Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Naruto is not ours, and Greek Mythology belongs to no one.

Summary: What's a guy to do when he is in love, and his mother-in-law gets in the way? Kidnap his wife err, husband of course... (Based on the Greek Mythology of Hades and Persephone). SasuNaru.

Author's Note: Well you guys, here is the last chapter. Whew, I so totally cannot believe that I've finally finished it. This is my first multi-chapter story and I'm so excited that I finally finished it. To everyone that has been with the story since I started it, I want to say thank you all. I dedicate this chapter to all my reviewers:








Kasai chii



Firefox Vixen



Evil E. Evil










S. Wright


You all totally rock and I appreciate the encouragements and the advice you have all given me. There will be another lemon in the story so for those that don't like that, be warned. Now, on to the story...

Chapter Six:

Loneliness could be equated with pain. It was an emotion that had the power to slowly drain an individual till the only thing remaining was the numbness that was its companion. It was an emotion that squeezed a person's heart and took all the joy and pleasures of living that one should have.

That was the emotion Minato felt as he searched everywhere for his son; the light of his world; the one person that always made him happy and made him smile. He searched the highest of mountains and the lowest of valleys. He went to forests and deserts and still couldn't find his son. The days slowly went bye; each second crawling along and time seemed to mock his inability to find his son. But he was determined not to stop looking until he found him. Naruto was around somewhere and soon, he would be home with him.

A sudden breeze and the dimming of the sun a little had him looking to the left where a god with blonde hair and blue eyes had made an appearance.

"Hello Deidara is there anything I can do for you?" he asked tiredly while rubbing his aching temple.

"Minato yeah, you don't look so well yeah. What happened yeah? I might be able to help you out yeah"

"Haven't you heard Deidara, my son Naruto has been taken from me against his will and I have been looking for him everywhere. I've searched everywhere for him and still I can't find him. To make everything worse, nobody has any idea where he is or who has taken him".

"The matter is a simple one yeah. Go to Helios and ask him where your son is yeah. He is the sun so he should have seen him, unless he was taken at night, yeah".

"Indeed, why didn't it occur to me to ask Helios? Deidara, thank you, and I hope to repay you some day for this help you have rendered to me" Minato said as he took Deidara's hands in his, and smiled warmly at the god of witchcraft; just before he left to search for Helios.

This is going to be interesting yeah. I wonder how things will progress from here yeah. Minato will discover who took his son and there will be hell to pay for a while. But I know that Sasuke will fight with all he has to keep his consort. I wonder how things will progress yeah. Well, my job here is done.


Helios was sitting quietly by a meadow when Minato found him. Everything seemed to shine extra brightly with the sun present there. His eyes had the wisdom of one who has seen it all, and from the looks he was receiving, Minato figured that Helios had wondered when he would seek him out.

"So you have finally come to ask him about your son's whereabouts Minato. It took you long enough. However, I can see that you're distraught so I shall not take your time nor will I attempt to test your patience by drawing this out. I saw the ground open around your son, and the king of the underworld taking him to the bowels of the earth. The motive is unknown to me, but I am sure Jiraiya can answer any other questions you might have".

With these words said, Helios simply faded away and left Minato to his less than pleasant thoughts.

Sasuke kidnapped my son? How dare he? But I wonder what Helios meant by Jiraiya knowing the motive behind the kidnap. If he knows, why didn't he tell me when I went to Olympus to tell him that our son is missing? Well, there is only thing to do, go to Olympus and ask Jiraiya what he knows about my son's abduction. For his sake, I hope that he denies it because if he doesn't then everyone will feel my wrath.


Jiraiya was busy doing what he does best. Flirty with one of the nymphs while drinking the sweetest of nectar. Life as he knew it was good. What more could a god ask for? He had a willing woman, sweet wine and things were going well in the world. How was he to know that in a second, everything was going to change?

"Jiraiya, I would like to speak with you. So, can you get your hands off the nymph, drop the wine and give me your complete attention?" Minato asked very softly as he just stared at the king of the gods.

"You will always have my attention Minato", Jiraiya said while waving the nymph who had picked up the jar of wine away.

"I asked Helios if he knew the whereabouts of my son and he told me that Naruto was kidnapped by Sasuke and taken to the Underworld. That was very surprising. What was more surprising was that he told me that you will be able to tell me the motive behind the kidnapping which means that you knew it was going to happen and didn't stop me nor inform me" Minato stated; his eyes cool as he stared at his brother and former lover.

"Well, um how do I say this? Well, you see, some months ago, Sasuke did come to see me, and asked for my permission to court Naruto and to take him as his consort. I would have told him no, but you know how Sasuke can be, so I kind of agreed to it".

"So, you agreed that our son should marry Sasuke and did not deem it fit to inform me of this decision?" Minato asked very calmly and softly; the calm before the storm.

"Well, he asked me not as the king of the gods but as Naruto's father".

"You call yourself his father? Where were you when I carried him within myself for months? Where were you when I bore him? Where were you when I raised him, clothed him and fed him? Where the fuck were you when he was growing. Now you sit there in your ridiculous throne, frolicking with a nymph and drinking wine while MY son has been kidnapped and you have the guts to claim fatherhood now? Who the hell do you think you are Jiraiya?" Minato screamed as he stared at the brother he wanted to strangle and destroy till there was nothing left of him.

"Now now Minato; there is no need for you to get insulting. I am the king of the gods you know which means I still have authority and power over you. I am also Naruto's father which gives me the right to choose his husband for him. If you don't like what I have done, well that's too bad because the deed has already been done. Besides, you should be happy that Naruto got Sasuke as his husband. Sasuke will be able to take good care of our son".

"He is MY son Jiraiya. My son; not yours and don't you ever forget that. You might be king of the gods, but I will show you and the whole world that I own the earth, and right now, everyone will feel my pain and anguish from the loss of my son. By the time I am done with the world, you WILL bring my son back to me", and with those words Minato left Olympus to return to his home.

Now I have a headache. All the shouting definitely got to me. Sasuke definitely owes me one, but I do wonder what Minato meant by him proving that he owns the earth. Well, there is nothing to be done right now anyway. Now, I wonder where that nymph went. All this fighting has made me so agitated. I definitely need some cooling down and lots of tender loving.


"Um, Sasuke, what exactly do you think you're doing"? Naruto asked all the while resisting the raven haired god who was slowly pulling him to the judgement room.

"It's actually quite simple Naruto. Chouji finally sent your own throne which I requested from him months ago. It's in the judgement room and I want you to see it".

"Oh. Then you should have said so instead of just dragging me along with you bastard. I am still very suspicious though. Why do you have that grin on your face if all you want to show me is a throne heh bastard?"

All that got him was a smirk from the raven god who continued to pull him away from his garden.

I don't trust that look at all. That is the look Sasuke gets just before he jumps me. I know that look very well. It is the same look he gave me the day he decided we should have sex in the judgement room; the look he gave me when he wanted us to have sex in the garden; the look he gave me when he seduced me into having sex with him in the throne room; and also the look he gave me just before we had sex by the river Lethe. I know that look very well and that look is most definitely not my friend. Hmmph. The only problem is I am never able to escape from that look. Hopefully, all he will do is show me the throne then I will talk to Iruka and he will bring me some ramen. I am a bit hungry after the busy day I've had today. Who would know that letting Deidara convince me into a game of tag would be so draining especially since he cheats so much.

While Naruto was lost in his thoughts, Sasuke continued leading him down the winding passageway that led to the judgement room. Within a few minutes they were in the room and ahead of them was the throne Chouji had made for the consort of the king of the underworld. Unfortunately, said consort was still ruminating on his thoughts and had not even brought his head up to see his gift.

Sasuke though merely kept quiet and waited for his beloved to notice that they had stopped moving and had gotten to their destination.

Fortunately, he did not need to wait for so long.

Naruto could not speak, neither could he stop staring. When Sasuke had told him about the throne, he imagined it would simply be a normal throne that might be as ostentatious as Sasuke's.

Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that it could ever be this beautiful.

Indeed, beautiful is the only word he could use to describe the throne Chouji had made for him.

It was made from pure gold. But all over it, Chouji had put designs of flowers and had made the petals from the rarest of jewels.

Sapphires were the shocking blue that indicated the forget-me-nots. The Gloxinia flowers were made even more shocking with rubies. He used amethyst to depict the field of Lavender flowers and the Amur Adonis flowers were made brilliant with beautifully cut citrine jewels. The effect was stunning and the plush cushions that were a brilliant gold colour promised comfort along with the beauty of the throne.

Naruto gasped at the beauty of it all; his shocking blue eyes wide with wonder as he stared at the beautiful throne in front of him.

"I see you like it Naruto. Indeed it is beautiful and I believe Chouji outdid himself with it. But, the beauty still pales in comparison with yours".

With those words, Sasuke proceeded to pull Naruto gently forward until the blond was sitting on the cushioned throne, still dazed at the gift.

He was still dazed when Sasuke leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead, his lips, his neck, his cheek and finally his mouth. He moved a little to make some space available to Sasuke so that the latter could move between his thighs.

His mouth opened to allow the raven god's tongue to enter.

Sasuke kissed him slowly, taking the time to savour the taste that was purely Naruto. He could taste the warm spices of the ramen the blonde had eaten earlier in the day. That, combined with the warmth of his mouth made kissing Naruto a very addictive pastime for Sasuke.

He moved his mouth to the blonde's neck and began to nibble, very lightly and yet made sure that he covered every surface.

At this point, Naruto had begun to moan softly as he inclined his neck, silently trying to get Sasuke to focus on that sweet spot right behind his ear.

With dizzying slowness, Sasuke unravelled Naruto's robes and placed his hands on Naruto hips.

A quick flick had his own robes opening and he brought both their naked bodies closer and began to rub against the blonde very slowly.

His lips trailed down to Naruto's nipples.

He took a moment to stare at them. After staring at the nipples that had tightened to a nub and where a bewitching shade of dusty pink, he placed his mouth on them and began to suckle and pull while grinding against the blonde who at this point was mewling and thrusting his hips forward in a bid to create more fiction.

Pale hands continued to travel down a tan body. A scratch at the back of the younger god's knee with a fingertip and a light nip on pink nipples had Naruto groaning and thrusting even harder against Sasuke.

He smells like the spring he is in control of. I could spend all day just pushing him to continue to make these sounds. But alas, I am not very patience, and the judgement will begin soon. I really don't have the time to draw this out as much as I would like to.

A flick of his wrist had a jar of oil floating towards him. He moved his hands underneath the blonde and raised him slightly up all the while pulling his legs wide open and leaving his hole wide open with Naruto curved and his legs resting lightly on Sasuke's shoulders.

A well-oiled finger sank slowly into the blonde, and Sasuke watched with avid fascination as the hole seemed to greedily suck his finger in. He worked his finger in the blonde properly and added another while alternating his gaze between the pink hole that seemed greedy for any part of his body he put in it, and the hazy blue eyes and open mouth of his lover who could only moan and writhe his body as he waited for Sasuke to finish preparing him.

A third finger had Naruto groaning and screaming "Fuck me already Sasuke".

Sasuke did just that. With a thrust he was buried completely in the blonde. He pulled back and thrust fully again, maintaining a steady rhythm all the while watching the younger god whose mouth was hanging open and who was holding onto the arm-rest of the throne like his life depended on it.

Sasuke was so intent on fucking Naruto he didn't notice when the latter's hands left the arm-rest and moved to his body. A deep scratch down his back had Sasuke screaming as he pulled back, raised Naruto and turned him so that his hands were now holding the back of the throne and his head was hanging over the top of it.

With renewed force, he slapped back into the blonde hitting his prostate dead on and Naruto screeched. Sasuke kept on with the punishing force of his thrusts while keeping his hands tight on Naruto's hips leaving bruises on the tan skin.

At this point, Naruto had begun to make keening noises. With a hard thrust, Sasuke sank his teeth into Naruto neck just below his ear and the blonde exploded, spilling his seed all over the throne.

A couple of seconds after, Sasuke came with a muffled shout and emptied himself in his lover.

For a few minutes, there was only panting as both gods tried to catch their breath. Sasuke merely ran his fingers through his lover's hair as he continued to gasp for air.

"Well, at least we now know that the throne is as sturdy as it is beautiful", Sasuke smirked down at his blonde who had turned around and was watching him with eyes that were still getting adjusted to seeing.

With a voice that had gone a bit hoarse from all the screaming he had done, Naruto simply grumbled to his lover, "Next time bastard, choose a comfortable place for us to have sex. My neck has a kink in it".


Okay, so maybe I will admit that being the king of the underworld is not merely a title. The bastard does seem to be taking his role seriously. Although, why he has me sitting here with him to make judgements I don't understand. He does not really need my input now does he? I'm quite sure he will be able to make decisions just fine. Although from what Deidara told me, maybe he is insisting I sit in on his judgements so that I can make my own inputs when the matter calls for it. Deidara is convinced he wants to show me off as being wise and that is why he has been asking for my presence with him while he is giving judgements. Well, I will see how things go before I come to my decision though. Who is this sad man who looks so morose, carrying his lyre? He does not have the ethereal form of the others so he is obviously not dead yet, so what is he doing in the underworld? Also, how did he get past Akamaru?

"My Lords who rule this world where all mortals must return at their appointed time, I am called Orpheus and I plead with you to listen to my song and grant me my request. My dear wife who I love dearly and who means the world to me shortly after we got married was stung by a viper and died. I have travelled far with only my love for my wife Eurydice giving me strength to ask you to have mercy and consider the love you share and give my wife back to me".

"I find it fascinating Orpheus that you were able to escape Akamaru on your way here. How were you able to convince him to let you pass?" Sasuke asked curious for the answer Orpheus would give to him.

"I merely played my lyre for him my Lord. He was soothed and did not prevent me from moving forward".

"You do play beautifully well Orpheus. I can definitely see why Akamaru will let you be", Naruto stated smiling at the other man.

"Your request is not something I would otherwise consider Orpheus. I am not known for returning souls that have been sent to my domain. But, your gift with the lyre and song has pleased me and my consort so I will grant you your request. However there is a condition attached to that", Sasuke spoke solemnly, staring at the man whose delight at having his request granted showed clearly for all to see.

"You will leave our presence now and return to the surface. Your wife will be behind you. However, you are not allowed to look back and behold your wife until you have gotten to the surface world. If you do forget this warning and look back, your wife will be lost to you forever. Do you accept this condition Orpheus?" Naruto asked as he stared calmly at the musician.

"Yes my Lords. I accept the condition. I am grateful for your help and consideration and will most certainly do as you bid me to and not look upon my wife until we have gotten to the surface".

"Very well then, you may go Orpheus", Sasuke said and motioned the lyre player to leave his presence.

With solemn eyes, the two gods watched the progress of the human and his wife as they slowly made their way to the surface world. They watched as the doubts began to cloud around Orpheus as he began to wonder if truly his wife was with him. They watched as he continued to push on; resisting the urge to look behind him. Just as they both got to the entrance to the underworld, Orpheus' doubts grew even more and with a turn of his head, he looked behind him to look at his beloved wife. She glowed for a while and slowly faded away, leaving the musician broken and weeping bitterly as he wailed at the loss of his love.

Sasuke glanced at his consort and raised an eyebrow. He was quite surprised to see that Naruto was not crying at the unfairness of it all. He was even more surprised when Naruto spoke.

"There are consequences for every action that we take. It is a pity when people are not really prepared to accept these consequences. He could have waited till his death and be united with his wife for all eternity. If he was not willing to be that patient, then before he accepted the condition we gave to him, he should have considered it carefully and searched his heart thoroughly to find out if indeed he had no doubts that will make him disregard our instructions and if he was ready to deal with the consequences should he disobey us. He had the strength necessary to challenge the gods to collect what he wanted, but he did not maintain that strength to ensure that he received his reward in full. A job half-done is worse than one not done at all because of the ensuing disappointments and the waste of efforts already expended".

With a hand gesture, Sasuke postponed the remaining judgement till a later time and pulled Naruto from his throne.

When he talks like that; all wise and serious and confident, I get so horny and I just cannot wait to bury myself to the hilt inside him. It's like an aphrodisiac. Now, is there any place nearby where I can fuck him hard enough that he won't be thinking about judgements and musicians for a long while? Ha! I will fuck him at that cove near Itachi and Shisui's place. That way I can torture them and at the same time sate myself. It will be like killing two birds with one stone.


"Jiraiya, you really need to do something and do it fast. The people are dying because the land is not providing them with sustenance. They are crying out to us and the only ones who are not calling to us for help are the ones who are dead. The people exist to serve us and the only way they can do so is if they are alive. What will you do if they all abandon us? There will be no sacrifices, no incense at our altars, no festivals in our honour. There will be nothing Jiraiya" Tsunade raved at her husband while the other gods stared silently at him.

The only gods that were not present were the ones in the underworld who did not seem to be concerned with what was happening in the world above theirs.

It had been a year and for twelve months, Minato had ensured that not even weeds grew from the earth. Everything was barren and the entire world could feel his bitterness and pain as he withheld food from them.

At first, Jiraiya had thought that everything would soon pass away. Minato was merely angry and after a couple of days, he would calm down and things would return to the way they used to. However, it was not so. Twelve full months had passed since Minato's confrontation with Jiraiya and he was completely proving the truth of his words; the earth did indeed belong to him. Everyone was suffering and nobody knew what could be done to appease the god whose domain was the earth.

This was what led the other gods to come before Jiraiya to find out if he knew how to appease Minato.

Kakashi was not his jovial self and Chouji had left the sanctuary of his workshop. Ino was not in the midst of her lovers and Neji had left his temples. Kisame had even left his seas and Tenten had returned from her deserts while Temari was standing behind her father but still wondering like everyone else what could be done to salvage things.

"Sai, do go to Minato; plead with him to end the famine and desolation he has brought to the earth. If he refuses, ask him what he wants so that we can make arrangements and the earth can once again be fruitful".

The words had barely left Jiraiya's mouth that Sai had immediately departed from Olympus to take the message of the king of the gods to his brother.

As he flew, he saw nothing but barrenness and people slowly dying from the hunger that they all suffered from; both those that were rich and the ones that were poor. The famine and desolation of the land was obviously not a respecter of persons.

It did not take him long before he arrived at the entrance to the dwelling of Minato.

He greeted him as befitted his status as one of the older gods and relayed the message that Zeus had entrusted to him.

"Tell Zeus that the only way that the earth will once again be blessed to bear fruit is if he returns my son back to me. The only form of reparation I want is my son. Immediately my son is returned to me, the earth will once again bear fruit. The reason why the ground is barren now is because she is an extension of me. She feels my desolation at the loss of my child and is reflecting that. Give me back my child and everything will return back to the way it always was".

With those words still ringing in his ears, Sai flew back to Olympus and in the presence of the other gods, delivered Minato's message.

"If what he wants is his son back, then give him back his son Jiraiya. Send Sai to the underworld to inform Sasuke about what is happening and ask him to return Naruto back to his father. I am sure Naruto will also want an end to all these deaths", Kisame said calmly.

Jiraiya looked around and when he saw the acceptance in the eyes of all the other gods, he turned to Sai and ordered him to go to the underworld and bring Naruto back.

With a bow and the fluttering of his winged sandals, Sai left to do his father and king's bidding.


"Pein, exactly why is it that the underworld seems to be flooded with more dead souls than usual? Is it that there is a war somewhere that I don't know about? Or is a king massacring his subjects?" Naruto asked as he sat on his throne in the throne room beside Sasuke and stared at the god who was death.

"There is no war my Lord. Neither is there a king somewhere who is killing his subjects. The people are dying because the ground is desolate and your father is lashing out at your kidnapping". Pein said all these with a calm face and a cool voice like he was merely droning about the weather.

"That is no right. I can understand why father is upset but he shouldn't take it out on people who are not guilty of any crime. They have not done any wrong other than depending on the land to give them food and it is very cruel for father to let them all suffer like this". Naruto said all these with his eyes blazing as he wondered how he can make his father see the error of his ways and come around.

The appearance of Juugo had Sasuke turning towards the shade who announced that Sai was present and wanted to speak with the two gods.

"Let him in Juugo", Sasuke stated all the while inclining his head to Pein who wanted to leave and carry on with his duties.

"Well hello dickless. I can see that you are definitely looking better. Nothing like the damsel in distress I was expecting. Also, from the way you seem to be looking at the dark Lord and the way he was also looking at you, I can assume that Sasuke has finally decided to put his dick to good use. Who would have believed that when I was sent to invite him to Jiraiya's party, the one who caught his eye and who would tempt that dick of his would be you"?

"I would advise you to simply say what you want and get out Sai. Any more reference to Sasuke's body parts would ensure that you pay for even thinking the thought", with a glare that would do Sasuke proud, Naruto dared Sai to speak.

Sai of course knew how to pick his battles, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became the efficient messenger he was.

"Jiraiya says that you should return Naruto to his father so as to put an end to the catastrophe that Minato is causing as a result of the loss of his son. You are to accept this as an order from the king of the gods".

"Excuse us for a while Sai, I need to talk with my consort about your request. Karin will attend to you".

With those words, Naruto and Sasuke left Sai in the throne room.

Sasuke led Naruto to the garden the younger god had made for his own pleasure. The roses were in full bloom and air was made fragrant with the scent of the flowers.

"So, what do you want to do Naruto?"

"Well, I understand father wanting me back. I can understand the pain he is feeling and I do miss him. But, I don't want to leave you either Sasuke. I love the way you have helped me to come into my own. I love the way being with you has shown me my strengths and I love the way you have helped to opened my eyes to the wonders of the world. Yes, you can be a bastard a lot of the time, but I love you bastard and all, and I don't want to leave you. I honestly don't know what to do".

"How nice of you to admit that you love me right after Sai arrived. Now, we can't celebrate properly", Sasuke sulked a little; then brightened at the thought that soon, they will be able to celebrate soon.

"There is a way to ensure that you can always stay with me whenever you want and return to your father when you want to. This way, nobody will be able to make you feel guilty for staying with me. If you eat food from the underworld, then you are bound to the underworld, and even your father cannot dispute that fact. Therefore, you will be able to come and go as you please, and nobody can stop you from returning to me. Not even Jiraiya can order you to stay away from me".

"Well can I have ramen then? Iruka can send me a bowl and I can eat it immediately?"

"I'm sorry Naruto, but ramen doesn't count. It is not a food that comes originally from the underworld so it cannot be used".

With a wave, Sasuke presented the pomegranate fruit to him.

"Have some of these. Try and eat as much as you can so that you can stay with me all year. A seed is the equivalent of a month and both of your fathers will be able to know the quantity of the seeds you have consumed. So, try and eat at lease twelve".

Naruto dug in and ate. Luckily for him, he actually liked the tangy acidic taste of the edible seeds and finished the fruit.

With a smile, Sasuke leaned into him and kissed the lips that were always so pouty, soft and waiting for him.

He cut the kiss short so that they would not get carried away. Sai was waiting after all, and so was Minato, the other gods and the rest of the world.

They returned to the throne room where the saw Sai still waiting for them. He had not drank out of the wine Karin had offered to him, but was waiting for Naruto, eager to return to Olympus and his other duties.

Naruto climbed onto Sasuke's chariot and with a wave to the raven haired god, he and Sai returned to the surface world.


"Naruto, you've finally returned home. I cannot believe what Sasuke was thinking kidnapping you and trying to make you his consort. Anyway, we will forget about it all and I will take measures to make sure that he never comes near you again", Minato said as he checked his son's body for any sign of injury that would indicate that he had been maltreated while he was in the underworld.

Naruto snorted and grasped his father's arms with his hands and looked into a face that looked just like his.

"Father, I did not suffer when I was with Sasuke. I actually enjoy being with him. Yes, he can be abrupt and curt and cold, but he is everything I have ever wanted. He challenges me, makes me laugh, and has also helped me to see that I can trust my own judgement and can make mature decisions because I am an adult. He treated me like a man and not a boy and for that, I will always be grateful".

Minato stared at his son, shocked at the words that were spilling from the lips, but Naruto was not done.

"What I don't understand is how you can let the whole world suffer the way you have done. People who have been faithful to you, who have served and worshipped you for years and whose generations have also served and worshipped you for years all died because you were not willing to help them. You moaned at the loss of your son and yet you ignored the fact that these people also have children that they loved and who have died because you allowed the earth to waste away. Your power is a responsibility father and yet you have not used it to care for the people you were meant to care for".

"Naruto, I am sorry that you are hurt and I am sorry about the people that have wasted away because of my grief. I felt desolate at your loss and the earth reflected my pain. It is not something I am proud of, but I am somewhat happy that now you have returned to me and I know that the earth will once again yield fruit".

"I am not back with you for good father. My home is with Sasuke and that is where I will always return. I have eaten the pomegranate from his world and therefore I belong to that world also. I will of course always come and see you. We will still have our evenings together walking through the field and talking about how our day has been. But I will spend my nights with my husband and that is a decision I want you to respect".

Minato glared silently at his son for a while, but Naruto did not lose his resolve as he calmly watched his father with the patience showing on his face that he was merely waiting for his father to accept the truth so that they could move on to other matters.

"All right Naruto. But don't expect me to forgive Sasuke that easily. I reserve the right to hate him for a while."

"I can't ask for more than that father, and I thank you. Now let's begin the work of restoring the earth so that it can once again provide food for those who till it".

With those words said, Naruto and Minato began the process of healing the earth.

Minato watched his son as he closed his eyes and seemed to collect power from around him, combine it with his power and force it into the earth. For miles, the earth changed from a grey colour to the rich brown that showed that it was alive.

Amazed, Minato stared at his son and asked, "Where did you learn how to do that Naruto?"

"Sasuke taught me father".

Four simple words that told Minato that his son had found a mate that accepted him for who he was and helped to work on his strengths. He knew that indeed he would forgive Sasuke, but he wasn't sure when exactly he was going to do that.


"I assume that your meeting with your father went all right seeing that you are here and I know he is not busy boiling and angry by the Styx so he has somehow accepted our union. But, how did your meeting with Jiraiya go?"

"Well, he said congratulations and has insisted on throwing a party for us at Olympus tomorrow. According to him, we deserve a party because he wasn't sure I was ever going to lose my virginity what with father always standing guard and he wasn't sure if you still remember how to have sex. So, he has decided to celebrate and insists that we must be there. I kind agreed on the condition that he provides ramen".

Sasuke did not know if he should smirk at the thought of Naruto losing his virginity to him, or glare at the thought of Jiraiya saying that he didn't know if he could have sex with anyone or laugh at Naruto agreeing to go to the party so that he can have ramen to eat.

He settled for rolling the blonde god over and showing him just how happy he was that Naruto admitted to loving him.

Yes, he was definitely worth all the efforts and the entire wait. Now the next thing for me to consider is how quickly I can get us out of the party and down here in my bed where Naruto clearly belongs.


Naruto glanced around and he saw that indeed all the gods were present for the party. Itachi was in the corner chatting with Shisui and Deidara who had surprisingly let his hair down for the occasion and was looking elegant in dark blue robes.

Pein was beside Chouji and the two gods were being silent and simply gazing around and yet gave out the air that made it seem like they were communicating quite well without words.

Jiraiya as usual was drinking and he and Kakashi seemed to be laughing over something in one of those damned scrolls Kakashi was always carrying.

Konohamaru was looking quite depressed and kept on glancing at Sasuke. His constant twitching and his hands venturing quite close to his arrows had Naruto smiling as he realised that the little twerp was probably considering shooting Sasuke with his arrows but realised that he couldn't because Sasuke was now in love and he didn't need any love arrows; he probably also realised that Naruto and Sasuke would kill him if he attempted anything.

A sudden flutter beside him had Naruto staring as he found Neji, Gaara and Sai all staring at him. He raised an eyebrow and waited for them to speak.

"Wow dickless. Now you're even acting like the brooding lord. Who would have known? Well, if you ever change your mind about who you want to end up with, I'm always available to you."

With those words, Sai left leaving Neji and Gaara still staring steadily at Naruto.

"I still cannot believe that you would settle for Sasuke when I have told you time and time again that the fates destined for us to be together. Now you have condemned me to a lifetime without love as I shall always remember that we are destined to be together and so cannot fall in love with anyone else".

"Neji, go out and look for someone else. The fates did not decide that we are to end up together. You did. I am sure that if you search hard enough, you will find someone else who will capture your attention and maybe the person will buy your talk about love and fate. As for me, I have found the person I want, now leave me alone".

With a huff, Neji left all the while muttering about the fates and how miserable Naruto would be now that he has not chosen him but rather chose someone that the fates have not chosen for him.

Naruto merely rolled his eyes and snorted, then returned his gaze to Gaara.

"If he should ever fuck things up with you, I will be here waiting for you and ready to fight for you. All you have to do is say so".

"Thank you Gaara. I do appreciate the offer but I am happy with my choice and if he does fuck-up, I will deal with things myself. But I am grateful that you offered though".

With a grunt, Gaara left Naruto who smiled at the sound and turned around to continue observing.

Tenten is already looking very restless. She will be leaving soon and will probably return to her mountains.

I wonder where father is though. I still haven't seen him yet.

Sasuke smirked as he watched his consort smile as he watched the other gods. He growled when he saw the three gods approach him and smirked again when he saw that none of them left looking happy.

He watched Naruto continue to look around him and then he heard someone clearing his throat behind him.

He turned and stared into blue eyes that looked like his blonde's and blonde hair that looked like Naruto's.

"Hello Minato. Naruto is beside the pillar that has the carving of Kakashi being birthed from Jiraiya's thigh".

"I will see him soon. I actually wanted to talk to you. I accept that maybe you have come to care for my son. I also accept that my son has come to somewhat care for you too. But, if you hurt him at all, I will hunt you down Sasuke. I will also like to state at this point that I do not like you at all".

"Why do I have the feeling that your anger at me precedes me kidnapping Naruto Minato?"

"That's because it does. I still haven't forgiven you for insulting me and calling me selfish when we were in father's stomach and for making me give up that comfortable position I was in."

"Seriously? That's what is still making you so angry? Are you kidding me?"

"I am perfectly serious Sasuke and I await the day when I can return the favour. Trust me; with me as your father-in-law, I will definitely get my revenge."

With those words, Minato walked off to meet with his son, leaving Sasuke shaking his head and staring after him in wonder.

Exactly why is it that I married into his crazy family again? Oh yeah, I remember the reasons clearly: Naruto is a great fuck; he makes me laugh; he is a great fuck; he understands me; he is a great fuck; everyone in my realm loves him; he is a great fuck; he is beautiful and wise and oh yes, he is a great fuck. The things I condone for a great fuck; now to get that great fuck away from all these people and give him the best fuck of his life.


A/N: I've finally finished the story. Whew. I'm so delighted that I was able to finish. I'm working on a one-shot now. I should be done with it in a week or even less than a week from now and will try and put it up immediately.

Anyway, read and please review. I want to know what you think of the story and the spin I put on it.

Well then, ta-ta.