A/N: So here's the next chapter you guys wanted! At first I felt that no one liked it because well... of course I saw nobody review. It's good to know people like it. I've also noticed that people like long chapters so each time I write a chapter it might get slightly longer, but I'm sure that's fine with you guys! So I guess this is kind of an alternate universe because the planet won't explode or get destroyed etc. by Frieza. Tell me what you guys think about bringing other characters in this story (i.e. Krillin, Goku, Bulma, etc.) because I've been planning to. Also, when the other characters come Vegeta will be probably 17 or around that age, but for now I think we'll focus on little Prince Vegeta, if that's ok with you guys/girls/whatever you want to be called. As I look up to what I've wrote so far it seems that this is quite an author's note so I think I'll get on with the story… but first the disclaimer!

Disclaimer: "dbzfan8 does not own DBZ; all of it belongs to Akira Toriyama. And dbzfan8 has a message that she would like to pass on to DBZ fan1. The message says: "Give me that username or I'll call on Vegeta. dbzfan8 out." I'm sure it's just a joke. And dbzfan8 says to WildVegeta thanks for reviewing the story and your story "Back to Hell", is genius!"

P.S: Hopefully most of the story won't be the time consuming author's like this one or the disclaimer up there.

Chapter 2: Wanted Dead or Alive (Bon Jovi)

He stretched his aching muscles. Questions came to his mind. He was lying in a soft bed, the sheet of the bed was milky white, and the cover of the bed was a dark blue. But why was he here? As Vegeta inspected the surroundings around he noticed he was fine. All's he had remembered was that Nappa and Raditz had come up to hug him, for soon after that, he had passed out. Nobody seemed to be in the very room, just the emptiness of the space around him. There were a few things in the room but not much. Just a plain, brown, desk and there was a simple lamp. As Vegeta was auditing the room a sharp, piercing pain hit his side, causing a bone-crunching sound in the room.

Her sobs echoed throughout the hallway. Star's face was buried in King Vegeta's chest, weeping and lamenting. The quiet peace of day was broken by painful screams, which only caused her to sob even more loudly. King Vegeta pitied his wife; he did not know how to comfort her. As soon as Nappa and Raditz had come back with the limp, fainted body of Prince Vegeta, of course it just had to be then when Frieza got the news of his return. Immediately, Frieza ordered another training session with the prince. Of course, Star had begged Frieza, telling him that he was resting after healing in the rejuvenation tank, supplicating to let him go. Frieza declined. He said that it was mere discipline that the prince needed to learn, he could not go off and be a prodigal son, he'd have to learn inculcation soon and now would be a great time to start teaching him so. With that statement Frieza had walked off, leaving Star to weep and sob.

As Star was crying, King Vegeta told her to go to their room because he had some kingly stuff to do. Now the king turned to Raditz and Nappa, demanding for them to explain the whole thing. Raditz and Nappa explained everything, from wondering what to do, Raditz's "amazing" plan, looking in caves, holes, getting lost or stuck in caves and holes, and to the very point, where they found Prince Vegeta above a cliff. He was shocked, why had Vegeta tried to commit suicide? It's not true, the king thought, he couldn't have tried that! Does he really hate Frieza that much? The king snapped out of his thoughts, now asking Nappa to leave. As Raditz and Nappa started too walked off, he told Raditz to stay where he was. Nappa slightly turned his head, a confused look on his face, and continued walking.

"My king, why do you want me to stay? I do not comprehend what you could want with me."

"Listen, it's about Prince Vegeta. You're younger than Nappa, correct?"

"Yes, I am, my king."

"Of course you are. 15, am I correct? Yes, I'm sure of it, because I was told your younger brother was 15 years younger than you, and he happens to be a month old," the king paused after this saying and continued on, "I want you to watch how the training session goes with Prince Vegeta and Lord Frieza. It's very important."

"But why must I? I don't mean to object, but it's only meaning I am confused about why."

"Because Star is so worried I'd like to reassure her that he'll be ok. I can't go on with her like this every training session. I must make sure she is ok."

"Are you going to lie to her, saying he's ok, and that Frieza will go easy on him?"

"Well it is a small chance that she'll believe it, but in the state she's in now, it's quite possible that she might believe it."

"Would you like me to go now?"

"Yes, you must leave instantly!"

The blood that rushed up his throat an exploded out of his mouth, causing him to go into cries of pain. A lizard-like tail started to work its way around his stomach, curling tighter, knocking the air out of his body. His mouth was covered in blood by one of the coughing fits he had gone in to. It was all so suddenly unexpected, as now his body seemed to fly through the air in the direction of the window, crashing through it, and skidding on the hard ground. Barely being on the ground for more than a few seconds, he soon was pounded on his spine, deliberately hearing a cracking sound on his back. A white fist flew at his face, crushing deep into his nose, feeling it snap out of place. The fist soon rushed to his side, knocking him through the air.

"You'll go to hell soon enough unless, yes, unless you listen to me!" Frieza's shout seemed too pierce the air, "WORTHLESS PESENT!"

Hard, ruff, phalanges sunk deep into his abdominal muscles, almost undergoing his back. The blood in his body roared, a spasm of shock absconding through his body, as he felt gallons of blood rush out through his stomach, and bursting out of his mouth, tasting the rich blood that had flowed through his veins. He was losing consciousness, his eyelids drooped down as his arms where going limp. Wait, he thought, why am I starting to give up already? What did I say about pride? It was I, Prince Vegeta, who has the very blood of a royal Saiyan in my veins. It was I who jumped of a cliff and lived. It was I, the Prince of all Saiyans, who is 5 and one of the strongest in the universe. I am now, the living, breathing, thing that will someday beat Frieza and become the Super Saiyan. It will be me, the one everyone will fear most I am Prince Vegeta, the warrior superior to the Saiyan race!

Raditz lingered above the clouds, watching in pure horror, at what was going on below. Frieza was a monster! What kind of lizard would do such a thing to a young child, not to mention a prince! A tyrannical one, that's what kind! He was fighting back the urge to swoop in and go help the young prince, but he had to stay where he was. They were clear orders, what the king had said. He'd go down and get him once the training session was over. He thought about telling Nappa about what he had in mind. You see, Raditz planned to send Prince Vegeta to the same planet his baby brother was sent to. Yes, he was thinking about Planet Earth (Or as the doctors called it, Planet E-arth). If he stayed there for a while it was possible that he could be safe. As long as Frieza didn't figure out for a while and nobody else tracked him down (i.e. Cooler, King Cold, any of Frieza's henchmen, etc).

The King walked the halls, deep in thought. Was it right to send Raditz there? Should I have sent Nappa instead? Both of them? Or would it cause too much trouble, I don't know. What shall I do about Prince Vegeta? Nothing I know the answer of, not even to myself. Now what shall I do? The King had entered the throne room, and he settled down on his kingly throne, laying his head against the back of the gigantic chair. He let out a sigh, wondering what to do next. He glanced around the room, looking for something to do. The King stood up, out of his throne, and walked over to his room. Might as well try to reassure Star that he would be fine, the king would have to do it anyways.

The clouds rushed by his now falling body, crashing to the ground, with his head pumping. He laid motionless, the lavishing, luscious blood, inundating onto his legs and arms, the hemoglobin curling between his fingers, dripping on the ground. His stomach wounds where deleterious, his bones could almost be seen through his abdominals. Vegeta's head lay stumped on the damp ground, the cold wind blew through the grass, weaving through it, as if signaling the end. Clouds started to darken, showing the upcoming of rain, as the drops came down like the whole planet had saddened. Is it truly this time, this dreadful time? Was it the end of Vegeta, the end of the Saiyan Prince?

A/N: I am very happy with this chapter! So what do you guys think about the chapter? Though I'm kind of disappointed that it isn't as long as the other one. Wow, were barely in the story and it's already getting good (in my opinion). A little bit of action, stuff like that. Uh-oh, I left you guys with a cliffhanger. Maybe I should run, because that's what happens when you do things like this to fans that like the story, and are left on a cliffhanger. C'mon Trunks, we gotta jet!