Hello all. I know I already posted this story, but it drove me crazy that it was one big run-on, so I'm working on correcting it now and re-posting it. Should be done within an hour.

It had been a long, grueling day at the Jeffersonian. Brennan was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The talented Jeffersonian forensics team, with a great amount of effort on her part, had solved their latest case, but Brennan's mind was still struggling to process the last remnants of emotions and memories from her emotional upheaval a week ago. It had been a long and trying journey already, and though she knew it would end eventually, she dreaded the days between now and then. There were still times when she felt lost and confused by everything that had happened. And then there was Booth...

Shaking her head, Brennan managed to clear her mind just long enough to drive home. All she wanted to do was fall in bed, but she decided a shower was in order. If she was lucky, the hot water would soothe away the aches and pains brought on by the day. But she knew that there was nothing that could take away the ache in her heart. Except him...

Brennan emerged from the bathroom fifteen minutes later, most of her physical pain gone, though her emotions were still in chaos. Sleep is definitely in order. She took a couple aspirin to deal with the pain she would undoubtedly feel in the morning before she collapsed into bed. She was so fragged that she was out the second her head hit her pillow.

Some time later, Brennan couldn't be sure exactly how long, she was rudely awakened by a powerful hand clamping down over her mouth as her hands and feet were swiftly bound together. It all happened so fast that she didn't have a chance to scream or fight back. She was afraid, mostly of her unknown assailant's intentions with her, but that fear rocketed into terror unlike anything she had ever felt when a sinister snarl grated softly in her ears. "Dr. Brennan, the Gravedigger said to tell you hi. She said she promised you this wasn't over. Guess what? She was right."

So many thoughts went tearing through Brennan's mind at that moment that she couldn't even act on the terror that was coursing through her body. A brief moment of lucidity calmed her and one last conscious thought ran through her mind before something smashed into the side of her head and sent her into blissful darkness. Will I live long enough to regret working another case like this? And will I ever get the chance to tell them all that I'm sorry?