This is a sequel to Thicker than Blood, and it will be much easier to understand if you've read that first. You are probably all going to hate me after this chapter. But please give it a chance?

Laughing I leant back letting my book fall to the ground as Embry peppered my face with kisses his hand never straying too far from my stomach. As always I leant into his abnormal heat my giggles filling the room. My love for him was unexplainable. I couldn't imagine a world without him.

"Stop it," I laughed feebly pushing him away.

"You know you love it," he winked placing a chaste kiss on my lips. As always my head spun. Ever since the day we had met he had the ability to make me dizzy. I never got tired of the sensation.

"Yuck! Get a room," Brady scrunched up his nose before turning back to the television. Across the room Emily rolled her eyes at me as she patted her own pregnant stomach and a retired Sam massaged her feet while anxiously glancing out of the window every so often.

"Just because your jealous," Embry smirked at the back of Brady's head as he continued to rub my belly. Embry tucked a strand of hair behind my hair as I felt a familiar jolt which I had come to love over the months.

"It always kicks when you speak," I muttered a tiny hint of jealousy seeping into my voice. Embry raised his eyebrows at me as his warm brown eyes drinking in the sight of my flushed face. Pregnancy was making me warmer these days and Embry was always overly conscious of his own heat. I narrowed my eyes as he edged away from me a little. I didn't care if I was as warm as the sun, there was no better place in the world than in Embry's arms.

"Aww she's a daddy's girl then," he grinned in attempt to rile me up. I only pursed my lips tilting my head to watch Claire's sleeping figure curled up on the armchair, her worn copy of Cinderella fallen in her lap.

"Stop saying it's a girl," I smiled, secretly hoping it was, "you don't know that for certain."

"I am certain she's a girl," his hand lingered on my cheek for a moment, "and besides we cant call her an it. That's just rude."

"Well Dee thinks it's a boy," I retorted as Colin swore under his breath and threw the remote on the ground before storming out of the room.

"Dee's intuition is just about as great as her smell," he wrinkled his nose as if recalling a memory, "and besides I'm the Dad. I get first pick."

"I hate to tell you but you don't get to pick wither it's a boy or a girl," Sam called from across the room while Emily whacked him across the head. High pitched screams came from up the stairs almost as if they could hear their Dad's voice. Emily narrowed her eyes as Sam stuck his tongue out at her. She had only just got them to sleep.

"Its your turn," she told him as the cries got louder. Embry hid a smirk behind his hand while Claire squirmed restlessly in her sleep.

"Hey!" I squeezed Embry's hand, "that will be you in a few months."

"Thank God we're not having twins," he groaned as if the thought scared him.

"Maybe I am and I just haven't told you?" I grinned as Sam reluctantly got to his feet and trudged slowly from the room. Embry looked momentarily scared for a second as his hand stilled on my belly before he narrowed his brown eyes at me. I smiled innocently.

"I went to the scan with you," he continued to rub my stomach, "and there's definitely not two little monsters in there."

"Hey!" I shouted out as it kicked again, "I don't think she likes being called a monster."

"You called it a she!" Embry exclaimed his eyes widening. The couch groaned under my weight as I shifted around.

"Well we have to call it something don't we?" I snapped feeling suddenly hungry. All throughout my pregnancy I had been having cravings for Emily's blueberry muffins and her strawberry cheesecake. Distantly I wondered if there was any in the kitchen.

"I hope she has your eyes," Embry said suddenly. Looking down I blushed a deep red as I noticed him staring at me intently. I never, ever got tired of him watching me daydream, every time was like a new experience.

"No way," I shook my head furiously, "I want her to have your eyes not my soulless grey ones."

"Their not grey," he argued, "their a unique silver."

"Silver," I scoffed, "brown eyes are much nicer."

Embry opened his mouth to argue again but Colin burst through the door before he could speak, shirtless and dripping of rain. My heart squeezed in my chest. Embry and I shared a long look, we both knew what was coming.

"Two of them. Too close to La Push," Colin panted before turning and running out into the rain again. Emily frowned anxiously at his departing figure while I clung desperately onto Embry's hand. I didn't want to ever let go. Brady dropped the remote and followed Colin. Stupid wolfs. Stupid vampires.

"Ava," Embry's voice was soft almost as if he was talking to a child.

"Please don't go." A bad feeling had wormed its way into my body. I grabbed onto his hand tighter as his eyes flickered outside, I could tell he was itching to get out there.

"As soon as she is born I promise to give up," he whispered leaning in for a kiss. My lips were frantic on his as I pulled him closer to me savouring his taste. I always hated letting him go.

"You promise?" I muttered, needing to hear him say it again. His brown eyes softened as he placed a much more gentler kiss on the palm of my hand before letting his lips rest on my belly for a second. I tried to keep my breathing even.

"I promise. We'll be fine, there's only two of them. A piece of cake," he spoke sincerely, "love you Ava. Love you too baby."

"We love you too," I croaked but my only answer was the slam of the door. The cries of the twins from upstairs ceased as I sniffed back useless tears and glanced at my book lying forgotten on the floor and the silence of the paused game on the television screen. It was almost too quiet.

"Are you alright?" Emily asked smiling. Her bright yellow nail polish seemed to glare at me from across the room. She was almost too happy. Pregnancy seed to make her more beautiful than normal where as I just looked like I had a pillow under my top and looked generally fat.

"I just have this bad feeling," I muttered. She nodded almost in understanding but I don't think she really did. The feeling was eating away at me inside, consuming me slowly as if preparing me for pain. Pushing it away I gingerly got to my feet. Sam smiled kindly at me as he re-entered the room his finger pressed to his lips.

"Do you still have blueberry muffins left?" I asked hesitantly chewing on my bottom lip. I hated imposing on the Uleys when Embry wasn't around, even if Emily and I had become close friends over the years. It still felt strange.

"Of course Ava," she smiled as she cuddled into Sam's side, "I made three baskets this morning. There should be a couple left."

Nodding I hobbled into the kitchen my heart thumping in my chest. Snatching a muffin from the basket I glanced out of the window, my bad feeling growing worse and worse by the second. Gripping tightly onto the edge of the kitchen counter I watched as my knuckles grew white.

"You alright in there?" Sam called from the lounge. I blinked as a blurry figure darted along the tree line. I licked my lips, growing more anxious.

"Of course," I lied flinching as the rain hammered repeatedly on the kitchen window shattering the eerie silence.

Letting the muffin fall to the floor I let out a gasp of pain as the feeling grew even more. A sharp pain shot through my body making me clutch my heart. Something wasn't right. I let out a scream as lightening flashed close to the house. Too close.

"Ava!" Sam came running into the kitchen his mouth turned downwards into a frown, "what's wrong?"

"I don't kno-" another shot of pain engulfed me cutting off my words. This time it didn't stop, clutching the counter even tighter I blinked as the kitchen began to spin around me. The lights flickered on and off. Something was wrong. A painful howl sounded from outside. Sam's flinch confirmed what I already knew. The howl got louder, almost deafening, until I couldn't hear anything else.

Fighting the urge to cover my ears I stumbled towards the door my hand laying protectively over my baby. Thunder rumbled from above me as I fell out into the rain.

"Ava. Stop," Sam's urgent voice came after me. Finding a strength I hadn't known I'd possessed I pushed him backwards as I continued to run towards the forest. The howl continued to get louder, it tore at my heart strings. I knew it was Embry. I just knew.

Mud splattered my white sundress as the branches tore at my exposed skin. Everything seemed to take on a different form in the dark.

"Embry!" I shrieked spinning around in a wild circle.

Another blurry figure darted to my right as I sobbed loudly. More howls echoed around me. A flash of grey caught my eyes, pressing my hand over my mouth to stop a hysterical scream I stumbled towards it.

"No," I whispered brokenly, "No. No. No. No!"

His grey fur was littered with rain which made him almost sparkle. The black spots littering his fur which had always made him unique seemed to glare at me. I watched and waited for the rise and fall of his stomach, for him to howl again. Anything. Instead I was granted with silence. Nothing. The only sign of my Embry was his soulful brown eyes wide open with fright.

Choking on the air around me I fell to my knees beside my world, the reason for my existence. No longer did pain consume me instead I felt numb.

"You cant leave me," I whimpered, "Don't you dare leave me Embry bloody Call. What about our daughter?"

My only answer was the hiss of the wind as it sent a shiver down my spine and the silence of the wolfs that had gathered around me.

How the hell was I supposed to live without him? Without Embry?

I screamed.


I am uploading the next chapter right now, so please read it and then let me know wither you think I should continue. Thanks J