Disclaimer: The characters in this story are not owned by me, they are from Dragon Ball Z. This is fan fiction and I have in no way earned any money from this. However this fiction is my work and therefore can not be reproduced or altered without my permission.

An Angry Saiyan.

A fan fiction story by Milui Elenath

Another explosion came from the capsule. Bulma's head jerked upwards out of her book. Explosions had become a regular sound around their home for the last few months since Vegeta had taken up training. A week ago they hadn't concerned her as they had been only minor explosions, usually occurring when Vegeta destroyed his training equipment. Then five days ago an explosion had sounded which had shaken the whole house. She would never forget it. She had known instantly that something terrible had happened and she'd run outside even knocking YamCha out of the way. There was smoke dissipating from the burnt capsule, it had been split in half and rubble was all around it but where was Vegeta? Her heart had stopped, she'd begun searching through the rubble fearing what she might find but then a hand had forced it's way out from the stones and Vegeta had emerged. At first she had been concerned but then he had stood up, as arrogant as ever, declaring that he was fine. She was furious, how dare he worry her. She yelled at him about destroying her house. She still felt guilty about that now, as if any thing could be more important to her than him. Then he'd tried to stand and he fell. She had suddenly realised for the first time how desperately he needed help.

The next day had been difficult, she'd been so worried about him she'd fallen asleep in his room, she'd woken to the sound of him trying to get out of bed.

"OH no you don't!" she'd scolded. She placed her hands on his chest and gently pushed him back down. She was surprised that she was able to, he really must have weakened himself.

"I'm fine," he'd protested.

"No, you're not." Bulma argued.

"But I need to keep training," Vegeta tried to convince her.

"Listen to me Vegeta, my dad hasn't repaired the capsule yet so you might as well rest! You almost killed yourself." Tears had sprung to Bulma's eyes.

Bulma had looked at Vegeta thinking he looked indecisive, she just couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

"Fine get out of bed! Go train in the rubble!" She yelled.

She slammed the door, bursting into tears on the other side.

"Nobody tells me what to do!" Vegeta had yelled after her, lying back down.

She'd had to admit to herself that day that she was in love with Vegeta.

Her father had repaired the capsule and Vegeta had been back in that capsule training again within days. Bulma had yelled at him through the monitor again and again but he just yelled back and often times she noticed he ended up hurting himself because she distracted him. So then she just sat inside pretending to read, listening to little explosions and every now and again flicking the monitor on just to check that Vegeta was still okay. A few times he hadn't noticed her but the last time he had seen her and he'd yelled so loudly to stop spying on him that she hadn't tried it again. Now she could only wait till he eventually emerged from the capsule out of hunger.

He was the most arrogant, stubborn, man she had ever met. He was rude and unbending. She gave a loud sigh. Why? Oh why did she love him?

"I must do more." Vegeta said inside the capsule. He was lying against the floor pushing himself up with one hand. The gravity was already at 450 and he was waiting on more training devices from Dr. Briefs.

"Ehhh" he winced as he fell against the floor.

It was usually at such a time that he would look up to see that ridiculous woman appearing on the monitor, yelling at him about being careful. Didn't she know he was a saiyan? She hadn't appeared on the screen since he yelled at her last. What a strange woman she was. She never seemed to take the slightest notice of what he said and she never seemed afraid of his threats. She even tried to order him around! He only went along with her because he needed her father's help in his training. She was the most infuriating, annoying woman he had ever met . . . and the most interesting. What ever made her do the things she did? He had often wondered why she'd invited him to stay here. After he'd stolen her father's ship and then returned he'd expected her to tell him to find somewhere else to live but everyone just assumed he was staying. The other day still puzzled him also. He tried very hard not to think about how he humiliated himself by collapsing after the accident. Vegeta thought back to the morning afterward.

He had seen Bulma sleeping on the desk beside the bed. He'd stared at her a few moments wondering what she was doing there. She seemed exhausted but she still looked beautiful. He had tried to remember what had happened to him. The capsule had blown up hadn't it? His training, he had to get back to his training. He'd tried to get out of bed.

"OH no you don't!" Bulma had scolded, suddenly awake. She placed her hands on his chest pushing him back.

Vegeta had laid back down at her touch. A moment ago he had been sure he had enough strength back to continue training, but when that woman had touched him he'd suddenly felt light headed.

"I'm fine." He'd protested but Bulma had argued with him.

"But I need to keep training," he'd insisted. He wondered why he was seeking her approval.

Bulma had continued arguing with him telling him that he'd almost been killed.

Vegeta had been about to assert that he was the strongest warrior in the universe and that a tiny explosion like that wasn't going to finish him off but then he'd noticed her tears. Foolish woman, he had thought, she cries over everything. He'd seen her cry over that strange box with the pictures, over the fact she had nothing to wear and more often than not over that weakling idiot YamCha. What was she crying over now?

He'd thought about it from time to time since that day and it still made no sense to him. The female species truly were an enigma.

He suddenly realised he was just staring at the monitor.

"I must concentrate!" he growled to himself "I must become a Super Saiyan.!"