Adam had not been having a good first day. Firstly he had managed to make a dick of himself in front of some of the most popular people in school and he didn't even understand how. He was cool, he was using trendy lingo. Ok, fair enough, he wasn't the smoothest when he was flirting with the bird with the tiny tits, but other than that he hadn't been doing too badly.

Then he runs into another one of them. One that seems to be in total denial that she is one at all and as fit as she is, he didn't want to get involved in that again. But of course nothing is that simple because even before the first class has begun he is put in a detention with her, through no fault of his own, and has been handed the burden of solving the mysterious death of a chubby nob with sick down his front. Brilliant.

The next day wasn't much better. Adam couldn't find Christa during lunch at all and had to resort to sitting on his own like some sort of loner at a table located next to a group of arty freaks. It was hard enough trying to eat the disgusting canteen food without their fancy bullshit clogging up the air.

"You see, what I think Wilsons charcoal study is try to express is the moral and social decay of today's society" An obnoxious bloke droned pointing at a picture of a dead cat outside the houses of parliament. The rest seemed to lap it up, nodding in agreement.

Adam couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter and unfortunately they heard. Each one turned to look at him and he froze, mentally kicking himself.

"Yo mate. What's so funny?" he looked up to see a girl with curly brown hair, cut into a bob and a massive smirk like she knew she was going to win this confrontation. Her tone was confident with a pompous edge and seemed to have the permanent expression of someone about to burst out laughing any minute. She also had a massive blob of green paint on her cheek and if she knew it was there, she couldn't care less.

"Er, well, it's just you lot seem to be getting very worked up over a dead cat." He tried to play it cool as he usually did, "I mean, we're young, we've got better things to be thinking about" He nodded at the males in the group and made a squeezing motion with his hands, "You know what I mean?"

"So what if we are getting worked up? Has it anything to do with you?" she was grinning now, it was really weird, like she wasn't pissed off at all.


"I didn't think so. So why don't you bugger off back to the crypt and let us get on with what we were doing, yeah?" Her cronies were all laughing now, laughing at him. He was suddenly paranoid that she knew what he was, but then remembered his rather deathly complexion and shrugged it off.

"Yeah?" she said again, obviously wanting an answer.

"Yeah" He agreed miserably, feeling pretty humiliated. Adam dumped his half eaten sandwich on his try and stood to leave. He glanced over that their table again, but they had all gone back to their 'discussion', the girl looked up momentarily and caught his eye and grinned, winking at him before turning back to her friends. The wink hadn't been flirty, but it confused Adam as it was the sort of wink you would give a friend after you had just taken the piss out of them to let them know there were no hard feelings.

"Kids today" Adam mumbled to himself on his way out of the canteen.

Debbie had him clocked the second he appeared in the lunch hall, all pale and suspicious looking, wandering around, trying to find a place to sit. She had heard all about how he had made a tit of himself in front of Danny and his gang and also how he had spoken to Brandy. She loved him for that and hadn't even met him yet. She nearly squeaked with happiness when he sat down at the table next to hers and when he had let out that snort that was her chance to let him know who she was and how things went if you pissed off her or any of her mates. She didn't really want to bitch at him like that, but it was expected of her by the others. She had hoped that a friendly wink would show that there are no hard feelings, but she didn't know whether he got it or not. Either way she definitely wanted to talk to him again even if he did act like a bit of a nob. There was something really interesting about him she couldn't pinpoint.

"Well, at least we can strike Danny off the list" Adam said, glancing around the deserted corridor, hoping no one would see him as he looked as though he was talking to himself, when he was really talking to Matt.

"Yeah" Matt replied, "We make a really good team don't we? I scare, you two interrogate. We're a bit like Scooby Doo, only that was the other way around…"

Adam rolled his eyes, "Don't be a gay lord Matt"

But Matt was still going, "We could get a van and call it the Mystery Machine! We'd be so cool!"

"No, we'd be so sad and even more unpopular than we already are. Now piss off, you're making me late for class."

"Fine. There's no need to be such a nob about it"

Adam spun around, "Me? A nob? You're the nob you podgy bell end Casper!"

"What sort of language is that supposed to be?"

Adam cringed as Miss Kells, one of the arts teachers stood there, glaring at him.

"Ah shit" he mumbled to himself

"And again?" she folded her arms across her massive chest, she really needed to invest in a decent bra, "I think a detention ought to teach you to think twice before using disgusting language like that again"

"Aw, but Miss…"

"No buts! My room, lunchtime today, you can clean out the old paint pots and sort the brushes for an hour"

Adams eyes widened, "But I don't even do art!"

"Well, then. It'll be an experience for you" Miss Kells gave a smirk before striding off towards the staff room.

"Cock Jockey" he mumbled to himself turning away.

Miss Kells didn't seem to give out detentions that often, because the only other person there was someone with their upper half in a cardboard box with their ass wriggling around in the air covered by a pair of red jeans.

"Glad you could join us Adam" Miss Kells smiled, "The pots and brushes are over at the sink. I suggest you get to it"

Adam threw his bag down and let out a sigh. Gingerly, picking up a very gungy paint pot he started to work.

"Now, I've got a staff meeting to go to, so Debbie, you're in charge" she headed out the door.

"Righto!" replied the box.

"So what did you do?" asked Adam

"What?" said the box

"To get detention. You did the crime so you gotta do the time"

"Oh, I'm not on detention. I'm finishing this piece of coursework. Want to see?"

Adam moved towards her, "Sure"

"Climb on in. There's just enough room for two. Unless you're immensely fat that is"

He grinned and squeezed in. The person had a torch in with them so they could see what they were doing. Inside the box a whole galaxy of stars and planets had been painted round the whole of the inside.

Letting out a little "Oh" he turned to look at it creator and saw a pale face with a massive blob of green paint grinning back at him.

"Agh!" he cried out in shock and leapt out of the box and watched this 'Debbie' wriggle out too.

"I hope I didn't scare you" she said, still smiling.

"What? No, no" Adam played it cool again and gestured to the box, "That's pretty good"

"I know isn't it?" Debbie wiped her paint covered hands on a cloth before stretching out her hand, "I didn't have a chance to introduce myself earlier. I'm Debbie"

He shook her hand, "Adam" he replied wearily.

"Listen, I hope there are no bad feelings about earlier. You were right, Wilsons picture was shit" she turned away and began to tidy up her own paint pots and brushes.

"Aw no! It's cool, it's cool" he leant against the desk, watching her. She turned and gave him a funny look, wrinkling her little puggy nose and turned away again.

"It's just expected of me you see. By the others."

Adam frowned, "Why do you care so much about what people think."

She shrugged "I dunno"

"I thought that being carefree was the 'in thing'. I don't care what people think." He started tidying up the pots again.

Debbie spun around and grinned at him, "And look where that's gotten you."

"Listen. I'm cool. I'm my own man. It's all about being the lone ranger, baby."

She started laughing then, "What's with all the hip hop and trendy lingo, granddad?"

Adam shrugged, a bit embarrassed and she noticed, "I'm only joking" she slapped him on the shoulder before heading over to the computer at the teacher's desk and plugging something in.

"We'll listen to a bit of music and I'll help you get this done, yeah?" she walked back over and started to fill the sink with soapy water to clean the brushes. Adam braced himself for yet more crappy modern music and he was pleasantly surprised when he actually recognised the song.

"You like Three Dog Night!" Adam asked, wide eyed.

Debbie smiled back, "You actually know who they are? Brilliant! Usually when I put it on I have to explain who they were"

"So no Sugarbabes then?" Adam grinned

"Pah! That bollocks! No thanks." She flicked water at him with her hands, "You're, like, my new best mate, you know that?"

He laughed, not really knowing what to make of this. The next few songs were all stuff that he remembered. The Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols, all brought back good memories as they chatted away to each other and Adam managed to restrain himself and make only two suggestive jokes which Debbie seemed to ignore. He was a bit shocked at the next songs subject of choice.

"Ok, that, "he pointed at the speakers, "I do not recognise."

She laughed and began to sing along tunelessly, "The sex has made me stupid, the sex has made me stupid, the sex has made me stupid, the sex has made me stupid! Come on, Adam. With all those dirty jokes I thought this be right up your street!"

She sang it again and began to pretend to dry hump the counter top behind her. Adam laughed and pretended to wank with the paintbrush he was holding. They went on like this for the rest of the song and were about to do the grand finale of spraying soap suds everywhere when and loud and angry voice stopped them.

"What on earth is going on?" Miss Kells screamed, her face bright purple.

So that's the first chapter up! Enjoy and review!