Note: So I started to write a one-shot of ChisatoxShinji, but it turned out to be a few chapters or so. Stay tuned! Also, some parts I've referenced things in the book, the movie, and the manga, just letting everybody know! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Encounter.
"...And boy number 19, Shinji Mimura," the voice over the speakers chirped.
His name bounced off the walls of the lighthouse, echoing in Chisato's brain. Dead. Shinji Mimura, boy number 19, the 'Third Man,' had been killed.
Chisato wasn't sure whether all of her friends had actually gone silent, or if she was in such a state of shock that she had forgotten they all existed. Her mouth was dry, and her chest felt numb. She just sat against the wall completely still, not even noticing the tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Let's go Mim! Yeah! Slam dunk!" Chisato sat in the stands of the basketball court, her friends and classmates surrounding her, cheering on Class B's basketball team. She was not concerned with the game at all; in fact Chisato didn't like sports. No, she only came to watch Shinji Mimura play.
Woosh. The ball flying down the court as the announcer yelled into the microphone. "There goes Shinji Mimura! Let's gettem' 'Third Man!'" Chisato had learned recently he was called the 'Third Man' because of his basketball number, it had nothing to do with the fact he was number 19 on the boy's class roster. Number 19...just like I am on the girl's roster, she grinned to herself.
"How many girls from Class A do you think Mimura's been 'talking' to?" Yuka Nakagawa winked at Satomi Noda, interrupting Chisato's thoughts. "Judging by the crowd of girls in the front row...I'd say a few" Satomi laughed in response.
Chisato looked down at the mob of schoolgirls, all fanning over Shinji. A few times when the whistle blew, he would walk by them and wink, causing a bunch of high pitched squeals.
"Mim talks to everyone" Chisato said, confused, causing Yuka and Satomi to giggle. "That isn't what they meant Chi," Yukie Utsumi said, rolling her eyes but smiling, "they mean talking to" as she nudged Chisato in her side.
Chisato's eyes opened wide and she furiously blushed. "Oh...that's what you guys meant." The three girls started laughing, only to be joined by their two other friends Haruka Tanizawa and Yuko Sakaki.

How many girls do you think Mim's talking to? How many girls from Class A? Class B? The words buzzed around Chisato's head like annoying little flies. Sure, she had seen the girls who followed him around, all giggly and soft and feminine. It was no secret that Shinji Mimura "got around" both his class, and Class A, but that never bothered Chisato.
The reason she never gave those girls a second thought was simple, she just didn't find herself very attractive, or at least attractive enough to talk to Shinji Mimura. Sure, she was pretty if you took a minute to stop and look at her, but only to a certain extent. She was pretty in the plain sort of way, clear skin, long straight dark hair, and a bit on the skinny side. By this point in her life, Chisato had stopped comparing herself to the more attractive girls in her class, namely, Mitsuko Souma and Takako Chigusa. Not that it mattered, she never saw Shinji with either one of those girls. By this point in her life, she and Yuka could sit around and talk about boys, without actually having to talk to them. It was that simple, and it couldn't have pleased her more.

Chisato was waiting outside her school for the next bus to take her home, it was night, and she was alone with her thoughts of Shinji Mimura.
"Hey" a voice came from behind her. Chisato turned around, and there he was, Shinji Mimura, the Third Man, standing in front of her. "Oh, um...hi" she managed to sputter out, blinking rapidly. She felt herself beginning to blush, the heat creeping up her neck and on to her ears. "Chisato Matsui, right?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "you're in my class." She felt her entire face get hot, he knew her name. "Um, yeah, yep, that's me!" She nervously giggled; quickly wishing the bus would get there faster and save her from any further humiliation. Shinji had a basketball under his arm, which he took and placed on the tip of his pointer finger, and began to spin it.
"Girl number 19" he grinned at her, "don't look so surprised, I know who you are." Chisato wasn't sure where to look, at his face, at the spinning basketball, or at his single earring, which never failed to drive her hormones crazy.
" game" she sputtered out, completely speechless, "I don't know anything about basketball, or anything, but I think that you did a really good it...tonight." Her entire face was bright red. Shinji just laughed, as he tossed the ball up and caught it. "Yeah? You think so?" he winked at her. "If you ever want to learn a thing or two about basketball" he paused, "or anything, whatever, let me know." He grinned at her, and gestured behind her. "Your bus is here, I guess I'll see you later Chisato," he winked, walking the other way. Leaving her completely speechless.