(Septhmeber, 8, 2009)
Going to a new school can be hard and challenging. For me it was hell. I had to start over. No friends to back me up. I was lucky enough to make one bestfriend: Charles, who happens to have my back all the time. He is short, a little chubby, has brown hair and hazel eyes. Today would be the hardest day of school I would ever have.
First Class: Math
Second Class: Government
Thrid Class: Chemistry
Forth Class: English
Fifth Class: Animation
Sixth Class: Computer Engineering and Schematical Data.
Seventh Class: Digital Arts
I suck at math why does it have to be first? Oh well, time to begin a awful day of many more to come. People look at me and say "Oh look its the new kid, lets make fun of him." and the all typical "Did you come from hicktown?"
""Sup Luke." Charles said as he looked at me, "Whats happening?"
"Nothing much. Look at all of these jerkoffs. Did you see Levin? He's a total dick." I told him as we were standing outside the library with two other friends: Richard and Andrew. "What you two up to?"
"Nothing much." They both said as they sat down and started to listen to their music. "Hey Richard, is that Black?"
"Yep, best genre of metal out there." replied Richard as he plugged some headphones in the school computer. Richard was like Charles except a whole lot thinner. Andrew hold blue eyes, slightly taller then Richard and was fat. Andrew loved to make fun of his fat too.
"Alright, Charles let's go." I said as we got out of the library."I've been getting some real weird emails lately."
"Is it from thoes japanese kids you've been talking to?" he said as we walked down the hall.
"No, jerk alert!" I said as we saw Levin wark down the hall towards us.
"Hey LUKKEEE haha. What's up." he said in a annoying voice.
"Nothing really, trying to live a life is all." I responded.
:What is that supposed to mean?" Levin said,
:Nothing Badger face. Just go on with your buisiness." I said he looked like he ignored me and walked off.
"I hate that guy." I told Charles as we finished walking towards class. "As I was saying, No. Its from someone called 'Qinglongmon'.
"What the hell is that?" Charles said as we sat down at our desks.
"To hell I know... he told me that a package was going to be in the mail today for me when I get home." I said as the teacher began assigning us textbooks. "Year of hell is gonna begin..."
"Right about that. Looking forward to seeing what that guy sent you." he said with a smile on his face.
"Yeah same here."
A/N: Yep finally been able to officially start the story now. Next chapter will be up in a couple of days.