When Smecker called Connor and asked him to come over, Connor was a little apprehensive. A feeling that was accentuated when Smecker explicitly said, "without Murphy."

Connor couldn't remember the last time he went somewhere without Murphy, besides maybe the corner store – and even that was literally a thirty second walk.

But to go across town without his twin? Without even being allowed to tell his twin where he was going? That was scary.

So Connor left a note saying he went for a jog, and slipped out of the apartment before Murphy woke up.

Smecker was still in his pajamas – blue plaid silk ones – when Connor knocked.

"Connor!" Smecker said in surprise. "You're early!"

"Yea, Murphy wasn't up yet, so I left…" Connor shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

"Well, come in. Do you want anything to drink? Coffee? Beer?"

Now, that was tempting… "Uh… no thanks."

They sat down in the living room, Connor perched on the edge of the couch and Smecker lounging lazily back in a huge armchair.

"So, I assumed you're wondering why I asked you here…" Smecker began.

"Not at all, I was just admiring your décor," Connor said. He was kidding, but Smecker really did have impeccable taste in living room furniture.

Smecker chuckled. "Well, let's put on our serious pants here. Have you heard of Giuseppe Richardson?"

Connor nodded. "He was that crazy serial-killer-mobster guy a couple years back, right?"

"Yes, exactly. He went into hiding, something he's very good at, and now he's back. Two Boston cops have been killed trying to bring him in for the murders of three people in the last month."

"So, you want me and Murphy to take him out? We can do that."

Smecker shook his head. "It's not that simple. You think we want to send our two most valuable assets to certain death? No. But I do have an idea to run by you…"

So Smecker explained his plan, by the end of which Connor was just staring wide-eyed.

"But… that's insane. Something could go wrong. One of us could die," Connor said blankly. "I mean… this is our…. my life at stake."

Smecker raised an eyebrow. "Is that not always a hazard in your chosen occupation?"

Connor had absolutely no idea what to say. He had gotten into some crazy stuff before, but Smecker's plan was just…

"What do you say, Connor?"

After a long pause, Connor answered. "I'm in."