Lenalee has a disease which forbids her from going into sunlight. Komui has looked after her since their parents died. But one night she meets a boy called Allen, Komui grows frustrated that fools like him will be what kills his only little sister.

Possibly just a little OOC in some chapters.

Hey there! ^_^ this is a story I've been thinking of writing for a long time, and it's been collecting metaphorical dust sitting in my hard drive for a long time. I just do't want to give up on this like my last… so I tried to write at least 10 chapters before uploading the first :'D

Anyway~ this is gonna be a little more modern day setting, but still same characters, and same general idea of the black order and what not. Of course, minus Lenalee as an Exorcist for a while maybe.


Chapter 1 – Isolation

It was raining again. It didn't rain often in the town but it did today. Komui wasn't home either. He was at work, at the Black Order on an exciting mission of sorts in the day light. Well… technically speaking, he didn't do anything like missions. He was simply the Supervisor of the Science Department. But it absolutely had to be more exciting than what Lenalee did all day long.

Lenalee tapped the windowpane as a fly buzzed past the window beaded with droplets of rain. The sight of the rain was however, somewhat ruined as a screen was covering the window. They were special screens, transparent, and let the light in, but protected Lenalee from UV rays.

Her entire life, Lenalee had only been exposed to the sun once. She was just a new born baby then; when it was discovered that she was suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum, or to be put simply, XP. That was the first and only time she went out since.

The rain was such a peaceful sound. She loved it very much. She wished she could go out in the rain, and dance around in it. Lenalee quickly looked over to the clock, thinking Komui would be home soon.

2:15 pm. In fact, Komui would be home any minute now. Lenalee rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly, and quickly slipped into her pyjama pants with little cats on them, and tiptoed across the room.

Suddenly, the sound Lenalee dreaded echoed through the house. The door was opening and Komui was coming through. Lenalee hurried even faster now.

"Don't think I didn't see you, Lenalee Lee." A bland voice scolded in the other room. Lenalee instantly stopped on the spot, cringing, scrunching up her eyes. She slowly turned around like a rusty machine in desperate need of oil. As she turned, her expression changed to a bored and frustrated look.

"…Hey Nii-san… I was just…" She stumbled looking for an excuse as an unimpressed face looked down on her from the next room.

"Nice try, Lenalee. Why are you awake? You're not supposed to wake up until at least 6. Where's Mrs. Clarkson?" Komui wondered, looking around, through halls.

"She's not … here." Lenalee tried to look as innocent as possible and just smiled rather poorly.

"Not here?" Komui's eyes widened.

"She didn't come…I- I don't think…" Lenalee coughed as her brother just raised an eyebrow.

"You don't think?" Komui's eyes narrowed and seemed very unamused. "… don't tell me you shooed her away again."

That's right. Again.

"I don't need a baby sitter, Nii-san! I'm capable of waking up to take my meds and going out at night. You know you can trust me-" Komui sometimes was gone for days on end, busy with work. It was very hard on him, having to be away from his dear little sister. Besides, she was also her tutor a few days a week.

Komui could have thrown a fit at this. Lenalee always knew Komui was dedicated to protecting her from anything that put her life at risk, and paid good money for someone to look after her while he was working for sometimes weeks on end, but Lenalee just felt that an intelligent 16 year old like herself was perfectly capable of looking after themselves.

"Really? Then why are you up now? The reason I have someone look after you is to make sure you don't wander off and do what you want during the day, and so you aren't tired at night!" Komui scolded; annoyed that Lenalee had yet again woken up in the middle of the day. Lenalee frowned and stepped closer to Komui in the kitchen.

"What do you think, that I'll just wander off outside or something? I'm not stupid." Lenalee rolled her eyes, folding her arms.

Komui wasn't so sure. He glared at his moody younger sister, narrowing her eyes and looking away. It grew very silent, until Lenalee aimlessly kicked at the ground weakly and headed off to her bed.

"I'm going to bed…" She grunted. Lenalee seemed to be in a bad mood that day. She wasn't normally though. She was normally very kind and silent, but it was a real pain when Komui restricted her so much. She wasn't ungrateful- after all, she had a brother who was taking good care of her since always. She was not ungrateful, just sad.

"Behave." Komui rolled his eyes and turned back to the kitchen table to unpack some things.

"Goodnight, Nii-san...!" Lenalee called out stochastically from her bedroom as she rolled into her bed, wrapping herself in a cocoon of green plush sheets, matching the wasabi green walls. Komui only shook his head and made a grumpy 'hmph' noise.

Komui was only trying to do everything he knew how to protect his little sister from the world. He may have been often mistaken for harsh, but it was his job as a brother.

He had to beg the order to let him leave every now and then to see Lenalee. No matter how Komui emphasized the severity of Lenalee's illness, Central wouldn't budge.


A sudden and annoying buzzing of an alarm clock woke up the previously asleep little Lenalee, reaching out to whack the clock so hard it'd finally stop its incessant buzzing.

"Mmm… I'm sleeping!" She groaned, unravelling herself out of her sheets and blankets, literally flopping onto the floor beneath her. Her bed was in between two walls, almost in a small rectangular prism missing from the wall. She hung a curtain above her bed also- she liked having a small confined space of her own. It was like sleeping in a cupboard or a wardrobe to her.

Still a bit dazed, she sat up, looking around. The sun was at last going down, leaving behind a bluey-purple sunset behind it. Lenalee rejoiced as she could finally go outside.

Lenalee was only permitted to go outside at night, as she would die if she ever went out into the daylight. Komui didn't like her going out alone at night, but sometimes she just did. He in fact, hated it very much when she insisted she was old enough to go out on her own.

"Nii-san?" She called out, scoping out the apartment. She had no bedroom of her own, but more of an open area that connected to other rooms and her bed was in the wall.

There was no response however. She decided she should get dressed now.

"Nii-san?" She called out again, making her way into the kitchen.

"Right in here, Lenalee!" he chimed out, coming from the opposite end of the apartment. She followed the voice until she reached a dark room, to see her brother leaning intensely over papers.

"Nii-san? What are you doing?" She asked him, puzzled.

"Working! I think I've finally figured out how to build a fully functional Komurin- coffee resistant!" He laughed evilly, making Lenalee nervous. She'd heard stories… stories of her brother's insane Komurin Inventions.

"Oh no…" She sighed. "Nii-san, can I go out?" She asked, remembering that was why she'd come to find him in the first place.

"Well I suppose there's no stopping you… but please be careful, Lenalee! I don't want some lowlife touching or talking to my darling little Lenalee! Stay somewhere populated! If that happens I want you to run back straight home and then they'll answer to ME! I'll show them exactly what Komurin is made of!" He began wailing about, trailing off, not even noticing his sister leave.


I hope you enjoyed and didn't get too bored :'D

I'll upload the next chapter once it's finished with touch ups and what not ^_^

MAN! I'm trying to figure out those stupid line things… it doesn't seem to be working.