes growing watery. Ginny knew what her father was thinking about: Fred, Lupin, and Tonks. Three names Ginny could not go a day without thinking about. "but I just wanted to say I am grateful that you are here, and that's what Christmas is all about." Ginny heard her father clear his throat. "Dig in, thank you Molly for this wonderful meal."

"Oh, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny helped," Mrs. Weasley added as she reached for the potatoes.

Ginny never remembered eating that much in a while, but her mother's recipes were just brilliant. Ginny leaned her head on Harry's shoulder as Ginny's mother cleared the plates with a wave of her wand, and every began to chat. Harry and Ron immediately began to talk about training. "By next year we will be official Aurors, Harry!" Ron said completely amazed with himself.

"Yes, Ronald. Way to point out the obvious," Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"I think I want to bring some justice to magical creatures, maybe do something at the ministry when I get done with Hogwarts," Hermione said and Ginny stared at her, typical Hermione.

"I want to be a Quidditch player, that is if any team will take me," Ginny said casually.

"Just say you are Harry Potter's girlfriend and they will accept you," Ron said carelessly. Anger began to engulf Ginny, she was about to say something nasty to her brother when Harry interrupted.

"Ron! No, they will accept her because she is an excellent player. It will have nothing to do with me!" Harry said offended.

"All I am saying mate, your name could get you anything you wanted," Ron said.

"Ron, don't even start," Hermione warned.

Ron blushed bright red. "Sorry hon," Ron said as gingerly kissed Hermione's check. They are both either fighting or madly snogging, Ron and Hermione made a hell of a couple in Ginny's eyes. As long as they were happy, and for the most part they were. It had only taken them about four years to finally get together.

"Common with me," Harry whispered to Ginny and took her hand. Ginny nodded and Harry pulled her along. No one noticed them leave except George who winked at Harry, and Ginny blushed. Harry led her to the landing on the first floor where he sat down, Ginny followed his lead and sat down next to him.

"What is this about?" Ginny asked.

Harry shrugged. "I wanted to say, Merry Christmas. Er…alone," Harry said. He never had a way with words.

"Okay, Merry Christmas Harry," Ginny said. Ginny looked above them and there was mistletoe, of course Harry took her here. "Oh, you want a kiss."

Harry did not answer instead her just seemed to be taking her in, his blaze was soft and warming. Ginny felt a ping in her chest and she leaned forward to kiss him. It was long and deep, their kisses always seemed to mean something. This one meant love and longing. Harry broke the kiss, although Ginny could have continued. "Happy Christmas," Harry said and kissed her jawline tenderly. It really was a 'happy' Christmas this year. Ginny pushed away the thoughts of war, Fred, Lupin, Tonks, bad memories, Harry being dead, and lived in the moment. Ginny looked into his green eyes and she kissed him, and she found her safe place, with Harry, with him she would always be safe. It was rare, but she knew about it all along. Ever since she was six and she told her mother she would marry Harry Potter one day, it's destiny.