Author's Notes: Hi, here comes chapter 12! ! If you're wondering about my other Royai story, "City Designer" please have patience with it since I won't be updating it 'till classes starts this June... I'm very lazy... Sorry!

Chapter XII: Fortuitous


Yeah, that was how you could describe Roy's work for the whole week… Except from calls from the work he was asking Brosh and Ross to do. It was the calm before the storm, or so they call it.

Until it went BAM!

His world then started to crumble down into dust just like the corpses he burned during the Ishval Rebellion War. Slowly, eating away what little memory of her honored mother was.

"N-no, it can't be!" 'It's impossible' he thought.


Madame Christmas just randomly waltzed inside his office like it was the MOST normal thing to do. Yeah, march inside the Fuhrer's top-security office like she was a high-ranking military official with someone neither he or Hawkeye had known in their entire time together, yup, that speaks a lot seeing how long they had known each other way back before their military careers. Hmmm… that was about 20 years ago!

"What do I earn this visit, Madame?"

"There is something I would like to talk with you Roy."

The very idea that she addressed him normally, if you get what I mean (not Roy-boy) already speaks a lot. This is a very serious and grave matter that they are about to discuss, which probably involves this typical Amestrian woman (blonde and blue eyes), for she wouldn't just bring someone who isn't involved.

"Well then let us sit down and discuss the matters at hand."

"Please" the 'woman' spoke (both officers still didn't know her name since she was yet to be introduced to them) "This is something very private" she said giving stress to the word private whilst eyeing Hawkeye as if to say: go out of the room, we don't need you here despite the fact that she was already busy with standing behind the couch where Roy has seated, guarding him. This pissed him off, thank you.

"Hawkeye here will not leave my side. I have my trust in her to which I clearly do not have in both of you."

This earned him a chuckle from his foster mother

"So, Elizabeth still gets all the credits?" she asked in a humorous tone.

He only gave them a nod altogether with his trademark smirk.

"Fine" the woman sighed in defeat since Madame had already joint on Hawkeye's side telling her that she was very trustworthy.

End of Flashback

They continued to beat around the bush until his Excellency had had enough of it. He directly asked them the reason for what they came for that day. Oh, how he wished that he had just kept his darn huge mouth closed!

"N-n-no! It can't be! She died in a car accident together with him!" he still refused to accept the facts that both women had put before him. His outbursts would have long continued if Hawkeye had put his hand to his shoulder not. It seemed well to calm his rage and disgust… was it?



It came from the other side of the door. The part exposed to the hallway that every single military personnel use. Or not, since it was higher-ups who could only talk to him save his men, and Hawkeye, who didn't count as a man.

"Come in." Hawkeye stated stoically.

"Ma'am!" It was Fuery alright.

"What is it Sgt?"

"There have been reports of disturbances in the 46th District West Southwest of town. The reports articulate that the cause were a group of arsonists whom the call themselves 'Brothers of The Wild Ma'am"

"And" ask Roy who was very eager to lead the topic into something else… something that would not be consisted of that.

"We have now cornered them in a secluded building away from many civilians. The highest ranking officer that is on the area is Sgt Reinen Wheinn, Major Armstrong is yet to arrive at the scene, sir. They are asking for assistance to handle the said situation."

"I see…" it was Hawkeye "Tell them to control the situation and wait for my arrival. They shall take under my commands."

"Yes Ma'am!" and with that the technologies expert sped away to transmit the current information.

Hawkeye, after seeing the Sgt gone, went to her desk (which was next to Mustang's) and picked out some handguns and even a sniping rifle under her standard military issue desk. This made the others present in the office think 'Where in Amestris' name did she get that?'

Hawkeye just shrugged her shoulders upon noticing the odd stares the others were giving her.

"Sir, I'll be going then." She was about to walk away when Mustang grabbed her right arm which made her stop in her tracks. She gave him a quizzical look.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

The answer was pretty obvious, without needing to answer his question, but she answered anyway.

"To the field work that's waiting to be under my command, sir"

She raised an eyebrow on this. She already knew where the topic is heading to. What a common thing to happen between them, just like good old times…

"And what do you suppose I'm going to do? Sit here and watch you finish the field job you've been doing? NO! I'm going with you!" he said "And that's final!"

"May I speak freely, sir?"

"You always do, and always will… Go on ahead."

"You are in no mood to fight right now! Go on and just talk with them in accordance with the matter at hand. You will only end up killing yourself in such a trivial thing because you can't concentrate! Do you understand me, your Excellency?" she retorted.

He knew she used that title to give emphasis on her point. She was right, however, wrong. How could she think of himself first rather than her well being? Does she think that he will be able to process the dreading information they are throwing at him when he's thinking of her and when she's not by his side to be his voice of reason? Really…

"Thanks for the concern Hawkeye, however, that will not stop me from coming with you on the battlefield."

"But si-"

"No buts Hawkeye. Do not worry, my emotions are on check."

"Really…" she sighed in defeat. When he's like that no one, not even her, can stop him from getting what he wants.

Their car drive to the 'crime scene was relatively silent save from the question Mustang asked. "When I was losing myself from my emotions why did you not shoot, or even yell, at me?"

She merely answered "Because I have no right to interfere with your personal life, sir." together with a shrug of her broad shoulders.

This mere statement had caught him off-guard. This was clearly not the answer he was expecting from her. The kind he was anticipating was 'Because there are guests, sir' or 'Because it's not nice to you, the head of the country, being ordered by a lower ranking officer, and a female for that matter'. But her answer was quite… sincere, if he my say. Yes, it is. She's right, always was and always will. That's Hawkeye for him.