DISCLAIMER: I don't own CSI: Miami and I don't make any money from it.

Her Shampoo

"Damn it," Eric thought when he a Tuesday morning discovered that he had no shampoo left. He sighed wondering what to do when he eyed Calleigh's bottle. An herbal something. He sighed. It was either that or not wash his hair for another day.

Normally he would have chosen the last option, but as he was already in the shower when he made the discovery he decided to go for the first option. It was not like she was gonna notice he had borrowed it anyways, the bottle was half full. He poured some in his hand before he started to massage it into his hair. Another round and then he was done.

He walked out of the shower and grabbed the nearest towel. As he dried his hair the door opened and Calleigh entered the bathroom saying, "You done yet, I need the shower."

"Like you mind me being here while you are in the shower," he said frowning.

She gave him the I would like some privacy look making him roll his eyes before leaving her.

Calleigh shook her head, she didn't really mind having him there, not at all, but every once in a while she wanted the bathroom for herself. This was one of those times. She smiled, turning on a radio that was on the shelf over the sink and got into the shower, humming along.

She let the water wash down over her, making the hair wet before she grabbed her shampoo bottle. She frowned noticing it was open, something that to her was odd as she always closed it before leaving the shower.

"He couldn't have," she thought, looking towards the door, thinking he had borrowed it. She looked through the shelves in the shower once more noticing his regular shampoo bottle was not here. A giggle escaped her making this discovery, knowing he had used her.

She however decided right then and there not to say anything, but to have a bit of fun with him instead.

Calleigh to Eric had been acting weird ever since she got out of the shower. She had taken his section of the newspaper, his coffee mug and his spot at the table. He didn't say anything, he just figured it was that time of the month and figured it was best to go along with it.

She didn't speak with him, yet she didn't seem upset with him either.

As they walked towards the door he asked, "So do you wanna drive or should I?"

"You as I have to check a thing on my mail," she said and found her phone as she got in.

Eric didn't think much of it as it actually did happened that she checked her mail from her phone instead of her laptop.

He however did start to think that something was up when they walked into the lab and everyone started to look at him funny and giggle.

"Calleigh?" he questioned, looking at his girlfriend, but before she could answer Ryan walked over to them and said, "If it isn't Mister Herbal, nice one Cal."

"Sorry what?" asked Eric.

"Well I got this funny mail with a poster of you as the new Herbal Essense guy," said Ryan with a chuckle.

"Calleigh," he snarled at her.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist, not my fault you had to use my shampoo," she said, looking at him with innocent yes.

"Like you haven't ever borrowed something from me," he said, giving her an annoyed look.

"Will you relax, it will be have forgotten about in less than a week, besides I think you smell pretty great," she said, giving him a peek on the cheek.

"I would agree, so are you coming with me to the scene or not?" Ryan questioned.

"I will as long as you never call me that again," said Eric in a warning tone.

"Deal, but then you are buying coffee," said Ryan.

Eric nodded and gave Calleigh a peck on the cheek saying, "I seriously don't see how you can get an orgasm from that shampoo as shown on the commercial, and even if it smells great, I think the fragrance is more suitable for you. I promise I will buy a new bottle later."

"Wouldn't you like to know and that's okay, I'm sorry about the mail," she said with a sigh.

"Don't be, if nothing else people know I'm clean," he said and gave her a playful kiss, before leaving.

Calleigh just giggled and shook her head, thinking the shampoo wasn't half bad on him. She was however right as he was only called that for about four days. Eric however learned his lesson during that time and never borrowed her shampoo again.

Feedback always welcome and very much appreciated :o)