Chapter 1: A true Gentleman?
wn: I had initially put this on bulbagarden forums in the writers workshop, (fyi I am under the name samwin! there) Due to lack of reviews there, I figured I would try it here instead. Anyway, I wrote this at 1am this morning when I couldn't sleep, still, who knows, it may be the start of something good, so, here goes nothing This is set around the time of Trials and Tribulations...
Date: 02/03/2019, Location: Courtroom Number 2, Time: 11:00am
"Why is it, that when you're waiting for someone, or in my case, something, the whole world seems to slow down, to the point where it is almost as if you are living in a black hole?"
This kept me wondering as I sat in the defendants chair, waiting for the opposing sides to discover the truth, and ultimately, reach a verdict. What case were they working on you may ask, well, let me tell you.. It was mine...
"I guess now is a better time as any to introduce myself, my name is Professor Hershel Layton and I am on trial for murder..."
"I would imagine now you are wondering how a gentleman such as me could end up in such a predicament, now that is a rather interesting tale"...
24/02/2019, Location: Gatewater Hotel, Time: 11:55am
It all started with "that phone call" from a good friend of mine about a week ago while I was having a well-deserved cup of tea with my young apprentice.
"... Hello?, is that Professor Layton?" came a familiar voice on the other end
"... It's been a while Miles Edgeworth, how did you know I was here in America?"...
"That was easy to work out Layton, how many people in America do you know that go around wearing THAT hat?"
"Hmm, you have a point there my friend, it seems that us gentlemen are what you might call a 'dying breed"..
"Heh, I couldn't agree more, now, it isn't often we get to meet up, so how would you feel about meeting me this afternoon, there's this new tearoom that has just opened up near the courthouse, we could catch up there over a cup of Earl Grey, and I can meet that apprentice of yours.. Luke Triton is his name right?"
"Yes, that's him, how does say 1pm sound..."
"That should be fine, if you both meet me by the courthouse, we can go together"...
"That will be fine, see you there, goodbye for now"..
And with that the two gentlemen hung up.
"Who was that Professor?" Luke asked me, with a look of curiosity in his eyes
"Ah, that my dear boy, was a very good friend of mine, Miles Edgeworth, he heard that I was in town and wants to meet up with us outside the courthouse this afternoon, so we can catch up over a cup of Earl Grey at this new tearoom", I explained, and was about to pick up my trusty journal, when Luke spoke up again.
"But Professor, what about me?" Luke protested
"Don't worry Luke!, he wants to meet you as well" I replied with a reassuring smile
"Really? wow!" when did he say we are to meet him?"
I looked down at my watch, and replied: "At 1'O Clock, which means we have just over an hour before we are to meet him... talking of time, that reminds me of a puzzle, can you solve it?"
"A good gentlemen never leaves a puzzle unsolved!", Luke declared with a grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation
"Heh, well, here we go..."
Puzzle 1: "Time for tea?"
You have been asked to by a friend to meet you in exactly 195 minutes at her house for a cup of tea, however, you must now convert the minutes into how many hours and left over minutes there are, can you do it?"
"Hmm, well, I know there are 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 x 3= 180, which would mean there are 3 hours total, and 15 minutes left!", Luke replied, while looking up at me hopefully
"Correct!, it is always important to know how to work out such questions, that way, you are never late", I told him
"Yes!, that was too easy", Luke grinned,
I laughed. "Yes well, I suppose it was, however, I wanted to give you an easy puzzle, after all the hard ones I have given you lately!"
"Professor!, to me, no puzzle is too small!.. ok.. maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration"...he replied, and muttered the last part
"That's the spirit Luke!, now, shall we finish unpacking?, as at the moment, we've barely started", I told him, and looked at the two untouched suitcases that were sitting on the bed
"Aww come on Professor!, we're supposed to be on holiday remember?, lets relax a little!", Luke protested
"We will relax, right after we have finished unpacking!", I told him firmly, and with that, I began unpacking my case
"Aww ok!", Luke replied in a defeated tone, and with a weary sigh, he began unpacking his own case
It didn't take either of us very long to get our cases unpacked, and before we knew it, it was soon time to meet Miles.
"Look at the time Luke! shall we get going?" I asked my young friend
"Sounds good to me professor!" Luke replied, and with that, we walked out of our hotel room.
As we walked down to the lobby, Luke was in awe of splendour of the hotel, and kept commenting on it's beauty
"I haven't seen anything so amazing!, well.. not since we visited Folsense".. Luke remarked
"I know what you mean, while this place is certainty magnificent, few things can compare to the buildings of Folsense", I replied, shocked at how long ago that "incident" was.
We were just about to walk into the Lobby itself, when we had the shock of our lives..
"STOP RIGHT THERE HAT!", came a booming voice, and a rather scruffy looking figure of a man, who was wearing a trenchcoat that appeared to be in dire need of an appointment with the washing machine came into view, wielding a pair of handcuffs...
"Who me?, what ever is the matter?", I asked, a little concerned as to why this unusual man was acting in such a manner
"You are under arrest!, for the murder of the actress Sapphire Stone pal!", and before either of us knew what was happening, I had been handcuffed, and was being led away by the rather scruffy looking detective.
"WAIT!, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM?", I heard Luke yell, as he ran after us, as fast as his short little legs could take him, his trusty satchel waving along as he ran
"It'll be alright Luke, go back up to our room, and call Miles Edgeworth, tell him what's going on, and to have him collect you ok?", I called out, and with that, I was put into the police car, and driven away...
"PROFESSOR!", Luke was distraught. He knew that his mentor and friend couldn't possibly of been capable of such an act, but he was worried as to why the police here clearly thought otherwise.
However, he knew that he couldn't stand around and panic, and with that, he ran back to their room, careful to avoid the detectives that were now swarming the hotel"..
It didn't take him long to reach their room, and with that, he pressed the redial button, his little hands shaking violently as he did so...
"... H.. Hello?", Luke whispered
"... Who is this?"... came the distinct voice on the other end, who sounded a little weary
"My name's Luke.. Luke Triton.. there's no time to fully explain.. you have to help him, he's been ARRESTED!, you have to help the Professor!, just... JUST PLEASE COME!", and with that, he slammed the phone down, and began to cry before Edgeworth even had a chance to get a word in...
Miles Edgeworth, the gentlemen prosecutor, stood just staring at the phone in his hands, wearing a look of shock and disbelief all over his face, which was a rare occurance for him.
"How is it that all those who I am acquainted with, have been arrested at some point?", He thought while frowning. There was that fool Larry Butz, one of his childhood friends, accused of murdering his girlfriend; Phoenix Wright, another childhood friend who still has hair that resembles that of a porcupine and still his friend today.
He was accused of murder not once, but twice, however, he is the only one who has ever defeated him in court, and manage to shed him of his "demon prosecutor" reputation at the same time, and then there was Maya Fey, that young spirit medium and close friend of Wright. He never thought in a million years someone could get into so much trouble and danger till her met her. On top of being accused of murder, she has also been nearly murdered and kidnapped. Then there was himself, Miles Edgeworth.
A man known for his ruthlessness with a piercing glare that could easily put the fear of God into detectives and Defense Attorneys alike, he was a man not to be angered.
However, he never truly understood how those he prosecuted truly felt till that fateful day, where he himself were forced to sit in the defendants chair for a murder he didn't commit. He knew that his good friend could never be capable of such an act, but nevertheless he knew he had to find the truth and help his friend.
"Question is.. where is he staying?..." He thought, and then had an idea.
"The Gatewater Hotel!"
That had to be it. It was well known, (in some cases, for the wrong reasons), but it was frequently used by scholars and businessmen alike. He quickly straightened his Cravat and smoothed his silver coloured hair, (quite sad really, as he was only 25) and ran as fast as he could to the underground car park, where he had parked his dark red sports car, (a new model after "that incident").
"Just sit tight Layton, I am going to get you out of this.. though I fear I am going to have to get help.. from "him"...