What's this? Another chapter! Yes! Haha, well I had the time and I was writing today so I decided to type you guys up another story!(: Yupp. That's how much I love you guys! And thank you so much for all your WONDERFUL reviews! Evedie- Just wait, I have something up my sleeve(:

And a shoutout to everyone else who has given me wonderful reviews: Roseskyangels, Bad-Ass God, Daisy34745, Promise Me You'll Love Me (I've read your story, Memories and a Wedding, LOVE IT!(: ), Shadow Kiss586, Nefertiti6591, Maggie Chauvin, Miss Hathaway, Amanda Strubleyy, Lea-lea., , and Kloo412; Thank you all for your reviews!

Just a little tip, the more you review the more obligated I feel to writing more chapters for you guys... Just an FYI(:



When we got back to our apartment I locked the door behind us. We usually didn't lock our doors but this time I did because I was almost… traumatized with what Tasha had done. It didn't sound like something Rose Hathaway would be afraid of or admit but I couldn't get over it.

"Dimitri, you know that I love and trust you unconditionally right?" I said not knowing how else to start the conversation.

"Yes… Rose… What's wrong?" He asked looking confused.

How did I ask him? Come straight out with the question? I guess so.

"How involved were you and Tasha?" I asked bluntly, studying his face. His expression went from confusion to surprise.

"Wha-what?" He asked trying to put up a guardian mask.

"She obviously loves you. A lot. So there's no way that you two weren't once involved." I said in a calm voice sitting on the couch and stretching out.

"Rose… Maybe we should talk about this some other time…" Dimitri said with a look on his face that I've only seen when he was talking or thinking about when he was Strigoi. And that look was regret… Did he regret loving her if he once did? Or did he regret picking me? I couldn't give him a family. She could. I was the reason he had once been Strigoi. If he had picked her and left, he would've been gone before the attack.

"Dimitri, you know almost everything about me and I know barely anything and you and your past relationships." I said, giving him a look that said he wasn't getting out of this. He sighed and sat down on the couch, taking my feet in his hands and looking at me.

"I know. But can't we just say that I love you and-,"

"Dimitri, please." I said cutting him off. I felt so insecure about this and I needed to know that he loved me.

"You might not like it…" He warned.

"And you don't like mine." I said evenly. This made him sigh again and he waited a moment before starting.

"Tasha and I were pretty…involved. We dated on and off for a few years." He finally said.

"How did you two met?" I asked quietly.

"Tasha was a friend of Ivan, my old charge, and he introduced me to her at a party." When he mentioned Ivan's name I saw grief and pain flash across his face. It tore me apart.

"You miss him don't you?" I asked. Dimitri never hung out with other guardians much but I remember him telling me about Ivan Zeklos. They had been good friends and then Ivan was murdered when Dimitri was on vacation. I knew it wasn't Dimitri's fault but he blamed himself for it. And truthfully, if something like that happened to Lissa, I would blame myself too.

"Everyday," He admitted. I felt so bad for him. I couldn't imagine what it was like. I had felt so much pain when he had been turned into Strigoi but losing someone you loved and your best friend was different. It tore at different parts of your heart. I sat up and scooted over to straddle Dimitri. I put my hands on the sides of his face and starred into those deep chocolate eyes. I saw so much pain in his eyes that I felt like I had to do something. I leaned down to give him a small kissing putting as much love into it as I could.

"I'm so, so, so sorry." I whispered against his lips. It wasn't until now that I noticed how much pain Dimitri carried inside of him.

"It was Tasha's fault that I wasn't there when Ivan was attacked." He said in a small voice. I pulled back and looked at him. I had never heard Dimitri say someone else was responsible for something.

"How?" I asked confused.

"She asked me to go on a weekend trip with her, and even though I didn't want to go, I agreed. That was the weekend he was killed."

Some small fire ignited in me. Tasha was the reason he had so much pain. Well, one of the reasons.

"I'm sorry. If you don't want to talk about it anymore than we-," I started to say but he cut me off.

"No. I have kept this bottled inside of me for too long. And you deserve to know. I was the one who broke up with Tasha, I ended it completely a few months before I moved to St. Vladimir's. I knew that I would be to busy and… well, I never truly loved her. I never had the feelings for her that I have for you." He said, his face looking like he was lost in his thoughts.

Just as he was about to continue my stomach cut him off with a loud growl. We looked at each other and laughed.

"We never did eat dinner…" I pointed out with a small smile.

"Do you want me to make you something?" He asked with the normal gleam of love and happiness in his eyes.

"Do you mind?" I asked with a small smile.

"Anything for you, Rose."

Well, we will see just how much he means that.