Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic or anyone else. Crazy Muffin Assassin owns Sky the hedgehog, in later chapters. Some of the truth/dare questions may seem out of character, but that's because I just used a truth or dare I-pod app. I tried to tailor the truths and dares the best I could.

Silver's POV

It's been four-and-a-half months since Blaze and I confessed our love for each other, and since then, our love has flourished. We move in together and today we're having a house warming party. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Marine, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, and the Chaotix are all invited. It's 11:30 now and they should arrive by 1:00. We finished cooking and decorating by noon.

"Let's take a break," I said, placing the food on a folding table.

"We should probably get cleaned up before our guests arrive" Blaze replied. "You can shower first" she said, winking at me. We walked up the stairs and parted ways. Blaze walked into our room, and I walked into the bathroom. I pulled off my boots and gloves, flexing my toes. I climbed into the shower and pulled the curtain over. At first the water was cold, but it warmed up quickly. Warm water rushed over my head, flattening my quills against it. I shampooed my quills, conditioned, and shut off the water. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I walked into our room.

"Your turn"

"Silver, did you wash behind your ears?" Blaze teased.

"Are you my mom or my girlfriend?" I replied.

"I'm what ever you want me to be" Blaze said coyly. She stalked out, her tails brushing under my nose, and into the bathroom.

"This is the life," I said to myself. "Living life with the gal I love without Iblis popping up every other day" I put my boots back on, pulled on new gloves and clipped on my bracelets. I reclined on the bed and stared out the window. If I had to do it over, I wouldn't change a thing. I heard a small knock at the door. Blaze was standing there, holding a towel around her dripping wet body.

"Can I get dressed?"

"Sure" I said, getting up and walking out. I propped myself up against the wall as I waited for her. After a few moments she walked out, wearing her trademark purple dress. I cast a glance over to the clock. It's only 12:23.

"We still have thirty five minutes before the guests arrive" Blaze said.

"Huh? What?" I asked, snapping back to attention.

"Your so clueless sometimes" Blaze said, walking over and kissing me. He arms slowly wrapped around me, and she pushed me back into our room. She pushed me down on my back on the bed. Her tongue brushed up against my lips, begging for entrance. I complied, and her tongue swept around my mouth. I started to return the kiss, replacing her tongue with mine. Blaze let out pleasured moans as we continued. Suddenly, she pulled away.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I heard the doorbell," she said, allowing me to get up. We ran down the stairs and opened the door to find Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream, and Marine standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Silv, what's up?" Sonic asked, perpetually grinning.

"Well, you're about twenty minutes early" I said.

"Don't be so stiff, ya pointy bloke" Marine said, walking in. Are all Australians weird, or is it just her?

"C'mon in" I said, walking out of the way. They walked in, Tails in the rear, and he shut the door behind him.

"Silver, Blaze" he nodded.

"So, what're we gonna do?" Amy asked.

"How about a movie?" Blaze suggested.

"Do you have That Darn Cat? Tails asked.

"Yup" I said.

"Excellent suggestion, Rotor butt" Marine said, brushing up against him. So we sat down and watched a movie. twenty minutes rolled around rather quickly, and there was another ring from the doorbell. This time, Shadow, Knuckles, Rouge, and the Chaotix were there. They walked in, Charmy and Vector bickering as always.

"Well, everyone's here. As I'm sure you guys know, Blaze and I have recently moved in together," I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. Blaze put her head on my shoulder and gazed up at me with her beautiful golden eyes. I felt my heart melt, looking at her. I wanted to hold her and show her that I love her, but other people are here, and Shadow's looking around like one would when surveying a war zone. His deep red eyes washed over me and narrowed ever so slightly. I hate how he does that. You can never tell what he's thinking.

"I'm bored!" Charmy whined. "How bout we play a game?"

"A game?" Creams eyes lit up. "Like what?"

"I dunno," he buzzed.

"Maybe we could play truth or dare" Rouge suggested mock-innocently.

"Sounds like fun" I said.

Blaze's POV

"I'll go get a bottle," I said, walking into the other room. I came back with a glass coke bottle to find everyone arranged in a circle, with a space next to Silver for me. Silver started by spinning the bottle. It landed on Shadow.

"What would you prefer to give away, your phone or your TV?" Silver asked him.

"I don't have a TV, so I'll go with that" he said. Shadow then spun the bottle. This time it landed on Knuckles.

"I pick dare" he said.

"I dare you to draw a face on your hand, and until your next turn you can only talk through your hand" Knuckles got a marker and drew a poorly conceived face on his hand. Knuckles spun the bottle.

"Oi! It landed on me!" Marine exclaimed. "I'm gonna pick dare"

"I dare you to sit in the closet until your next turn, with Tails"

"You heard the bloke! Into the closet!" Marine commanded. The minute the closet door closed, Marine pressed her lips to Tails in a passionate kiss. Since Marine was 'indisposed' I spun the bottle. It landed on Silver.

"I pick truth," he said immediately.

"Ok, name an embarrassing crush you've had"

"Oh, tough one. I'm gonna have to say Blaze the cat"

"Not much of a crush anymore" I said, smiling at him. He spun the bottle again. It came to a stop pointing at Amy.

"Gimme a dare" Amy said.

"I dare you to let Charmy style your hair" Amy groaned and Charmy giggled madly. He rushed over and started putting rubber bands in her hair. After approximately 13 seconds, Charmy pulled away to examine his work. It looked like her hair went through a shredder and then was rubbed with several balloons. Amy gave me a death glare second only to Shadow. Amy spun the bottle rather viciously, which landed on Silver. Oh, Silver's in trouble.

"I…I p-pick dare" Silver stuttered.

"I dare you to let Blaze give you a facial with honey," she said, and evil glint in her eye. Silver and I walked into the kitchen, and I got a jar of honey from the fridge.

"Lay down and hold still" I commanded him. He did as he was told and laid down on the counter top. "Close your eyes" I said. I scooped out a spoonful of honey and plopped it on his cheek. He winced a little at how cold the honey was, but he got used to it. With the back of the spoon I spread the glob around his face.

"Are you done yet?" he asked, his voice slightly muffled by the honey.

"No. This is too much fun" I responded, scooping more onto his face.

"Ok, I think you're done" Silver said, grabbing my hand and sitting up. Together we walked back into the living room, receiving laughter along the way.

"Why Silver, you look good enough to eat," Amy said.

"Ok, Amy, that's over stepping it" I said. Silver felt around blindly, looking for the bottle.

"Here it is, Silver," I said, handing it to him.

"I knew that" he mumbled before spinning it. It landed on Cream.

"I pick truth" her innocent voice rang.

"Do you sleep with anything?" Silver asked.

"Just Cheese," she said. Cream spun the bottle, which landed on Tails.

Silver's POV

"Guess the means Tails and Marine can come out of the closet," I said walking over and opening the door. Tails and Marine tumbled out in a tangled heap, both panting and sweating. "It's your turn Tails"

"I pick truth," he said immediately.

"What is one thing you've done that you never want to be caught doing?" Tails cast a glance to Marine, then the closet. "Ok, I think that answers the question" I said. Tails nervously spun the bottle, and it landed on Knuckles.

"I pick dare" Knuckles scoffed, trying to show he was not afraid.

"Every time you hear a loud noise you have to bark like a dog" Knuckles nodded and just spun the bottle. This time it landed on Shadow.

"I pick dare" he said, in monotone un-interest.

"Get another player to draw a face on your stomach"

"What the hell? I'm not doing that," Shadow growled.

"Then go sit in the corner," Knuckles commanded. Ignoring him, Shadow spun the bottle.

Blaze's POV

The bottle pointed at me. "I pick truth"

"Who's the most important person in your life?" Shadow asked.

"That's easy; it's Silver," I purred, brushing against Silver. Silver smiled back. I cast a glance over towards Marine, who was acting odd. Without warning, she jumped Tails. Amy put her hand over Cream's eyes. She pinned him to the ground while her tongue ravaged his mouth. At first, he struggled and tried to push her off. As Marine deepened the kiss, Tails returned it.

"Uh…Marine?" I asked uncertainly.

"Mmmf…what?" she asked, pulling away from Tails.

"Could you tone it down a bit?" I asked, blushing slightly.

"Oi, Pointy, ya got somthin on yer face" Marine noticed.

"Yes, it's called honey" Silver said.

"Ya idiot! Honey goes in yer mouth"

Silver's POV

"Look, I know you're Australian, but can't you speak English?"

"Hey dude, like, how's this?" Marine said in a very bad American accent. Charmy giggled at her. Marine gave me a dirty look and went back to lip locking with Tails.

"What d'you guys wanna do now?" I asked.

"How bout we get stuff to eat?" Sonic suggested.

"Sure, Blaze and I cooked some food. It's in the kitchen. I'm gonna go wash this off" I said gesturing to the honey on my face. The others walking into the kitchen while I walked up into the bathroom. I tried tugging on the dried honey, but it was really stuck to my face.

"Amy, I am gonna kill you" I muttered.

"Maybe I can help" a feminine voice said from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my fur.

"Blaze? You scared the crap outta me," I gasped.

"Hold still" she walked over and extended her tongue.

"Blaze, what're you going to-" she licked the side of my face. I shivered at her touch. Her tongue found it's way to my mouth, and our tongues danced together. She put her left hand on the side of my face, and without warning, ripped the dried honey off my face. "Ow! What was that for?" I demanded.

"I was just helping" Blaze said, innocently kissing my cheek. Downstairs I heard Knuckles bark three times like a Chihuahua. I just rubbed my cheek to relieve the searing pain the honey had caused. We walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was sitting around and eating, sans Shadow, who was reclining on the couch.

Blaze's POV

"Hey, Shadow" I said sitting next to him.

"Blaze? What do you want?" he said, aloof as always.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked casually.


"C'mon, have something to eat" I pushed. He gave me a frustrated look, but got up. He browsed the food before deciding on grapes. He took a cluster and went back over to the couch. I mean, come on, we're all friends here, so he doesn't need to be so anti-social. I heard cheering from the other room. I heard Silver groan the second we saw what was going on. Our guests had found our "wine cellar". Judging by their behavior, I'd say they were a couple drinks in. Someone's poor judgment *cough Sonic cough* allowed Marine to drink, and now she was 'off her face' as the Australians say. Now she was up on the table singing loudly, and dancing about.

Silver's POV

"Ok, I think that's enough for you" I said, psychically lifting Marine off the table and setting her down in the living room. Blaze grabbed the bottle of wine out of her hands and took it to another room.

"Gimme tha' back, ya *hic*" Marine protested. She started to tip over. "Why isevefythin sosfwirly?" she slurred, falling on the couch next to Shadow.

"It's ok Marine, just sleep" I patted her head. She passed out with head in Shadow's lap. Shadow looked up at me, with eyes burning, like cigarettes.

"What the hell?" he asked.

"She's drunk"

"That makes sense," he agreed. I left the living room, and went to the kitchen. Blaze had herself a glass and was talking and laughing with everyone else with the exception of Tails, Cream, Charmy, and Espio.

"Hey Silver. Want a drink?" she asked, holding out the bottle, her speech slightly slurred.

"Well, maybe a little"

Approximately three-and a-half-drinks later…

"Why is the wine gone?" Amy asked, staring at the two empty bottles.

"We drank it all, Ames" Sonic said, swirling his finger on the counter top.

"But why is the wine gone?" I glanced over at the clock. It's getting late; it's almost 12:30.

"You guys should probably head out" I said, desperately trying to keep my eyes open.

"Your probably right" Vector said. He seemed to be the least affected by the alcohol. The Chaotix left right away. The others took a bit longer. Tails picked up an unconscious, intoxicated Marine and carried her out the door. I assumed Tails would keep her at his place until she was sober. In Marine's case, that might be a while. Sonic, Amy, Cream, Knuckles, and rouge left next. Shadow left last. He thanked us for inviting him, and left abruptly afterward. Blaze turned to me. Her movements were shaky, and her cheeks were flushed. She held onto my shoulder as we walked upstairs. We lay down together in bed, not bothering to talk off our clothes. Her lips planted themselves on mine, in a hot, wet kiss. It lasted for several minutes before we broke away, exhausted.

"Goodnight, my love" Blaze said, before falling asleep next to me.