Hey guys :) as you can see, this is a new story, and I'm really excited about it. It's a future fic, about eight years later, so our BTR boys are all grown up.

But I'll tell you this now- I'm about to get unbelievably busy, so I can't promise an update of this every week. One Night is my priority to update, and with this new schedule thing, I may not even be getting updates of that. So, I just wanted to tell you guys that now and apologize in advance.

Oh, and an update of One Night is coming shortly. So don't fret!

But! It would be super awesome if you could review this first chapter, and put me on your alerts or favorite list. It means a lot to me, and when you review, I can see what you guys like about the chapter.

Also, if you're reading this but haven't read One Night, it's also a JamesxOC, so you should definitely go read it if you're not already reading it.

His tanned fingers grazed over the pale skin of her arms as they lay facing each other under the blankets on his bed inside his large bedroom, inside his even larger house. His parents weren't home, and they took advantage of that time.

One year today since they started dating.

And she couldn't think of a better present than the love he had just given her. They'd gone all the way, finally taking that one step after waiting for what seemed like forever.

Neither of them expected it from the other today, but they both wanted it. They'd wanted it for four months or so, but not once had it felt right. Not once had it felt perfect.

Until tonight.

His fingers slowly went down her arm, and she looked at him as he kept his eyes focused on her skin, a small smile on his face. She couldn't believe that he would take in the small things on her body. And he couldn't believe how absolutely perfect her body was.

She shivered as his fingers passed over her wrist, covering her body in goosebumps.

"Are you cold?" he asked softly, looking up at her. Before she could answer, he wrapped his arms around her bare body and pulled her closer to him underneath the thick white sheets and blankets.

She smiled into the tanned skin of his chest, pressing a small kiss to his shoulder. It was crazy how in love they were, and they were only seventeen. But age didn't matter, not to them.

He looked down at her and grinned, running his fingers through her dark brown hair.

"I love you, Brylee," he said seriously, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I love you too, James," she said in the same tone, and she knew she'd never lose him.

Brylee Anderson woke up, and she could feel the small smile on her face, but it immediately disappeared. That relationship was no longer. She was still a baby then, or is that what she is now?

She threw her arms over her eyes, and sighed shortly. She could literally feel his hands on her still, and she cringed. She threw off the blankets, then walked across the room to the sliding glass door.

The winter air was cold, and she could see her breath, but right now, this is what she needed. She needed to forget about what had just went on in her head.

That was eight years ago.

He probably doesn't even remember you, Brylee thought as she walked across the balcony to the railing.

Everything was so quiet, and she placed her hands on the cold metal in front of her, only to be brought back to more memories of her teen years.

It was their prom. Everything went great. And now it was the after party, and unlike ninety-nine percent of their class, James and Brylee didn't need the sex. They were content with just getting a room, changing out of this formal wear, and watching a movie.

It was around one am, and James was changing, and Brylee had wandered out onto the balcony. Even though it was April, it was still cold in Minnesota. Not nearly as cold as the winter, but only about fifty degrees; so you could still see your breath and be chilled from the air after about three minutes.

Brylee placed her hands on the wrought iron railing, and gazed down at the city in front of her. She came down here with James all the time since there was so much more to do, but she had never seen it from above.

Even though it was one am, like any other city, it was still busy. Well, kind of. Nothing like a real big city, but much busier than the small town Brylee and James lived in.

"Babe, what are you doing out here?" James said, finding his girlfriend standing outside in a thin pair of faded pink sweatpants and his hockey sweatshirt, looking down at the city below.

"Nothing," Brylee said, turning her head to look at her guy walking over to her. "Just observing."

James came and stood next to her, then placed his hand on top of hers, smiling when she intertwined her fingers through his.

"Come on, let's get inside, it's chilly out here," he said. Brylee smiled and pecked his cheek quickly and took one last look at the city before her before going back inside to enjoy an early morning movie with her boyfriend.

Brylee just wished that would happen now. She wished her boyfriend would come outside and be sweet and tell her to come back in. But her boyfriend didn't do that. Hell, he was hardly around.

It's exactly what you think.

She's dating a jerk. She wasn't afraid to admit it. But she was afraid to admit something else.

Brylee had met her boyfriend, Jake Walker, in high school. He played on the hockey team with James, and Jake always had a thing for Brylee, but he didn't get her. That James, who was just so…pretty, got her first.

Thankfully, though, he dumped her for a job out in California and Brylee came running to Jake, but they didn't start dating for a year.

Which was okay with him. As long as he was the only one who got to spend time with her, then he was okay.

When they did start dating, everything started fine. They went on movie dates on Friday's, and out to dinner on Saturday's. But Brylee didn't catch on to what Jake was doing for a while.

She noticed though, right before graduation, when they were picking colleges. She spent more time with her friends, since she knew she wouldn't be seeing them much during college.

And this got Jake furious. He'd yell at her, and ask her if she was purposely trying to ruin their relationship.

And she realized he was practically obsessed with her.

And it terrified her.

And that's exactly why she couldn't leave him. For the fear he'd hurt her physically. He hadn't done it before, but sometimes it had gotten extremely close to that. He hurt her verbally, and emotionally, all the time.

But by now, she didn't even listen to the things he said. They were so horrible. All she had to do was say she understood what he said, and he'd be fine.

But the up side was he was a business man. Which meant he was gone a lot. We're talking two weeks at a time, maybe back for two days, then off for another two weeks.

And the odd thing was, even though he had this obsession with her, when he was gone, he never contacted her. Not by any means.

And Brylee liked it that way.

Yet, she was still trying to come up with a way to end this relationship. She didn't want to leave Minnesota, though. She had a job here that she loved, teaching tenth grade English, and she loved this area.

It was so beautiful, yet haunting.

Just like these memories.

So, I know this is kinda short, but it was just an introduction. I'll try to make my updates as long as possible since I probably won't be getting them up too often.

Reviews? Pwease?