I was asleep on the couch when I heard those telltale knocks.

Knock knock knock "Penny!" knock knock knock "Penny!" knock knock knock "Penny!"

Sheldon Cooper, who else? I groaned, irritated and got up to answer. I opened the door to see a rather flushed physicist standing in my doorway clutching a brown paper bag. "Hello Penny, were you sleeping?" he asked, probably picking up on my skewed my hair and groggy disposition. I nodded, rubbing my eyes.

"What do you need honey?" I asked. He stepped inside and set the bag down on the coffee table. He looked at me and wrung his hands nervously.

"Penny," he began seriously. "You remember that night a couple of weeks ago?"

I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You mean that night we got drunk and had sex?" I asked absentmindedly. He nodded. "Sheldon I thought we agreed not to talk about this." I sighed.

"I-I'm sorry… it's just that I've been counting since your last cranky day and realized that your period is a few days late." He blurted, I froze, glaring at him.

"You time my periods by how bitchy I get?" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh Penny, PMS is something all females must go through, it's okay." He said, unabashed. "The real issue here is that I might have infected one of your ovaries with a parasite known only as homo sapien." He fumbled with his bag and I saw a little box appear in his hand.

"Sheldon sweetie," I responded, exasperated. "I'm not pregnant! It was just a one night stand and nothing's going to come of it." He didn't look soothed in the least.

"Please just cooperate for once Penny, for me." He asked nicely. I glared at him before snatching the little box away from him.

"Fine!" I snapped.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the door to my apartment was that Penny was crying in Sheldon's arms. The second thing I noticed was that Sheldon was crying too. I stopped dead and couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight.

Big fat tears dripped from the end of his hooked nose as he looked dully up at me from his spot on the couch. I had never seen Sheldon cry, not in the four years of me knowing him. He was devoid of any extremities of human emotion. He considered himself above such petty weakness, in his own words.

"What's wrong with Penny?" I said, panicked. Penny peeked up from the crook of Sheldon's nose.

"L-l-leonard." The lanky man holding her said quietly. Penny let loose a wail and buried her face in Sheldon again.

I watched as he picked her up and carried her down the hallway to his room. The door shut and I strained my ears to hear Penny's frantic sobs and Sheldon's hushed attempts to calm her with no longstanding effects.