Chapter 1: First Day

First day of a new school, hall filled with wordering students. My dad had signed me up during the summer so I had a list of classes but no idea how to get there. I tugged at my skirt, I thought they were way to short but luckily we could wear tights or short under them as long as they were black, white or navy blue. The dress code was really strict. Girls wore red and black plaid skirt, white collared shirt, a black vest or a black jacket and a red tie. Boy's uniforms consist of black pants, white collared shirt and a red tie. I went with the vest; I wore plain black shorts under my skirt that went down to my knees about five inches bellow the skirt.

I walked with the crowds searching for the right class room. After a while the crowd faded away leaving me lost in the hallways. I walked a little longer. Turning the corner another body crashed into mine. I fell backwards and landed on my butt.

"Ow." I said as I grabbed my bag that fell to my side.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a rush to find this new classmate." I looked at the person speaking to me. He was a tall black haired student. He stood up and offered his hand to me. "I'm Roy Mustang. I'm a Joiner."

I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. "Thanks, I'm Joiner, Riza Hawkeye." He let go of my hand and dusted myself.

"You just made my job easy then. My teacher sent me to retrieve a Miss Riza Hawkeye who is supposed to be in homeroom right now." He said this with a smug grin across his face.

I blushed slightly form embarrassment. "I got lost in the crowds while looking for the classroom."

Roy seemed to find this funny and burst in to laughter. Between laughing fits I was able to make out that he said: "Come on if we get caught out here we'll be killed" by the end of his sentence he had stopped laughing and was leading the way back to homeroom.

Roy opened to door and the teacher stopped talking, looked our way and smiled. "Well Mr. Mustang, it seem as though you have found your missing classmate." Roy led me in and went back to his desk. The teacher continued to speak. "I'm Mrs. Tucker, your homeroom and English teacher. Miss Hawkeye why don't you introduce yourself." She finished by motioning to the front of the room.

I walked to the middle. "I'm Riza Hawkeye. I moved here with my dad so he could be closer to his work. We used to live in Maplewood and lived there for a few years." I didn't want to say too much but enough so people wouldn't ask me stupid questions.

"Maplewood is a nice town. My husband's side of the family lives on the outskirts." Her mode changed for the kind friendly one to a serious 'down-to-business' attitude. "Now Riza you can sit there." She pointed to the seat in front of Roy, beside the window.

I nodded and walked over to the seat she mentioned. Placing my bag beside my desk and sat down. I was glad to have this seat I could see the events happening outside. Although nothing was happening it gave me a sense of security.

Mrs. Tucker resumed her lecture on school dress code. I didn't pay much attention to the lecture I had my uniforms and they were from the uniform store. I decided to watch the events outside. I watched as people walked by. It seemed so peaceful and quite. I snapped out if it when the bell rang.

The classroom erupted with voices other lapping each other. I stood up and grabbed my bag when I heard my name being called by a new voice. I turned to see men a little tall then Roy was with neat black hair and glasses.

"Hey, it's Riza right? I'm Maes Hughes, welcome to Paradise Creek High. We have Mr. Dean next we better hurry, come on Roy your holding us up!" This Maes character seemed nice and by the way he talked to Roy I would assume their childhood friend, I thought to myself.

Roy just rolled his eyes and grabs his bag and followed Maes who was leading the way. I waited for him to pass me and continued to follow behind him. They seem like trustworthy people that, the type I can get along with. I couldn't help but smile as we walked through the hall.

Mr. Dean's music class passed by fast, all we really did was review notes, note names and sharps. Simple if you ask me. We had six classes each day three before lunch then 3 after plus after school activity. Today we had English, music. We still have gym, then lunch, math, science and finally geography.

I followed the girls in to the ladies changing room. I changed as fast as I could so I could get out of this over populated room. I followed another girl that had the same idea. We made our way to a large gym twice the size of my old schools.

A couple of guys had already came out and lined up against the wall. The girl made her way to the wall as well, so I followed suit and walked to the wall.

The girl turned to me. "Since you're kind of following me how 'bout we get to know each so it doesn't seem like your stalking me or any thing." She said with a smile, I couldn't help but chuckle at her choice of wording. "I'm Rebecca Catalina." She finished with a bright smile.

I returned the smile. "Riza Hawkeye." Rebecca was the same height as me with long black hair that was tied back into a pony.

By this point most of the other students were out and the teacher came in the gym from his office. "I am Coach Neil, as many of you know. Today we'll start off with a warm up, suicides." Half the class moaned causing Coach the laugh. "Don't worry we'll start of slow, OK? Two suicides and… GO!" he blow into a whistle making everyone run form line to line.

We finished soon and lined up against the wall again. "Today we'll start with a simple game of dodge ball." A smile came across my face as did for Coach Neil when he saw my reaction. "Same rules to start catch a ball a player is in, get hit you sit on the bench. And boys no whipping the balls at faces, we don't want a repeat of last year." A few guys moaned at this result. "Ones on that side," He said pointing to the far wall. "Twos remain on this side."

He went down the line calling out the numbers. I was on the same team as Maes. On our side we started to plot our enemy's downfall.

We were in a circle as Maes begin. "Catharine, Danny and Alex you guys catch. Marco, Claire and Will you retrieve the ball. April, Josh, Lilly and myself will through. The rest of you dodge and distract. Riza what position do you want you may be changed if you suck though."

I thought for a quick second. "I'll be the secert weapon. Once everyone (or all most all) is out then I'll take to the stage. Don't worry at my old school they called me The Hitman." I finished with a grin across my face.

He grinned and nodded as we walked to the wall and put one hand against it eying the matt I would hide behind.

The whistle sounded and the game erupted. I knelt down behind the matt as planned and waited form my appearance to happen. I collected two balls for the job as I waited.

I pecked around the corned and saw two of our players up and six on the other team. My time to shine, I stood up from behind the matt and through the two balls hitting both my targets before they even saw me stand up. Grabbing two more balls on my way to my teammate's aid I hide behind the matt as well.

"'Bout time Rize." Will said as I reached them. Beside him sat Maes.

"Nice hits Rize." He mocked Will.

"Hero always comes I the nick of time." I said with a grin quit proud of myself.

"We'll retrieve the balls, you throw." We all nodded and jumped out from behind the matt. I throw one ball as it hit I guy in the stomach. I kept the other ball just incase. Three balls headed straight for my chest. Thinking fast I dropped to my knees as the balls passed over head.

"Rize." Will tossed me ball and I throw it at a girl but she simply side stepped away from it. As she opened her mouth to glut I throw the second ball at her side. Then pitifully she sat on the bench, five down one to go.

I glanced at the last figure, Roy. He tossed the ball in the air over and over as if trying to tease me. Maes tossed me a ball. I looked back at Roy and a ball was hurdling towards me. Without thinking I dropped the ball in my hands and held them out and caught the ball being thrown at me. It hit my hands hard but with a wince I gripped the ball. Everyone expected me to drop it by the looks they gave off. It stumbled in my hands for a second before I got complete control over it. I held the ball above my head showing to all of my classmates I had it.

My team cheered and ran towards me. Maes put an arm around my shoulder as he began to plot our next victory. No one really listened to him though.

And on that happy note the first day of a new high school ended and outside-of-school life started again.

A/N:Thanx for reading! this is my first post, first chapter plz Review! don't be afraid to say anything! bad, good i'll take it all.