Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki or any of the characters.

Wow, the last chapter at last. I hope everyone enjoyed the story! See you in the future!

Chapter 30: Thank you Kanan

The smell of grass assaulted him as he squinted in his sleep. Something was buzzing in his ears, but he wasn't awake enough yet to figure out what it was.


His lip twitched.


His eyes fluttered.

"Gonou . . ."

"Time to wake up silly! We're going to be late!" A feminine voice called out.

Cho Gonou blinked awake as he looked toward the sky. A mop of similar chocolate brown hair greeted him, slung in a braid over a shoulder. His eyes traveled up to a familiar if not identical pair of emerald eyes. They were squinted from her smile as Kanan looked down at him playfully.

"Come on . . . You've been sleeping for quite a while!" She said, her voice light and sweet. Gonou blinked a few times as he sat up on the grass. Looking around, they were surrounded by trees as a small picnic basket shifted on the blanket he was laying on. Looking over at his sister, he could barely make out some grass stains on her favorite yellow dress, her wooden cross hanging from her swan like neck. He opened his mouth but found it dry. Licking his lips, he faced his twin sister.

"How long have I been sleeping?" He asked her. She made a face as if she was thinking. Gonou laughed as she set a finger on her pouting lips and thought for a moment.

"Oh . . . About an hour, two tops!" She said happily. Observing the area around him, he could see the blanket he slept on was picked up, and they were ready to head out.

"What were you doing while I was asleep?" He asked her. She reached over and grabbed the picnic basket, peeking through it; she rested her hand on a grape and ate it.

"I sat and read for a while, watched the trees, watched you sleep. It was very peaceful," She said, standing up. Gonou followed her lead and smiled as the wind blew. The trees sang as the sun shined as he crouched down to fold the blanket. He put it in the basket and picked it up, nodding to his sister. She latched onto his arm, and Gonou smiled at her in affection. She rested her head on his biceps as they walked down the path leading back to town. Gonou suddenly stopped as he looked to his sister.

"What were we going to be late for anyway?" He asked her suddenly. Kanan stared at him a moment before giving him a smile.

"The bus! We need to catch the bus if we're going to make it home in time for supper!" She said. Gonou made a humming noise as she only seemed to bury herself in his arm. He thought nothing of it as the sun shined on them, their feet making light scuffles in the dirt. He started humming as he felt Kanan sigh into his shoulder.

"This is nice. It's been so long since we've spent time like this," She said almost quietly. Gonou nodded as he continued to hum.

"Yes, it feels like I'm barely able to pull myself away from work. We should ask Kougaiji to come along with Lirin next time," He said. Kanan was quiet for a moment.

"Yeah . . . Yeah next time . . . " She almost mumbled. Gonou looked at his sister, really looked at her. She seemed far off in the face as she clasped his arm tightly.

"Is something wrong? You're quiet, normally you would be chatting my ear off about something," Gonou said. Kanan having been looking like she had been caught immediately perked up.

"Oh it's nothing! I was just thinking that we should have stew tonight or . . . Pasta . . . Yes! Pasta!" She smiled widely. The smile briefly made Gonou think of someone else. He shook the thought away as he led her back into town.

"Okay then . . . Pasta it is," He agreed. The walk took no time at all, and they swiftly made it back to town. He frowned a bit and looked around, it was quiet for such a sunny day.

"It's so quiet, where is everyone?" He asked himself. Kanan let go of his arm and stood in front of him.

"Oh, you know how it is! It's summertime! Everyone must have left for vacation. We have the whole place to ourselves!" She smiled. Gonou reluctantly nodded as he looked down the normally busy city street.

"Even so . . . It seems . . . Deserted," He breathed. Kanan grabbed the basket from him and continued to walk down the street.

"It's nicer this way; I hate crowds," She said. As he watched her walk down the sidewalk, Gonou couldn't shake this feeling in his gut. He hesitantly followed as the sun rose higher in the sky. He felt sweaty and warm, his jacket making him sweat under the collar. He licked his lips but stopped. He tried again, but no moisture would come to him or his lips. Moving some hair from his face, he pulled his hand back, his hair felt longer than it should have been. He ran his hand through his hair and frowned, blinking in confusion. He walked up to a shop window and peered at the glass, trying to see his reflection. He backed up in fright at his image. He looked . . . Younger, youthful. The black circles under his eyes were gone as were the stress marks. He touched his face to find the skin lighter and healthier looking. His hair was long in both the front and the back, like how he used to wear it as a child.

Wait . . .

Gonou frowned when he stepped back.

"I've . . I've always looked this way . . . Why do I think my hair needs to be shorter? My eyes . . . ?" He said to himself. He looked back at the window to see himself closely. Two faces suddenly shone behind him, and Gonou gasped. He spun around frantically but was met with nothing but an empty street. His felt his breathing pick up, but he didn't know why.

"Gonou! Come on! The bus will be coming soon!" She shouted. Gonou swallowed somewhere in his throat as Kanan waved at him from down the street.

"C-Coming," he said to her. He walked briskly down the street, stepping up to his sister. She looked at him and frowned in concern.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Gonou shook his head and smiled at her, taking her hand. She continued to stare at him as they walked to the bus station. The streets still remained quiet, and it was slightly unnerving to him. Not even the sound of nature or bird's singing. They arrived at the small closed-in bench as a long road stretched before them. Kanan grabbed her brother's hand and made him sit down beside her. They sat like that for a while and Gonou wondered if they were ever late at all for the bus they needed to catch.

"What a beautiful day it was Gonou, I'm glad we got to spend it together," She said softly. Hakkai nodded as Kanan leaned over a bit and set her hand on his shoulder. He smiled down at her in affection as he raised his hand and gently set it on her brown hair. The air began to cool as the beautiful day almost came to an end. The world was still too quiet to him, but it no longer unnerved him the way it once did before. He actually began to feel sleepy.

"Me too, we should do this again," He said. Kanan seemed to stare into space for a moment.

No cars sped by on the empty street. As they sat though, the city lights began to slowly flicker on building by building. Gonou gazed at it absentmindedly as he continued to pet Kanan's head softly. He felt his sister shift beside him.

"Gonou . . . ?" She asked meekly, voice quite in the twilight. Gonou looked at her from gazing down the road. Her eyes seemed to shine just as the sun began to almost disappear just off the horizon.

"Hmm? Yes?" He said, snapping from his day dream.

"What was your favorite thing we did together?" Kanan asked him, voice soft. Gonou stared at the top of her head as he tried to think.

"Well . . . There are so many, do I pick just one?" He asked playfully. Kanan though did shift or smile.

"I'm serious . . . And yeah, just one," She said. Gonou frowned as he looked toward the sky.

"Honestly, all my memories of us were the best. Since you're here, I've never really had a bad memory . . . " He said. It was quiet for a moment as Kanan sat up a bit.

"And what if I wasn't here? What if . . . What if I died, and you were all alone? Could you ever find happiness again?" She asked. Gonou frowned and really looked at her.

"What brought this on? What are you thinking about?" He asked. Kanan shifted her green eyes at him. She didn't speak so Gonou did for her.

"And we have so many more memories to make. We still have to go to Europe now that you're better," He mentioned with a smile. Kanan's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth a bit as if to speak.

"Now that you're well . . . We could go to Belgium or France. You've always wanted to see Italy and Rome, anything you want," He smiled. Kanan suddenly looked afraid and it puzzled Gonou. She began to shake as she quickly looked at the ground.

"What's wrong?" He asked. He waited for a few moments for her to speak, but she only shook her head.

"And what about . . . What about Sanzo . . . And Gojyo?" She asked meekly. The brunette frowned at her as she still didn't look at him.

"Who?" He asked in confusion. Kanan suddenly turned so fast that she knocked the picnic basket off the bench. Her eyes were tearful as she regarded him.

"What about Sanzo and Gojyo? Are you going to leave them behind? Don't you love them?" She asked. Gonou opened his mouth as if to speak, but instead he closed it.

"Sanzo . . . Gojyo?" He said quietly. The names struck something inside him, but he couldn't figure out why. As he said them, a feeling of warmth coated him from the inside out. He took a breath and blinked rapidly into the now setting sun.

"W-why?" He tried to say. Kanan shook her head and looked at the ground.

"I've waited here . . . For so long. I've waited right here for you because I was afraid to move on alone but now . . . Now that I think about it . . . Everything I'm taking you away from . . . They love you Gonou. Those two people really love you!" She whimpered. Gonou sat in shock as she released his arm in order to bury her face into her shaking hands.

"You were all I thought about before I died. Before that man . . . But I knew . . . You'd be all alone. I wanted to be selfish, and I wanted you all to myself again. I'm sorry Gonou . . . I'm so sorry!" She cried out. She looked at him then, and Gonou could see the sadness in his sister's eyes.

"I'm sorry . . . Hakkai," She breathed.

Gonou reeled back as if he had been struck and almost fell off the bench. He gasped as a collage of memories assaulted him and a feeling of dizziness settle. Faces and scenes flashed before his eyes as he struggled to put them all in order as he stared in shock at his sister.

The case . . . His insomnia . . . Evidence clerk . . . Genjyo Sanzo . . . Sha Gojyo . . . The Chief . . . Kougaiji . . . Zenon . . . Shien . . . Homura . . . Homura . . . ? Homura!

My name . . . My name is Hakkai . . . Yes I . . . I go by that now . . . No one calls me Gonou anymore . . .

"Homura!" Hakkai shouted, standing up. The movement caused the picnic basket at his feet to topple over completely. He suddenly felt much clearer as sound began to come back into his world. He looked back at Kanan, who was now smiling at him softly.

"I...Remember. . . Everything . . . " He said. She nodded at him and stood up also. Reaching forward she brushed back his hair, which was now at its normal length once again. She traced the skin below his eyes, and he squinted as she traced the black circle marks.

"Oh Hakkai, look what you've done to yourself while I was gone," She said in slight affection. Hakkai reached up and gently took her hands into his own. Holding them between them, he faced his dead sister.

"I'm sorry . . . I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I didn't listen when he told me to stop investigating. He killed you because I refused to give up," He said sadly. Kanan shook her head, her cheeks turning a light red.

"It's not your fault. He was a bad man, and he needed to be stopped. I've seen countless souls wander through here, looking sad and frightened, regretful they could never tell the one's, they loved how they truly felt. You were being you and doing what you loved, stopping bad guys." She shook her head as her braid fell over her shoulder to her back.

"I don't blame you brother . . . I never did," She said softly. She leaned forward as tears threatened to spill from Hakkai's eyes. Her soft lips touched his cheek, and he let them fall.

"I love you Kanan," He said softly.

In the distance, something was coming toward them. Hakkai turned his head at the sound and squinted at it. He turned back to Kanan as she set her hand on his chest. An instant warmth coated him, and she smiled at him.

"That's my ride. I've been waiting a long time for it to come for me," She explained. Hakkai looked back at the bus that was seeming to come toward them in slow motion.

"This is . . . Where I say good-bye?" He said. She nodded and took back her hands to fold them in front of her.

"For now . . . But you better not come back here for at least another seventy years. Promise?" She said. Hakkai felt the bitter sweetness in the message.

"And . . . I love you, brother. Don't think you can't live a full life without me," She said. The bus drew nearer, and Hakkai could smell the fumes as if it were a real bus. Somewhere, in the distance, Hakkai heard a bell.

"A bell?" He said. The wind was picking up, and it ruffled both, hair billowing softly.

Kanan frowned suddenly and lowered her head.

"Yes, you need to listen to it. That bell . . . Is your heart, it is the key for you to go back to them," She said. Hakkai frowned as he heard the bell ring quicker and faster. The bus finally pulled up, and Kanan reached down to pick up the fallen remains of the picnic basket. Hakkai walked her to the curb just as the bus pulled up to it. The bell, in the distance, rung faster and quicker and Hakkai himself could feel the small beating in his chest as the bus doors opened with a hiss. There was no driver, and it seemed Kanan would be the only passenger on the bus. Kanan held his hand as she stepped on the first step of the ramp and looked back at him.

"Live a long-life Hakkai, especially with the one's you love," She said. Hakkai nodded and squeezed her hand in a promise.

"There are so many things I want to say but . . . For once I'm at a loss for words. How do I say good-bye?" He asked sadly. Kanan smiled and stuck out her tongue playfully, a gesture Hakkai was all too familiar within their childhood.

"Just say it silly," She urged with a wink. Hakkai smiled as he finally let go of her hand.

"All right then, good-bye Kanan, I'll see you again in seventy years or so," He promised. Kanan smiled and nodded her head.

"Sounds good, love you!" She waved. Hakkai smiled as he stepped back from the door.

"Love you too, have a safe trip . . . Sister," He said. The doors closed as Hakkai was forced to watch as Kanan rode away. She waved at him, for as long as she could before the bus became nothing but a speck, in the distance. He sat down heavily on the bench as the bell in the air rung almost uncontrollably.

"Oh dear . . . I have a feeling . . . This is going to hurt," He said to himself. As he watched the sun go completely down, a white light flashed behind his eyes, and he squeezed them tight. Grasping around his middle torso, he took shaky breaths.

"Thank you . . . Kanan," He whispered finally.

Hakkai threw his head as the white light completely enveloped him.

The nurse stared sadly at the handsome man laying on the Gurney. She frowned at the paleness and the amount of blood covering the poor man's middle. Taking her chart, she picked it up and labeled his time of death. She looked to the wall clock next to the heart machine and blinked. Her pretty blue eyes blinked again as she raised a hand to rub at them.

"Huh?" She said. Her eyes flicked to the heart screen, and they opened wide.


In horror and surprise, the nurse dropped the clip board and backed up. Someone forgot to remove the finger clip leading to the machine. The body on the Gurney began to twitch as she briefly thought this looked like something out of the living dead.

"T-that's . . I-impossible!" She stuttered in fright. The brunette on the Gurney twitched, and a small moan of pain rose from his throat. She watched stunned as green eyes burst open and his mouth opened wide. She regained herself as the man started screaming bloody murder and tried to grab around his stomach. Moving quickly, she held him down and hit the emergency button near his head. She struggled to keep him down as he screamed in her ear, and his strength seemed to come back full force. Immediately, the room flooded with people as his screams became louder.

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much! Make it stop! Make it stop!

So bright! I can't see! My body! It feels like I'm on fire!

Make it stop Kanan! Anybody! Make it stop!

Sanzo and Gojyo sat in the hallway waiting chairs, staring at the far wall. Both were numb to the world around them as they discreetly held hands under their coats. The hallway suddenly exploded as doctors and nurses rushed by with equipment and Gojyo was forced to retract his long legs to let them by. Gojyo and Sanzo watched in surprise and stood a moment later as a scream resonated down the hallway. They looked at each other, and Sanzo shook his head.

"No . . . It can't be," He breathed. They watched in horror as the medical staff rushed into the room, they had placed Hakkai for their final good-byes, the two detectives building up the courage in the hallway to finally go in. A nurse popped her head out as she yelled down the hallway.

"Code yellow! Get Doctor Simmons in here! Cho Gonou needs more gauze now and anesthesia! He's not dead and he's in a lot of pain!" She screamed. Gojyo and Sanzo stood stunned as more staff ran into the room. Getting over their shock, they looked at each other.

"He's . . Alive?" They said together.

They both thought their hearts would burst.

Wake up silly, they're waiting for you . . .

Gonou, get up silly!

They're waiting for you to come back . . .

Two weeks later

Sunlight flooded the room for the first time in months. The occupant on the bed groaned and shifted on the clean sheets. Blinking rapidly, Cho Gonou Hakkai looked around his hospital room. His stomach felt like it had bottomed out and breathing was a chore. His room was empty and silent except for the soft beeping of his heart monitor. He swallowed and licked his lips as the dryness wouldn't go away. Breathing deeply but carefully, he reached across his body to the call button. A few moments later, a nurse walked in, surprised to see him awake.

"Oh! Mr. Hakkai, good to see you awake, many people have been very worried about you. I'll let your doctor know you're conscious. Do you need anything?" The pretty nurse asked. Hakkai nodded and was barely able to utter the word water. She nodded and promised to be back.

The brunette sat up slightly and leaned against his warm pillow. He felt refreshed if not terribly sore. He thought back to his dream and briefly wondered if by sure miracle alone he had survived.

No, I have Kanan to thank for that.

He smiled delicately as sunlight filtered in and warmed his slightly pale face.

Hours later a worried Kougaiji appeared at his door. He looked in cautiously and was surprised to see the brunette wide awake and alert. He smiled in relief, and it was a happy smile that Hakkai had not seen truly in years. He lifted a hand and Kou caught it, sitting on the bed beside him.

"How are you feeling?" The red head asked. Hakkai shrugged and smiled.

"Complete," He said, despite the pain in his abdomen. Kou nodded and couldn't help but frown.

"We thought . . . We thought we lost you for a while. They told us you were dead as soon as you arrived here," He said lowly. Hakkai's eyes opened a bit before he relaxed.

"I believe I did die in a way. It certainly was a relief for a while. But dead was . . . It was temporary," Hakkai said. Kou scooted a bit closer and moved some hair from his eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner," He apologized. Hakkai squeezed his hand in reassurance. He managed to lift his other arm with the IV and poked Kou in the nose, the other man giving a surprised grunt. Reaching up, Kou rubbed at his face.

"What was that for?" He asked. Hakkai chuckled but stopped when it hurt too much.

"I told you to stop that. I made my own mistakes, and now they're fixed. There is nothing to be sorry about," Hakkai said. He looked passed Kougaiji and out the window. He looked back at his friend and smiled almost sadly.

"I met Kanan, Kou. I think she helped me," He breathed.

Kougaiji sat there as Hakkai told him of what he had dreamed. When he finished, the other sat there with a blank face. He nodded slowly as he gently held Hakkai's hand.

"You really saw all that?" He asked. Hakkai nodded and leaned back into his bed.

"I don't know if I did. I guess it was one of those things in life you would need to experience to understand. I'm not sure if Kanan or God himself had something to do with it, but I'm here. I'm alive after being almost stabbed to death." Both were silent for a moment as Kou waited for the question Hakkai wanted to ask.

"What happened to . . . ?" The brunette began.

"Homura? He is still being questioned as of now. They're not ruling it an insanity case that is for sure. He'll definitely get attempted murder for what he did to you, but all your evidence will put him away for life . . . Or give him the death sentence."

Hakkai narrowed his eyes as he looked at his blanket.

"Death is too kind for that bastard," He said in a harsh whisper. Kou leaned forward, and Hakkai was surprised as he felt lips touch his cheek. Pulling back, Kougaiji looked at him seriously.

"You stopped him; that's what matters right now. He can't kill any more people, officially; the Rainy Day Killer case is closed."

Hakkai breathed a sigh of relief, something he had not felt in years.

"Thank God."

It would be two months before Hakkai would be allowed to leave the hospital. After Kougaiji left that day, within the hour, Gojyo and Sanzo nearly stumbled over one another to get into his room. Brushing away their embarrassment, both went over to him and touched his face. They asked questions of course, and told Hakkai how worried they were and how relieved they were to see him alive. Hakkai calmed their worries, and they stayed with him until the nurse told them visiting hours were over. Both kicked up a fuss until she threatened to call security. The doctor arrived the next day to fill him in on his condition.

There would be a scar of course, longer and thicker, covering the one he already had. Until Hakkai had seen it, he had no clue it was so huge and grotesque. He worried now about his appearance, and that he would always look down and have that reminder. The doctor assured him though that later in life, and surgery would be available to hopefully disguise the scar.

Kougaiji, Gojyo and Sanzo visited him like crazy and often fought over who would stay over nights. Hakkai assured them that he was fine until they glared at him to be quiet.

"Seriously, after you get out of here, I want you to go into retirement Kai," Gojyo said playfully. It was an afternoon, and Hakkai had just gotten out of physical therapy. Lunch was here, but Hakkai wasn't too keen on eating what he assumed was mashed potatoes and coleslaw. Pushing the tray away he was surprised, they even fed him whole foods, his stomach felt like knots upon knots every time he tried. Kou kindly stopped and gotten him some onion soup, his favorite.

"How much longer do you have to be in here?" Sanzo asked him. The brunette sipped his soup as he looked at his blond-haired lover.

"They said in another four weeks I can go home. I'll have to come back for therapy, but my doctor is surprised at how quickly I'm recovering," He said. Sanzo looked distracted for a moment as he glared at Gojyo. The red head gave a nervous smile and Hakkai tilted his head in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked them. Gojyo shook his head and waved his hands back and forth in front of him with the same nervous smile.

"Oh nothing, Sanzo has just been getting on my case about something. By the way, Goku has been calling the apartment like crazy. I'm running out of excuses on what to tell him Kai. I can only say you're in the bathroom so many times," He said. Hakkai nodded and took a deep breath.

"Yes, this will be hard to explain, and I'm afraid he'll take the first train back after I tell him."

"Goku, it's been a while since I've seen that kid. Is he still causing trouble?" Kougaiji asked him.

Another month went by, and Hakkai continued his recovery. The scar on his stomach ached when he breathed, but it was now dulling out to be a pale mark across his abdomen. His lovers were becoming more eager to get him home and the brunette himself wanted to sleep in his own bed for a change. The day finally came where the doctor gave him the okay to go home but cautioned him about lifting anything or showering by himself. As soon as Gojyo heard that part, he was all too eager to play nursemaid.

"It'll be fun . . . Like role playing," He winked. Sanzo hit him upside the head in the lobby.

"Shut up and go get the car!" He hissed at the red head. Hakkai was glad to see the men acting like themselves around him. He smiled truly for the first time in a while and laughed.

On the way, home, Hakkai sat in the front next to Sanzo while Gojyo sat behind them. He briefed Hakkai on everything that had been going on since his hospitalization. The case had pretty much some to a close and Homura would receive sentencing soon. The boy Hakkai saved had been grateful and was returned to his family. Of course, the Chief still wanted to talk to him but that could come at another time. Relaxing in his seat, Hakkai leaned back and enjoyed the sunshine running across his face. It was so warm and it briefly reminded him of his dream. When they reached the building, Hakkai was happy to be home. Sanzo took his hospital bag while Gojyo slung an arm around him and led him inside. They opened his door only to come to a stop. Hakkai felt his eyes go wide at what he saw.

"Gojyo . . . " Sanzo growled. The red head gave the same nervous laugh he did a month ago in Hakkai's hospital room. The kitchen was a mess, as if a bomb went off and stuck to the walls. The stove had food spills and burnt marks around the burners. The sink overflowed with dirty dishes, and some were left on the counter. The table in both the kitchen and living room were covered in beer cans and overflowing ashtrays. The brunette observed the mess and concluded one thing.

"Someone broke in and ruined my apartment," He said breathlessly, feeling faint. Gojyo gave a cough as he helped the brunette over the couch.

"Ah no . . . Not exactly. Sanzo and I were . . . Staying here, during your recovery," Gojyo started.

"You . . . You stayed here while I did paperwork at the office," The blond hissed, setting Hakkai's bag on the floor.

"Yeah so anyway . . . Well . . . We were worried and shit and I smoked a bit too much and . . . I drank a lot. I tried to cook, but that went wrong and the fire alarm went off and the landlord threatened me because it kept going off . . . I can't cook. Then I tried doing the dishes but Goku kept calling, and I ran out of excuses, so he started arguing with me, and I forgot to clean the apartment before I met Sanzo at the precinct to pick you up," He said all in one breath. Hakkai stared at him before he sat back with a huff on his couch. He threw his hands over his eyes and started to laugh.

"What am I going to do with you Gojyo?" He giggled. The action made his stomach ache but in a good way. The red head sat next to him and set a hand over his stomach where he was stabbed.

"That should be my line man. We got to find a way to keep you out of trouble. I recommend tying you to the bed, post by post," He wiggled his eyebrows. Sanzo rolled his eyes, but Hakkai could have sworn he gave a grunt of agreement. The brunette smiled and lowered his hand to rest over Gojyo's own on his stomach.

"Seeing as I have no posts on my bed that might be difficult. However, in order to keep me out of trouble, you would need to be here twenty-four seven. The only way for that to happen would be if I asked you and Sanzo to move in with me. Which you're free to do of course," The brunette said. Gojyo and Sanzo stopped dead to look at him. They looked at each other, and Hakkai smiled at the slightly miffed but happy expression on Sanzo's face.

"Really?" Gojyo whispered. Hakkai nodded as he sat up slightly with a wince.

"That is if you want to," He offered. Gojyo smiled so widely that his whole face lit up. He hugged Hakkai tightly, and the brunette gave a small grunt of pain at the strong motion.

"Are you kidding? I can't even remember the last time I stayed at my own place! And . . . Oh, sorry Kai," He said, pulling back from the hug. Hakkai caught his breath but smiled and laughed none the less. He looked at the blond who seemed to be in deep concentration.

"I think it's a good idea. It makes sense, especially after everything we've been through together . . . And . . . Uh . . . " The blond cut off. Hakkai practically blinked in surprise as he saw Sanzo, the normally composed one practically blush and rub the back of his head.

"And seeing as both me and the idiot . . . Love you," He said finally. Both Gojyo and Hakkai actually seemed shocked that Sanzo was the one to say it. They both smiled and looked at each other.

"You told us on the phone that you loved us, but we never got to say it back," Gojyo said. Hakkai nodded and looked at the floor.

"I was sure I would never be able to say it. I wanted to, just in case Just to let you guys know how I felt about you . . . Both of you," He said, picking up his head. Hakkai himself felt a blush coat his face at the way both of his lovers stared at him.

"Next time, wait for us to say something back," The blond chastised. Hakkai nodded and smiled as he leaned against his couch.

"I do; I love you both," He said, feeling whole atbeing able to say it out loud. Sanzo came over and sat down on Hakkai's other side while Gojyo settled against him. Together they looked at the sunny day that had finally broken through the clouds outside.

"We love you too Kai, even if Blondie over there doesn't say it often enough," Gojyo said, leaning over and kissing the brunette. Sanzo did the same with a glare at Gojyo as the green-eyed man relaxed in between them.

"Even if he doesn't say it out loud, I can still hear it," He said tiredly. Reaching up, Hakkai set his hand on the back of Sanzo's neck just as Gojyo slipped one around his waist, pulling them all close together.

"The thing is . . . If I'm moving in . . . Where am I going to put my shit?" Gojyo mumbled absentmindedly.

"In the garbage, it really is nothing but shit," The blond beside Hakkai mumbled tiredly.

"You certainly spew enough of it," The red head retorted, suppressing a yawn.

"Kiss my ass," The blond said quietly.

Hakkai smiled as they seemed to fight until both drifted off on the couch. Gently getting up, he winced as his stomach muscles pulled. He smiled at the two men as he walked over toward his end stand. Picking up the picture of himself and Kanan, he smiled.

"Thank you," He said to her quietly.

Now that it was all over, Hakkai could finally relax and live his life. There would be more in the future, he knew it, but for now; he just wanted to live with the two men he loved dearly. Holding the picture to his chest, Hakkai looked out his large apartment windows.

The sun was finally shining.

Zenon stood before two graves near the center of the city. A loose cigarette dangled from his mouth as he lifted a hand and took a drag. His wife and son lay before him, finally avenged like he wanted. Now that they were avenged, his felt while in a way, and at the same time empty. He wiped his face of the tears he had cried hours ago and ran that same hand through his hair. Putting out his cigarette, he walked the stone path back to the street, his boots scuffing the stone. He put his hands in his pockets and smiled up ahead of him. His bike was parked on the side of the road, people finally out and about on the sunny day, the kids once again being able to play in the parks. He smiled at the man sitting on the seat of his bike, back into his biker wear and leaving their detective days behind them. Shien's hair was loose, moving softly behind his back as he waited, watching the city peacefully. He glowed in the sunlight as Zenon approached him, reaching out to stroke the ends of those blue locks. The man faced him, broken from his trance as he blinked at Zenon.

"Are you okay?" Shien asked him softly. Zenon shrugged and smoothed back his own hair again.

"I think so, I accepted this a long time ago. It's time to move on. I've made my peace," He said finally. Shien gave him a small smile, a slight quirk of the lips.

"No regrets?" He asked. Zenon smiled back and leaned forward, catching his lover in a kiss. It lasted a few moments before Zenon pulled backward from him.

"None whatsoever," He said. Both gazed warmly at one another as Zenon slipped onto his bike. Shien molded to his back and wrapped his arms around Zenon's strong middle, letting out a breath against his shoulder. Revving up the bike, they both took off. Zenon shot like a bullet down the street and an hour later, out of the city. Heading wherever they pleased.

One week later

"Hey Kai, where do you want this?" Gojyo called out. Hakkai turned from cleaning out his bottom cabinets to the red head. He couldn't help but smile playfully at the yellow bandana Gojyo chose to wear on top his head while they unpacked everything. The sun was shining brightly on the early Saturday morning. Practically, a day-after Hakkai invited them both to live with him, both men went back to their apartments and immediately started packing. Not wanting to leave him by himself, Sanzo called Kougaiji to baby sit while both packed what they wanted to bring over. The red-headed man agreed, not wanting to give up spending time with Hakkai before he headed back to his station another county away. He talked long and hard with the brunette about really wanting this. It took convincing but eventually Kou lost the agreement and accepted what the three had. That didn't mean he was totally open to it, and Hakkai had a feeling he never truly would.

Wearing a blue wife beater and jeans, Gojyo stood there with a box of some of his dishes resting easily on his broad shoulder. He looked around him at all the dishes set out to be reorganized in the cupboards, seeing a mixture of Sanzo's already in. Hakkai stood up carefully with a slight wince and a grasp of the counter. Gojyo set down the box he had and walked over to him. Hakkai made sure now to wear loose shirts and pants, tight clothing becoming constricting and painful to wear over his still tender stomach.

"You okay man? Should you be bending down like that?" He asked with a small look of nervousness. Hakkai took a deep breath and nodded, smoothing back his long bangs from his slightly sweaty forehead.

"I'm all right, just getting used to moving around again. You've had me on bed rest for days," He said. Gojyo gave a cat-like grin as he nearly sauntered up to Hakkai.

"Yeah well, I had to keep you in a spot, I knew you'd never want to run away from," He purred. Hakkai bit his lip to keep from laughing at the look on Gojyo's face and the fact that his yellow bandana made his smile all the more comical. Before he could Gojyo suddenly grunted and rubbed the back of his head, looking behind him. Hakkai looked down to the pillow that had been thrown at the back of his lover's head.

"Stop being a pervert and move more boxes!"

Gojyo swung around and pointed an accusing finger at Goku.

The youth stood on top of the couch from where he had been dusting the coffee table. Hakkai had finally managed to talk to the boy a week ago and ruefully explained what had happened. And of course, he and Nataku grabbed the first train, and were here in a matter of hours, worried sick. It took a few more hours of calming down before Sanzo cooked dinner, and Hakkai invited them to stay. Goku had though flipped a shit when he found out that Gojyo and Sanzo would be moving in. Having the same conversation with Kougaiji, Hakkai warmed him over to his side and the brunette agreed to help them surprisingly.

"Shut your mouth monkey bitch! Go back to scrubbing the walls!" He yelled back. Over in the corner with a dust wand, Nataku sighed at his boyfriend's behavior.

"Goku, be nice!" He chastised. Sanzo next to him who was setting his books on the shelf agreed.

"Why? Gojyo started it!" He pleaded with his boyfriend.

"Oh I did not! And since I'm living here now, address me properly as master you little shit!" The red head smirked. Goku looked aghast.

"Master! Fuck you! You may live here, but it will always be Hakkai's place bozo!" He said, chocolate hair wild. Sanzo and Nataku both watched as they continued to fling insults at one another. Hakkai walked over to them and gently set a hand on top of Nataku's head.

"Let them get it out of their system. I'm sure they'll get tried soon . . . " He said in a sigh.

"OH THAT'S IT!" Gojyo shouted suddenly. They all turned back to see the red head march over to Goku. He tackled the boy over the couch as they threw kicks and punches at one another. Hakkai watched as Gojyo's bandana went flying along with the hat Goku had been wearing. They rolled on the carpet, pulling hair and cussing.

"Or not . . . " Hakkai finished. Nataku got up from his cleaning position in order to go calm down his boyfriend. Sanzo stood next to him and reached out to set a hand on Hakkai's lower back.

"You sure this is what you want? You might have to put up with shit like this all the time," He asked. Hakkai looked over at him and gave him a warm smile, moving his hair behind his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure. I couldn't think of having it any other way. I have you both, Goku and Nataku. I consider myself blessed in more ways than one," He said quietly, putting a hand over his stomach. Sanzo continued to look at him as he watched Nataku calm Goku and Gojyo down.

"Quite the family we have," He said. Hakkai chuckled as a grumbling Goku came over to him.

"By the way, the way Hakkai, what are you doing with the spare room?" Goku asked. Gojyo looked up from where he had been sitting by the carpet.

"Spare room? What spare room?" He asked. Sanzo rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead.

"The one next to the bathroom you stupid shit," He glared, pointing to the bathroom. Gojyo blinked in confusion as he looked to where Sanzo had been pointing. Sure enough, there was a door there.

"Umm, why haven't I noticed that before?" He asked, sounding miffed.

"Ah, I'm afraid the coat rack was hiding it," Hakkai explained in mirth, crossing his arms and leaning on Sanzo's shoulder, which caused the blond to fully wrap his arm around the brunette's waist.

"So what are you going to do with it?" Goku asked again. Hakkai set a finger on his lips and tilted his head.

"Well . . . I guess I could make it storage, or a guest room . . . Or a nursery," He finished with a shrug. Goku blinked at him in confusion and even Nataku seemed to perk up at the word.

"Nursery? Why a nursery Hakkai?" He asked in disbelief, scratching his head. Hakkai smiled playfully.

"Why yes, for when I want a baby," He said, sounding completely serious.

Everyone in the room was silent and Hakkai did everything he could to hold back his laughter at the look on Gojyo's face. He had palled considerably, and he looked as if he had just shit his pants.

"B-b-b-bab–baby!" the red head yelled.

"You can't get a baby! I'm the baby!" Goku practically screeched like a kid.

"You're having a baby! Congratulations! I love babies!" Nataku squealed in happiness. Hakkai bit his lip in an effort to hold back the painful laughter, it seemed Sanzo was the only one who understood that it was a joke. The blond stood right next to him and decided to play along with him.

"Gojyo, you're going to have to learn how to change diapers," The blond said, giving the red head a significant look.

"B-but . . . I suck at changing diapers! And when are we going to find time to be intimate with a baby around!" Gojyo jumped up, grabbing the sides of his head.

"Shut up you sick freak! Hakkai can't get a baby. He's supposed to consider me his baby!" Goku yelled, pointing at the panicking red head.

"Oh I'll have to go shopping! Is it, a boy or a girl? Ah who cares! I want to decorate the nursery!" Nataku yelled in excitement, looking positively gleeful.

All three continued to rant on and Hakkai finally lost it. He started laughing so hard in the room that Sanzo had to hold him up. Tears came to his green eyes as Sanzo shook his head and smirked. All three stopped talking and looked at the brunette like he was crazy.

"Hakkai! Why are you laughing? You can't have a baby!" Goku shouted in panic, running over to him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah man! Think about how hard it was to keep the monkey out of trouble! I guarantee I'll be a shit dad with all the hours I work! A detective is no career for parenting dude! And I'm not unloading the kid onto you when I do have to work!" Gojyo seemed to almost be scolding.

"I'll baby sit! I'll baby sit!" Nataku offered, jumping up and down, his long hair flying.

"Nataku! Stop it! You're supposed to agree with me!" Goku pleaded, grabbing the sides of his head.

Hakkai continued to laugh until he almost cried. When they all calmed down, he told them he was just kidding.

"Ah thank god . . . That was a bombshell dude," Gojyo sighed, sitting down on the couch and scratching his mussed up hair. Hakkai took a seat on the armchair while Sanzo and Goku sat on the floor, Goku pulling his boyfriend into his lap.

"Not funny!" Goku pouted. Nataku seemed to give out a breath of disappointment.

"Ah man . . . " He said with a frown. The brunette shook his head as his stomach muscles protested at all the laughter.

"I apologize, but I couldn't resist. Maybe someday, but for now, I want to live with the family I have presently," He smiled. They all grinned at him before Gojyo stretched out on the couch fully.

"Whatever you decide man. Hell who knows . . . Maybe down the line being a dad could be really cool," He shrugged, looking at the ceiling with a dreamy look.

"Yeah, I guess being a big brother wouldn't be so bad," Goku grumbled, latching onto his boyfriend. Hakkai chuckled as he ran his fingers through Sanzo's hair who was on the floor near his feet.

"Ah maybe someday . . . Maybe someday . . . " He said softly, staring at his family.

Laying in bed that night, Hakkai stared at his ceiling. His muscles protested at him moving slightly onto his back. He thought back to everything that had happened to him in that short amount of time. The soft breathing of his lovers beside him did everything to quell the slight nervousness he had about everything that had been happening to him and them. Goku and Nataku slept in his living room and it was them just being here that eased him all the more. His whole family was here, and he appreciated every moment with them. They may not have all been connected by blood, but they were all his spiritually.

A sudden ache in his abdomen had Hakkai reaching down to pet the long scar on his stomach. He held back a whimper as his stomach seemed to jolt painfully at the slight petting. Setting his fingers over the white scar, he traced it upward just to the left of his belly button to mid stomach. He frowned deeply and felt a prickle coat the corner of his eye. He blinked them back and bit his bottom lip.

Kanan . . .

He imagined her smile and closed his eyes.

"Live a long-life Hakkai, especially with the one's you love."

Her words struck him deeply as his hands moved to his sides, reaching for Sanzo's and Gojyo's hands while they slept. He squeezed them as he lay there, eyes still closed in the darkness, moonlight cascading over all of their sleeping forms.

I will Kanan . . I will . . . I promise.

With an easy smile on his face, Hakkai fell asleep by his lover's sides.

The End

Wow, it been a great long haul everyone, there will be plenty of one shots in the future but for now, onto other ventures! Thanks for reading and reviewing!