Um... Here's a new chapter for you all... So... yeah... Read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harvest Moon or any of its characters.

I Hate Dreams

I blinked a few times. And then again. Nothing happened. This was real. It had worked! Witch Princess had done it! And she had managed to keep our memories!

I looked over at Vaughn. He had the same bewildered look as I probably did, and was also blinking as if he didn't believe it was real. I then looked at Jonathon. He looked absolutely and positively shocked. Smiling, I winked at him, and he smiled back.

Mirabelle looked at all three of us, her eyebrow raised.

"What is wrong with you three?" she asked. "You look like you've just seen a ghost or something."

That night, I had an odd dream about the Witch Princess. I was going to go care for Ella, but when I opened the barn door all it led to was a dark bottomless pit. Floating in the middle of the pit was Witch Princess. Her eyes were completely red, and her hair was floating around her.

"Chelsea Smith!" her voice boomed. It sounded deeper, and much louder. "You have decided to play with time and space, and undo that which was meant to happen! To counter this, something bad and equally-terrible will happen to you, and all of those who were involved!"

Then there was a big flash of light, and I woke up.

The next morning, I got a call from Jill.

"Chelsea!" she cried as soon as I picked up. "What the heck happened! I was just watering my crops yesterday and then bam! I'm sitting in front of my TV watching the weather and eating supper and it's the middle of freaking winter!"

"I got Witch Princess to turn back time!" I cooed in a sing-song voice. "And she managed to keep mine, Vaughn's, Jonathon's, and your memories!"

"Well you could've at least warned me before you decided to go around screwing with time and making sure my memory stays untouched!" Jill snapped.

I frowned. "Well sorry for not asking your permission before telling a witch to turn back time!" I yelled. As soon as I said it, I realized how stupid it sounded.

There was silence on the other end, and then Jill burst out laughing.

"Wow, Chelsea!" she said, giggling. "I guess it doesn't really matter that much. But if you mess with my memory like that again, I swear I'll hurt you."

With that said, my little sister hung up.

I sighed and put the phone away. Going over to the door, I grabbed my coat and slipped on my boots. Once I was outside, I stared at the barren, snow-covered field around me and imagined that huge mansion sitting on top of it. Shaking my head, I sighed once again and walked over to the barn, where Ella was still peacefully sleeping.

It was great to have my cow again. When that storm hits, which I'm sure it will, I'm going to make sure to save her. After feeding and brushing her, I made my way back outside and brushed the snow off a stump in the field before sitting down on it.

I wonder what they dream meant, or if it meant anything at all... I thought, placing my head in my hands and tapping a finger against my cheek, staring at the ground. Why did she mean by "to counter it, something bad and equally terrible will happen"?

Before I could ponder this further, I heard feet crunching snow, and looked up to see Vaughn and Jonathon walked towards me. I stood up and, smiling, ran towards them and grabbed them both in a hug. We hadn't had the chance to talk at Mirabelle's, as Mirabelle and Julia were around and they would've thought we were crazy.

"How did you convince the Witch Princess to do it?" Jonathon asked when I pulled away.

I shrugged. "I just begged and asked her a bunch of time." I said. "But last night I had this weird dream..." Sitting down on another stump, I told the two about my dream.

"I had the same dream," Vaughn said when I finished.

There were a few seconds of silence, and then Jonathon let out a failed stifled laugh. It was actually more of an awkward snort.

Vaughn and I both looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Wait, wait..." Jonathon said, giggling like a school-girl. "You had a dream... where you were Chelsea and—"

He was cut off by Vaughn thwacking him upside the side.

"No, you dumb-ass!" he yelled, glaring at his younger brother. "You know, sometimes I seriously worry about you!"

"I didn't know had the capability to feel and worry," Jonathon shot, rubbing the back of his head. "Bastard..."


"Son of a bitch."

"Piece of shit."


I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Are you two done here?" I said loudly. "Or do I need to get your aunt to settle this little dispute?"

Both Vaughn and Jonathon began pouting like two little boys who had just gotten in trouble with their mother.

"Good," I said. "Now, Vaughn, you were saying?"

"I had the same dream you did," Vaughn said, quickly getting rid of the sulky look on his face. "The one with Witch Princess."

I nodded. "What d'you think it means?"

Vaughn shrugged.

"She said something about 'you have decided to play with time and space'," I said. "Maybe she's talking about when we asked her to turn back time..."

Vaughn shrugged again.

"But Witch also said 'to counter this, something equally-terrible with happen to you and all those who were involved'." I continued.

Vaughn sighed and rubbed his temples. "It was probably nothing," he said. "Just a dream... And if you really think it means something, let's talk about it later. Okay...?"

I pursed my lips together and nodded, breathing deeply out of my nose. I was thoroughly convinced the dream had meant something, but as there was really no one to talk about it with, I just decided to let it be.
