
That was the word his boss used when Germany told him how he felt about Italy.


"I will not allow it" he said sternly, pacing around him like a vulture eyeing up its pray. "You will not bring such a terrible name to the duchland I've worked so hard to create"

"but I-"

"You've misunderstood your feelings. You hate people with those types of feelings. Their disgusting. that's why were getting rid of them. We cannot have two people of the same sex together if we intend to have a perfect world. do you understand? this is what we've worked for."

"Yes sir..."

"good. Your lucky I'm in a good mood today Germany, or I would have both of you sent to the camps for such disgusting thoughts"

There it was again. Disgusting.

Germany's eyes wandered around the room. His eyes fell on pictures sitting on the fuehrer's desk. Pictures soldiers had taken of the camps. He could never let them send Italy to such a place

Those camps were truly disgusting

Germany looked back up at his boss

"I'm sorry fuehrer. Your right. My feelings were terribly mistaken. It wont happen again"

"see that id doesn't"

Germany nodded and saluted his boss before walking off.

He walked outside into the rainy afternoon air. Not wanting to wait for a trolley, Germany walked home. Germany didn't mind the rain or the walk. It gave him time to think. His boss was right. He had agreed that homosexuals were bad and that they deserved to die. But that was before he fell for Italy...

He walked into the house, shaking his head like a dog to get the water off his hair before slicking it back with his fingers.

Italy heard the door open and ran out to greet Germany, jumping into the taller man's arms.

"I'm so glad your home. You scared me. You've never been late before. I thought you were attacked by England or France or somebody and that I was gonna be all alone forever and ever and-"

Germany hushed him with a kiss.

"Italy. I love you. I love you more than anything else. And no matter what my boss, or France or England or anyone else wants I will never leave you." Italy smiled.

"I love you too Germany" Italy said pulling himself closer to the German. "Your nice to me and you keep me safe and let me make pasta in your kitchen"

Germany chuckled and nodded

"And I always will."

59 years seemed like no time at all for the two nations. 59 years. Within that time World War Two had ended and government in Germany had changed. With new government came new rules and as of 2001 Civil Unions were legalized in Germany. It wasn't marriage, but it was close enough. Now Germany and Italy could always be together. They could go on dates and hold hands in public. They didn't have to be afraid of Germany's boss or anyone else. The two nations could truly be happy and together as long as they both shall live. Their love was no longer bad or disgusting. It was beautiful.

A/N: Sorry that sucked ^_^ I just wrote it as a way to vent~