Note from the translator: I'm not Stephenie Meyer, therefore the Twilight characters don't belong to me. I'm not Louise Malone either, so Save the frog doesn't belong to me. But I had a lot of pleasure translating it, and I hope you had a lot of pleasure reading it. This is the final chapter of a story that moved me to the core, so much so that I couldn't help but contact the author and ask permission to translate it in English, which, if I may remind you, is not my first language. Thankfully, I could always count on the help of my wonderful beta Lizzard43. Kudos to you, my dear, you rock :0)

So this is it... I don't know who is still with me, but I want to thank all my readers for following me in this adventure. Good reading.

Bonus 3: One last glimpse on Alice and Jasper

Jasper POV

"I'm certainly not going! I feel like killing the guy! You go instead!"

"What? No! Come on! You're the teacher, not me!"


Alice frowns and smiles at me. "Well, let's go together then!"


"All right, but you do the talking!"

"Jasper… You know, maybe Charlotte has deserved this hour of detention!"

I gasp.

Charlotte, my sweet little girl, deserving a punishment? Has Alice gone crazy or what?

No, it's the French teacher who's an invidious idiot!

Charlotte is only 15; she's incapable of committing the slightest mischief.

I would have expected a thing like that from Sam, but not from Charlotte.

Sam, our eldest, is 17, and he's even got suspended from high school for an entire week once because he'd thrown stink bombs in the teachers' lounge.

Aside from that, he's a wonderful kid, but he's got a sense of humor a few people understand.

As for Charlotte, she's all sweetness and kindness. She looks like me physically, although she's tiny like her mother. Sam is dark haired like Alice, but as tall as me.

It's funny.

Besides, my lovely little girl works very well in class, so what on earth could that degenerate of a teacher have to reproach her, huh?

I walk behind Alice, who scurries in the corridors of the school with a firm step.

I feel, no, I KNOW that I'm going to have an argument with this moron!

Charlotte, my little darling, detained for an hour!

My heart misses a beat, like every time I think about it.

My sweetie was crying, and what's more, she wouldn't tell us why she's been punished.

Here he is.




And yet you'd never guess by his look…

Quite young, rather charming, but annoyed when he understands who we are.

I let Alice do the talking and I just glare at him every now and then.

"Hello, sir, we are Charlotte Whitlock's parents, and we'd like to know the reasons for the punishment she received, since she didn't want to give us any details!"

The asshole smiles at my wife! And not just a little bit!

"I can assure you, Mrs. Whitlock, that hour of detention was the bare minimum of punishment for what she did! Charlotte is certainly a pleasant student, gifted and very involved in class, but ever since she's been dating Peter, her behavior is unsatisfactory!"

He's wrong; that much is obvious. My daughter isn't dating anyone!

I look at Alice who seems embarrassed but not surprised.


Charlotte… my baby… my little pea… in the hands of a… boy!


The teacher goes on. "Considering our two lovebirds both have an excellent academic record, they got only one hour of detention, but given the epistolary exchanges that they have been doing in my class instead of taking notes, they deserved much more!"

With that, he hands me over a sheet of paper, which Alice snatches from me. She reads it and blushes as she does.

I'm at a loss, now, and I lean over Alice's shoulder to read with her…

I love you Kitten!

Me too, Pete!

At what time do we meet?

I'm free around 6 pm. We go to your place?

Yeah! My parents won't be there! What are you gonna tell yours?

Well, only my dad will be home, so I'll find an excuse. He swallows everything I tell him!

You're lucky!

Yeah ^ ^

I bought fluorescent condoms! It will be fun!

Oh, great! I can't wait!

And it goes on and on… But I stop my reading at this point. I don't feel very well…

Alice POV

Ouch. Then again he had to learn about it sooner or later.

My poor Jasper, I think he was being delusional. He's crazy about his daughter but he doesn't seem to realize that daddy's little Charlotte has grown up.

We go back home and he doesn't utter a single word.

Nothing, nada. He snorts from time to time and I hold his hand while driving.

"Charlotte is no longer a little girl," I finally say. "You know, having a boyfriend is normal at her age! And besides, you were happy when Sam started dating Emily, so there's no reason not to rejoice for Charlotte!"


Once we're home, I go directly in Charlotte's room. She's laughing and giggling with her cousin Heidi.

Heidi has Edward's hair and Bella's shyness, but I know that she, too, has a boyfriend. His name is Paul.

Edward doesn't know about Heidi's love life either, yet his daughter is 16 years old.

This is a laughable matter between Bella and I.

But right now I don't feel like laughing. I shake my daughter by the shoulder. "CHARLOTTE, YOU GO TO CLASS FOR LEARNING, IS THAT CLEAR? NOT FOR WRITING SMUT WITH PETER! Your father is in shock! I'll have to put him back together piece by piece!"

"It's all right, Mom! I'll be more discreet!"


Heidi is doubled over, laughing, and I glare at her. "You, missy, if you support your cousin, I might have a little chat with your father!"

She doesn't seem to care much and Charlotte winks at me.

"Let me go comfort Dad!"

She descends the stairs, humming, and I follow her, curious to see my daughter at work. She throws herself at her father and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Daddy, my sweet little daddy! So you learned that I have a boyfriend? It's Pete, you know him and you like him! He's so nice! I love him, you know, but not as much as I love you! And you know, the only thing I want in the world is to experience the same love than you share with mom! You're happy for me daddy, aren't you?"

Jasper looks at her. "My sweet little pea, I mostly don't want him to hurt you!"

Charlotte tilts her head to the side and pouts innocently.

Come on, Dad, wrap around my little finger… She's good at that, really…

"Don't worry, Daddy, if he's not nice with me, I'll tell you!"

"Absolutely, I'll take care of the problem! But… You must take notes correctly during class, sweetie! Otherwise you'll get confused when you try to study for a quiz or something and-"

She kisses him on the cheek to silence him, which is not a bad thing to do, given that her father can spend hours explaining how to take notes effectively.

Jasper, in an extraordinary attempt to be open minded, whispers, "You should talk with your mother about contraception, honey…"

Charlotte strikes him with a fatal blow. "It's been done already, right Mom?"

Jasper stares darkly at me.

"Yes, as a matter of fact!" I exclaim joyfully.

Charlotte and Heidi climb the stairs again and Jasper steps toward me. The first shock is over, and now he's furious. "Alice! YOU KNEW and you didn't tell me!"

I do the same thing Charlotte did a few minutes ago; I wrap my arms around his neck. "Hey oh! It's between Charlotte and me, okay? It's called mother/daughter complicity!"

He opens his mouth to reply but I kiss him passionately.

He doesn't resist and holds me tight against him, beginning to drag me to our room.


I won another round!

o ~ O ~ THE END ~ O ~ o

Ciao everyone.
