Yugi woke up the next morning, confused for a moment as to how he had gotten into bed. Then he remembered he had fallen asleep against Yami while hugging him. 'Shoot!' Yugi thought, rushing over to his desk. He groaned. Of course the vampire wouldn't know how to set the alarm, let alone he had to do so EVERY night before bed. Yugi set the clock down, it's digital face reading 11:06 am. Way to late to even try to make an excuse as to why he was tardy. Yugi sighed. He supposed he was playing hooky for the first time in his life.

Yugi brushed his teeth and got dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, walking barefoot down the stairs to fix something to eat. He was surprised by the scent of delicious spicy foods already being cooked. He raced into the kitchen, expecting to see Jii-chan, but burst into laughter at the sight before him.

Ootachi, Honda, and Jou had ditched school upon finding Yugi hadn't been in and came over to his house to see if he was okay. They had found him still asleep and correctly assumed he had been exhausted from the previous days' events, so they went to the kitchen to attempt to fix him some food. "Attempt" may have been too generous of a word. It looked like they had used the excuse to start a food fight in the kitchen. Blobs of spicy smelling goop dripped from the ceiling, splattered on the wall, and covered the bulk of the trios' warring figures, paused as statues at the surprise of Yugi's hearty laughter. Finally, the three joined in, seeing what they all looked like and the mess they had made.

"Go... *snicker* shower, you three... *giggle* There's two bathrooms, so two of you will have to *snort* share!" Yugi managed to get out before falling into heaps of hysterical laughter. Yami appeared behind him and gawked at the sight.

"Um...," he said staring. Finally, he couldn't help himself either and began laughing as well, though keeping his composure and managing to let out his mirth in a light-hearted bout of chuckles. "Honda, Ootachi, you two get the big shower on this floor. Jou, you take the one in Yugi's bedroom."

"Why Honda and Ootachi? I thought Honda and Jou had been friends longer?" Yugi asked innocently as he regained his composure as well. Yami chuckled and the three boys looked at Yugi in shock.

"I'll explain to you later. I think you may just be a tad bit too innocent for your own good," Yami said, the trio getting the hint and walking off the their respective bathrooms, tracking spicy smelling goop along the wooden floors. Yami took Yugi to the living room, not sure how this "talk" would affect their relationship. Would it make Yugi think of him as more a father, or a brother? Or did some humans go out of their way to help naive friends like this? Yami pushed his worries aside, knowing Yugi's dangers were greater than his own feelings.