Pairing: Sandra / Gerry

Set after: nothing specific.

Summary: It's Jack's birthday. If the ingredients are a film, the sofa, pop-corns and a silly game … how will the cake taste? Centered around Gerry and Sandra.

Disclaimer: I don't own neither the show nor the character. Made for entertainment only.

It's nice to be back here. Your reviews to my first story have been much appreciated; I would have liked to go on with it, and I still may do it, but yesterday another idea has come up to my mind. The truth is that I WANT THEM TO END UP TOGETHER, I just can't keep on watching this show without picturing Gerry and Sandra as a couple. That's why I write! Enjoy!

A fool

Brian had had the idea.

"I thought we might show up at his apartment and watch his favorite film together. To stay with him a little, you know, not to have him talk with himself the whole night."

Sandra and Gerry had looked at each other, scarcely attracted by the proposal Brian had made.

"Come on, it's his birthday! It happens once a year. You can sacrifice for once."

After such a statement, pronounced on the precise purpose to have them feel guilty, they'd both accepted with a reluctant nod. Then they'd shot each other another look, puzzled and right after a little scared by their synchrony.

But now that they were physically in front of the television, obliged to watch that boring and often nonsense sequence of scenes, they'd both rescue that synchrony to kill Brian. Why a film? Why that film? They could have had a simple chat, a glass of something.

They were on the verge of collapsing and so, as soon as Jack jumped on his feet whispering he would go and prepare them some pop-corns, both Gerry and Sandra felt perfectly free to yawn. While stretching his arms, Gerry eyed the boss. She was sitting on the sofa, whereas he was on an armchair, the one in front of Brian, who was plainly sleeping. Instead of taking the eyes back to the screen, Gerry kept them on her face. Luckily, she wasn't aware of that. Had she been, he wouldn't have survived. While he was spying her, an idea crossed his mind; to see the bare knee that was popping up from the border of her skirt had him remind of a joke he used to like a lot, when he was younger. Slowly and silently, he got up and reached her on the sofa. She glanced at him and then moved her eyes to the television.

"Will you help me to kill Brian?" he whispered.

"Sure I will. Let's choose the weapon."

Gerry smiled nervously, enjoying her bittersweet smell. He turned the head towards the kitchen, placing the right arm on the sofa. He quickly checked for Jack, who was calmly whistling, then pushed the mouth closer to her ear.

"Am I the only one who's getting bloody bored of this film?"

She hit him with a look that worked better than a lot of words, although it was pitch-dark.

"Fine, then. I know a very nice game we can play at, while Jack isn't here. If I don't do something, I feel I'll fall asleep in a couple of minutes."

Sandra didn't say anything, waiting for him to go on, without even turning her face to him.

"There are a few rules to keep in mind. Simple, very simple. First, you can't move."

She turned.

"Second rule, you can't touch me."

This had her immediately laugh, causing Brian to frown a little and turn on the armchair where he was sleeping peacefully. Gerry grunted.

"Sssht" he scolded her, checking his friend and the kitchen again "The last rule is you can only say yes or no. It's the only thing you can do, actually."

Sandra shrugged. She looked deeply bored; the film was the cause of her boredom, and the idea of playing with him didn't delight her that much. He could be either devilish or childish.

"Okay." she muttered.

"No, not okay but yes or no. Got it?"


She nodded, and was going to yawn again when she felt his hand on her own knee. Sandra thought it was a mistake, but when she turned to shoot a look at him she found out he had placed it there on purpose.

"What the hell …" she started.

"Please, Sandra. Follow the rules and trust me. Will you?"

She shut up, flaring her nostrils, which meant she wasn't going to trust him. Gerry smiled with accomplishment.

"Fine then. Are you shy, Sandra?"

"No, of course not" she blurted out.

"I can't accept it. Remember? Only yes or …"

"All right, then! No!" she repeated.

His hand moved upwards a little, against her pale skin, causing her to shiver. His fingers were now touching her thigh. Sandra's mouth opened, but she didn't say a word. Only, she stroke him with a terrifying look; but his reaction was a playful and stupid smile. He went on, enjoying the anger that was flashing in her eyes.

"Are you shy, Sandra?"

"No" she hissed.

"I'll be there with the pop-corns in five minutes!"

Jack's yell from the kitchen perfectly matched the moment in which Gerry let his hand fly a little upwards again, while staring intently at his boss. Only then did she understand how the game worked; she didn't know it, and suspected it was a silly way to touch her. She could have slapped him, but, if she had to be honest to herself, it didn't mind her to have his hand there. It was flattering, it was exciting as well. So she simply let the game go on, sure she could have her cold and tough reputation become a shelter of her real intentions and feelings. She liked the idea of Gerry desiring her body; in fact, she was terribly attracted herself by that half smile dazing on his lips.

"Okay, Jack!" Gerry answered to his friend, while staring at her, and then, lowering the tone of his voice "We're doing fine here … Aren't we, Sandra?"

She didn't answer. Though she was to pretend to be angry with him, she didn't manage to very well. He could feel her pulse accelerate under his fingers as soon as he had pressed them harder against her skin.

"What's wrong with you, my dear? Are you shy?"

Sandra narrowed her eyes a little and tilted the head backwards, having her tone go dangerously husky.

"No" she let go.

The blue skirt danced above his arm, as his hand moved upwards another tiny bit. It wasn't enough, for neither of them. But they just couldn't admit it, though Gerry and Sandra were both breathing heavier now. They stayed like that for moments, until, in a sudden moment of awareness, she decided she would take control again. She was the boss, wasn't she? So she was to have the maximum control. She couldn't be defeated like that.

The woman slowly lifted her arm, checking with a quick glimpse Brian and then the kitchen. She touched his face; his smile had vanished. After turning the hand, she caressed his cheek with the back of her fingers. Meanwhile, Gerry was staring at her lips. He'd have killed, if only a murder had been useful to have them onto his.

"Ops …" she whispered, with a lower tone than before "I'm afraid I've just broken a very important rule …"

"Oh, I don't care …" was his reply, ever so gentle.

His face grew closer to hers, but she didn't move. Their eyes met and were soon glued together. Gerry couldn't wait, he just couldn't. He felt the duty to fill the gap between them, now that Brian was snorting and before Jack came in. He almost jumped on her, attacking her mouth with his lips. Sandra's back curved as she accepted the kiss willingly, pressing her right palm against his chest and then closing the fingers around the cloth of his pullover. He quickly removed his hand from her thigh to press her against himself, wrapping her up into his powerful embrace.

The game was over.

Wait for chapter 2! It'll come VERY soon, I promise!

A fool