Ok this isn't so much a story as it is a chat room thing. I figured with the series ending tonight it was now or never.

Bookgirl39: Yo! Fabian, Nina? Can you do the disclaimer?

Alfie: Ooh! Ooh! Can I do it!

Bookgirl39: Why can't Fabian and Nina do it?

Alfie: They're too busy preparing for the finale! They have this huge scene…

Bookgirl39: ALFIE! Don't spoil it! I don't like spoilers and neither do the others!

Alfie: Bookgirl39 doesn't own the House of Anubis!... That wasn't as fun as I thought…

Nina opened her email and saw a message from Alfie. Curious, Nina opened it.

Fellow students of Anubis House, Jerome and I have created a chat room for Anubis House! The password is Sibuna8 (Anubis backwards and the number of kids in the house) Click the link below to chat!

Nina clicked the link and a chat box popped up. She made up a screen name and entered the password.

Stars&Stripes50 has logged on

Stars&Stripes50: Hey guys! Alfie, Jerome, this is awesome!

ZombieJester200: Thanks Nina! I thought it'd be fun. Plus Victor and Trudy don't know about it!

Blackmailer66: I still think we should have charged a membership fee…

GothPixie987: You would, Slime Ball!

Jock39 has logged on

Jock39: Clark, Lewis, you two are brilliant!

ZombieJester200: We've been told

Blackmailer66: Oh, I know!

GuitarPlayer15 has logged on

Stars&Stripes50: FABIAN!

GothPixie987: Well, well…

Stars&Stripes50: No! I mean… umm…

ZombiePrankster200: Patricia! Don't start again!

GothPixie987: What? You don't know what I was going to say…

Blackmailer66: We all know you were going to tease Nina.

GuitarPlayer15: What the… blasted adds… one of those pop ups blocked my screen… who's teasing Nina?

Blackmailer66: Patricia of course!

GuitarPlayer15: Why am I not surprised? Patricia, leave her alone!

Jock39: A bit defensive are we?

GothPixie987: I TOLD YOU!

GuitarPlayer15: Told them what? Nina? What is this about?

Stars&Stripes50: Umm…

Stars&Stripes50 has logged off


Nina was blushing. She was glad the others couldn't see her. Amber walked in with a shopping bag. "Hey Nina!" She said. "What's wrong? You look totally embarrassed!" Amber obviously hadn't talked to the others. "Oh…nothing. You haven't checked your e-mail have you?" Nina asked. "No. Why? What's so embarrassing in the e-mail?" Amber said excitedly. She opened her laptop. "Ooh! A chat room! How fun!" Nina figured she better log on just to see what if they were torturing Fabian now.

Stars&Stripes50 has logged on

Jock39: Fabian look who's back!

GuitarPlayer15: Hey Nina. Sorry about earlier... they were just kidding. Right?

GothPixie987: Sure

ZombiePrankster200: Whatever you want to believe

Stars&Stripes50: It's fine… they told you didn't they…

GuitarPlayer15: Told me what?

TheChosen1 has logged on

TheChosen1: Hey guys! Long time no see

GothPixie987: JOY! :D

ZombiePrankster200: You told her the sacred password? What if her dad finds out?

GothPixie987: Relax! She won't tell anyone!

GuitarPlayer15: Hi Joy…

TheChosen1: FABES! 3

GuitarPlayer15: It's been a long time…

Stars&Stripes50: Umm… hi Joy… I'm Nina, from America. Patricia has told me a lot about you.

TheChosen1: Hello, Nina. She told me about you too. How you and Fabian have been working on the Cup of Ankh.

Stars&Stripes50: Speaking of Fabian…

Jock39: Ooh! Haha! This is AWK-WARD!

BeautyQueen7 has logged on

BeautyQueen7: What's awkward?

Blackmailer66: Both of Fabian's girlfriends are here!

TheChosen1: WHAT?

Stars&Stripes50: No, no, no…

GuitarPlayer15 has logged off

Jock39: Boy needs to learn that you can't run away from girl problems… they follow you

BeautyQueen7: Glad you learned something from me, Mick!

Blackmailer66: You would know!

Jock39: Hey, Clark! Watch it! You were half the reason for most of the problems between Mara and I!

ZombiePrankster200: That's because he fancies her!

Blackmailer66: Dude!

ZombiePrankster200: Oops…

Blackmailer66: Alfie Lewis, you have five seconds to live…

ZombiePrankster200 has logged off

Blackmailer66has logged off

Stars&Stripes50: I just heard a crash… this isn't good…

BeautyQueen7: Poor Alfie…

GothPixie987: It's not like it was a big secret… it's as obvious as you and Fabian

TheChosen1: About that…

Jock39: This seems like girl talk… I'm going to leave… plus I think Fabian's hiding from us… we have kitchen duty tonight and he is NOT getting out of that!

Jock39 has logged out

TheChosen1: Nina I can't blame you for falling for Fabian, he's cute, smart, sweet, but he's mine.

Stars&Stripes50: You mean was yours. Maybe he's moved on.

TheChosen1: Have you asked him?

Stars&Stripes50: No… I would but I don't know how to without freaking him out again…

BeautyQueen7: Ooh how cute! I'm on it! I, Amber Millington will find out!

BeautyQueen7 has logged off

Stars&Strips50: We better go. It's almost time for supper.

Stars&Stripes50 has logged off

GothPixie987 has logged off

TheChosen1 has logged off


"You are dead to me!" Nina heard Jerome yell. She left her room and looked downstairs and noticed Alfie running through the house. Trudy ran out of the kitchen "Boys! What's going on here?" She asked. "He's just angry because I told about his not-so-secret crush on-"he was cut off when Jerome tackled him. "Oh I see… well I don't think I'll be of much help here. You have to sort this out on your own. But you can't beat your problems out on others." Jerome was still angry but he stopped attacking Alfie. "You got lucky!"

Nina went downstairs after they left. She knocked on the door of Fabian and Mick's room. Mick opened it. "Hey. If you're looking for Fabian he's not her. After that episode online he put his laptop and some strange looking things in his bag and left. No clue where. He seemed pretty freaked." He told her. "Thanks. If you see him just let me know." Nina knew where Fabian was. Same place she would have gone to think. The Attic.

Hope you like it. Sorry it's really long but I was bored. There will likely be another chapter but I had to get this one up since tonight is the finale. R&R!


Sorry if Fabian's a little OOC… or any of them really