Hey! This is my first fan fic and I am SUPER excited. Mason dyeing and the attach all happened but Dimitri go out of the caves. I hope you enjoy!


As I stood next to Lissa, Mia, Eddie, and Christian (god only knows where Adrian is 'cue the eye roll') in the broad gym I couldn't help but wonder why all seniors were told to meet here. I knew it had to be something big because otherwise our first our teacher would have just announced it in the beginning of class
"What do you think we're getting pulled out of class for?" Lissa asked, curiosity radiating from the bond.
"Who cares it's getting me out of Stan's class!" I nearly sang. I really hated that guy.
"It doesn't take much to make you happy does it Hathaway?" A slight smile on his face.

"Nope" I said making a point to pop the "p". Christian smirked.

"That's right all you have to do is get her three big macs, 2 large sodas, a bucket of fries, someone to punch, and a pass out of Stan's class and your good to go." He said. I touched my hand to my heart and pretended to wipe away a tear.

"You know me so well." I fake sobbed, Mia and I laughed while the rest of the group rolled their eyes. Than all of a sudden I saw 'him' and my breath hitched in my throat.

He stood against the wall with the rest of the guardians. He looked so handsome. It took all of my willpower not to go over there and straddle him. He turned towards me as if sensing I was there and our eyes caught. We stared at each other for several seconds before I heard someone clearing their throat. Snapping out of my trance I faced forward and saw Kirova standing on a small platform trying to get people's attention.

"Students" she said in a stern manor. The orchestra of voices stopped and heads turned forward. "I have big news. I have decided that this senior class needs some hands on experience when it comes to the world beyond these walls." She gestured her hand around her and then out towards a window. "That is why I have enrolled all of you in a public school, a human school." Shocked intakes of breath filled the gym. "You will be attending for one month, both Moroi and Damphir. Everyone is going to have at least three Damphir novices in each of their classes in case worse comes to worst. Also guardians will be walking the halls as well. Damphir will still train before class in a gym we have rented out. Moroi will have their Core classes after the school day but will not be assigned homework. I understand that many of you may not be able to attain certain grades because you haven't been taught that type of subject and that is fine, you have to stay at a passing grade otherwise when we return you will have detention for however many days you were failing. We will be housing in the Marriott that is nearby. At this point I'll take any questions you may have." A petite read headed Moroi raised her hand.

"Are we aloud to interact with the humans?" she asked shyly.

"You of course may speak with them seeing as how you will be in classes together. However you may not inform them of your abilities or scientific titles. Also avoid becoming close with them, it may make you feel tempted to reveal us." Karova finished before calling on Eddie who had apparently raised his hand.

"What's our cover story?" Karova - along with everyone else - looked confused "70 kids can't just automatically decide to enroll all on the same day, what's our story?"

"Good question. In case this comes up while we are there our background story is that we are a small school from the country whose building burnt down. We needed a place to learn while our school was being rebuilt. This school is very large and I doubt the students will recognize the fact that they have more companions in their mists." Another Moroi was called on, I think his name was Alec but I'm not sure.

"How will we feed?" He had a good point, Moroi had to have blood each day, if we were in a public school how would they get what they needed. Its not like the school would make them cut back to just once or twice a day, unless they wanted a bunch of angry royals on their hands.

"Moroi will feed like everyday, like normal. We will have feeders located in the central janitorial closet and the hotel. You will go at lunch to feed and then when at the hotel you will.

feed in the mornings and at night." On and on the questions went 'how will we cope with the sun being out? 'are we sharing rooms at the hotel?' what if the Damphir stick out during P.E.?' until all but one question had asked, and that question was MINE! I stuck my hand in the air and waved it around.
"Rose." Kirova said and sucked in a breath. "Rose, don't do it" Lissa warned through the bond I ignored her and smiled sweetly.

"Theatrically speaking, what would happen if for some reason we were given a hard time and in order to keep people from guessing who we are we punched them, for the good of the school of course?" Her mouth just formed a tight line and she glared at me. hehe

Let me know what you think! Please please please review, it would mean a lot! The next chapter should be up soon!