Title: Truth behind the name and the lies P.1

Pairing: DracoxHarry,

Fandom : HP

Notes: An abused boy finds out he's a wizard and a hero; his tormented mind rebels. One person sees through the misconceptions to the real Harry and treats him the way he deserves. How does this change them both and those around them? Please read P.1 otherwise you maybe confused…

This is the begining of Part 2. Apologies ahead of time for violence and descriptions of child and animal abuse.

Epilogue- The worst Birthday ever

Harry had been stuck at the Dursleys since the First of June and it was already the Thirty-First of July.

His birthday not that it mattered much.

All Harry's spell books, his wand, robes, cauldron, and his Nimbus Two Thousand broomstick had been locked in a cupboard under the stairs by Uncle Vernon the instant Harry had come home. The Dursleys didn't care if Harry lost his place on the House Quidditch team- they didn't even know the first thing about the sport. Of course they wouldn't care if Harry didn't get any of his homework done. The Dursleys were what wizards called Muggles, and as far as they were concerned, having a wizard in the family was a matter of deepest shame. Uncle Vernon had even padlocked Harry's owl, Hedwig, inside her cage, to stop her from carrying messages to anyone in the Wizarding world. To Harry's horror he had discovered that his pairing journal from Draco was in his trunk. He'd thrown himself into his bed and sobbed.

His friends had promised to write but he had not one letter in two months. His windows were barred, he was barely allowed out to make breakfast if that. While Uncle Vernon was at work he was locked in his room. Bored, because of Dudley's games or the friends he was allowed to have over. Harry wasn't to have friends over because they wouldn't be the right sort being like Harry and his loathsome parents. He was cuffed and locked away for hours and sometimes days with no food.

Hedwig hooted annoyed at being stuck in a cage.

Harry moved to pet her, "Hush now. I'm sorry. It isn't easy for me either. I wish I could help. He'll hurt you next if you keep that up."

His door was unlocked, "Make breakfast now." was shouted by Aunt Petunia.

Harry hurried down to make breakfast for the Dursleys, he hadn't even managed to remember to hide his potions. He had lost rapidly most of what he gained away at school, he was back to being starved and drinking lots of water.

He prepared lots of fried eggs, bacon and toast, along with a pitcher of orange juice, one of milk and pot of coffee. He heard his aunt's familiar footsteps and remembered to put the kettle on in case she wanted tea.

Harry let the food warm, the toast lay in the oven while he left the eggs and bacon to stay warm on the stove.

Honestly? Using charms would be easier, too bad it was illegal for students…

Harry missed Draco, the separation from his first friend was tearing him apart. He did what he did best; he kept his head down, followed orders and tried not to enrage his uncle.

"Boy you keep that ruddy owl quiet or I'll drown it. That's that twentieth time since you dragged it home that it's woke me up."

Harry stiffened, whispering, "Uncle Vernon. She's…"

Then came the first blow, "You worthless ingrate! How dare you speak back to me." he flew back the wooden door of the kitchen cabinet.

Harry gasped, trying to curl up to protect himself.

The belt soon came down instead of fists, Uncle Vernon's shoes repeatedly impacting his ribs or stomping on whatever body part he could.

Harry was barely conscious when it stopped his whole body was screaming in pain. His last thought before he passed out was of Draco…

Is part two going to be the next chapter or a new story? I can't wait to continue reading!
- Part two is already posted and it is a new story. I hope you like it.

'I don't know if I like this story or not.. It's too much directly from the book, and Ron's name stood where it shouldn't have..
I will continue read though, and see if it'll get I think that it's a really strange story. Where was the stone?
But I like that you update often!'

- That you are still reading though you aren't sure if you like it or not I thank you. I was unsure how much to differ. some things I felt had to stay and others had to go. I don't like Ron and Ron's treatment of Draco offended Harry to the point they couldn't be friends. Not to mention Dumbledore's fumbling attempts to nudge Harry to proper friends backfire due to Ron's temper. I'm hoping it does get better and I'm trying a new direction with their Second Year. The stone was in the Mirror. Harry got it because he wanted to destroy it. Draco destroyed it himself. Don't know how but he did.

I apologize for the Ron in the chess scene. I don't know why I typed that...thank you for noticing I have fixed it.

'A wonderful story! Interesting, original, creative and cute!'
- thank you! Keep reading. I hope I don't disappoint.

Makurayami Ookami
chapter 23: well written. at least they split up logically.
chapter 24: well written, wow. beautiful. love the a/n at the bottom completely agree. yay for luc.
chapter 25: well written. that was awesome. everyone always changes it to be like the book.
Chapter 26: well written, i hate you. not a cool place to leave off. hehe. this was an amazing story. so glad i found it.

They have Draco to be the leveled headed one.
Thank you for the compliment. Lucius is redeemable after all. Then again, who is going to defy a son who defeated the Dark Lord at the age of one and a half?
The ending can't be like the book without the Golden Trio so I had to change it.
I added the epilogue after I posted part 2. You are still allowed to hate me though. I did nearly kill Harry. Thank you for reading and enjoying.