It had been three months since Dr. Temperance Brennan had been kidnapped and subsequently tortured. She had spent nearly a month in the hospital recovering from her injuries, but the lingering after-effects of her physical trauma were not what had her friends concerned.

Brennan was famed for her ability to compartmentalize her feelings as well as whatever traumatic incidents she had gone through. This time was no different, and yet, it was.

Something had changed during her ordeal, something that brought a much more personal aspect to her relationship with FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth. He could now hear her voice in his mind, whether they were together or apart. Sometimes, it was a good thing. Other times, it proved to be an unfortunate hinderance in their partnership.

Despite his newfound ability to 'read' her mind, Booth couldn't get through regarding what had happened to her while she was at the mercy of Ken Thompson, the man responsible for murdering Cleo Eller nearly eight years ago. That was why all of Brennan's friends, including him, were so concerned. And today was no different...


Brennan was sitting in her office, her mind wandering as she scrolled through her email. Hmm...what a boring day. I should go home, finish moving my stuff to the new place, she thought.

Ever since her kidnapping, Brennan just hadn't felt comfortable in her apartment, so she decided to move. She was in the middle of the transition, half of her stuff at her old place, half at the new. Most of the time, she slept on the couch in her office at the Jeffersonian, where she actually felt safe. She didn't want to admit just how badly she had been rattled by her brush with death.

There had been one change that had come about because of her kidnapping that she didn't mind, however. Here comes Booth. Right on time, she thought, looking at her watch.

"Hey Bones. How's it going?" Booth asked as he walked through her door. She smiled up at him as she opened her mouth to reply, but he cut her off.

"Thinking about finishing moving, huh? Gonna take the day?" Brennan couldn't help but laugh at him.

She had been able to send her thoughts to him for three months and she had learned a lot about how to control her abilities in that time. She had deliberately thrown out her thoughts about finishing moving, just to see if it brought him into her office, which it did.

"Yeah, I think so. I kinda need a break anyway. Today's been quite dull. Just give me a moment to finish here and then I'll call Cam." She said as she turned back to her computer. She felt Booth's gaze lingering on her and immediately threw out a mental warning.

Don't ask.

He immediately put his hands up as he said, "All right, I won't. I'll just sit here until you're ready." And with that, he plonked down on her couch.

Brennan clicked away on her computer again, but her heart wasn't in it. With a sigh, she logged off, shutting the computer down as she grabbed her stuff and walked out. She noted that Booth was about to ask her if she was all right, but a razor sharp glance from her kept him muzzled. Temporarily. I won't be able to hold him at bay for much longer.

With Booth at her side, Brennan stopped by Cam's office, explaining that she wanted to go home and why, before heading out. Booth had been her constant companion ever since her kidnapping. Not that she minded any.

It was a beautiful spring day in Washington, D.C.. Brennan's eyes drifted around, taking in the scenery as they headed for their vehicles. For a split second, her mind wandered to the day of her kidnapping, and she wondered what would have happened if she had died that day.

"Don't go there. You're still here. That's all that matters." Booth's deep voice rumbled near her ear. She bit back a sharp retort as she thought, If only they understood...

Booth stepped in front of her, forcing her to come to a halt as he looked at her with obvious concern in his deep brown eyes. "If you'd tell us, maybe we would." He said, his eyes not leaving hers.

Brennan was prepared to fire off a sharp retort when she noticed someone standing about fifteen feet away, watching them calmly. Something about the woman's gaze made Brennan curious, so she stepped around her partner and approached the woman.

A soldier, Brennan thought as she studied the words 'US Army' emblazoned across the left side of the woman's ACUs. She looks...dangerous. Brennan realized, studying the soldier more closely.

She was short, about five feet two inches tall, with a stocky, muscular build. Unusual to see so much muscle on a female this size, Brennan thought as she studied the soldier's face.

She found herself staring into a pair of steel blue eyes that held a hint of danger in them, but not an actual threat. Unless she's pushed to it. Brennan couldn't get a good look at her hair because of the beret she was wearing, but if the sides were any indicator, she had short, scruffy silver blonde hair.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." The soldier greeted her, surprising Brennan once again. Her voice was clear, but it had an unexpected bass note in it, making her voice much deeper than Brennan expected.

"Good afternoon. Is there something we can help you with? I couldn't help but notice that you were watching us." Brennan replied as Booth followed close behind.

The soldier's eyes flicked to Booth before returning to Brennan, her eyes strangely calm as she said, "You must be Dr. Temperance Brennan. And you," She looked at Booth, "must be Special Agent Seeley Booth of the FBI."

She waited for their nods of assent before she continued. "Forgive my rudeness...I am Sergeant Kate Bell. I am here because you, both of you, are in danger."

What in the world is this? Is she serious? Brennan thought as Booth stepped forward, his eyes alight with annoyance as he said, "Oh we are, are we? And what danger would that be?"

Sergeant Bell's eyes flickered, something in them sending a chill through Brennan. She knows something. Something big. Something bad. Her thoughts were interrupted by Bell's answer. "I cannot say...not here. For now, you are safe. I can keep him away, but I need to stay near you to do that. May I accompany you to wherever you are going?"

Booth didn't look convinced, but Brennan shot him a glance as she thought, Booth, I get the feeling that she's telling the truth. Until we find out what's going on, let's keep her close, huh? Can it hurt to let her tag along until she can tell us why she's here?

Booth looked at her, and she could tell by the look in his eyes that his decision was made. "Sure, you can come. But I expect you to tell us everything as soon as you can. Deal?"

Sergeant Bell nodded, an odd look entering her eyes as she said, "Deal. I'll follow you."


As her two new charges turned and walked towards the parking lot, Kate looked the opposite way, her eyes darkening to a color reminiscent of a threatening storm as she thought, The Watcher is here. I know he is. And those two are his new targets. What's his endgame this time?

She scanned the area once more before turning and following the FBI agent and forensic anthropologist, all her senses on alert as she thought, I'm not letting him take any more innocent lives. Not again.


Half a mile away, a man sat on a rooftop, looking through a set of binoculars, watching as a soldier turned and followed two other individuals as they walked into a parking lot. Ahhh, it's Sergeant Bell. She found my targets. Very good. If I play this right, I can get rid of her at the same time as I take care of them. Yes, very good.

He watched until he saw what vehicles the three of them got into, taking down the makes, models, and plate numbers as they pulled out. Well done, Kate. You did earn the title of The Guardian for good reason. But this time, you're a target too. Let the games begin.