Jealousy. Katara hated it, but she was stuck with it. And it always came up at the worst times.
Even as a child with Sokka, she became jealous. Sokka always had the upper-hand with being the oldest child. He also became the unofficial 'Chief' of the South Pole, and Katara wanted nothing more than to shut him up when he thought he had the power to make her do what he wanted her to do.
Eventually that jealously calmed diminished for a few years. But when she began her travels Aang, it came back with a vengeance.
She became jealous of Aang's fangirls on Kiyoshi Island, Toph with her way of hurting Aang and never becoming guilty (not that she wanted to hurt him, she was just jealous of all of the attention she was receiving from Aang), and of course, On Ji. That 'floozy' (as Meng would put it) that Aang had met in that Fire Nation school. Katara was surprised that she could hold it all in without exploding.
And even with all of that, Katara still had to suppress her envy. Because nothing could compare to the envy that Katara felt during her time spent dating Aang. That's when it shot up to an all-time high. She could never forget the day that she almost managed to kill a complete stranger with her own bare hands.
It was a typical day for the renowned couple. A meeting had just ended in Ba Sing Se and they were walking hand-in-hand in the Middle Ring when a random Avatar fan girl approached them yet again.
"Hi!" she squealed as Katara and Aang passed her. When Aang smiled at her, she nearly passed out. "I'm Ayame!"
It was a respectable name for the young Earth Kindgom girl. She had striking green eyes with a thin lining of brown on the outer iris.
"Oh. I'm Aang, and this is Katara."
Ayame put out her hand for them to shake it, but Katara didn't miss the glare that Ayame shot at her.
"Nice to meet you," she said.
Katara nodded towards her and looked away for a brief second.
That brief second was enough for Ayame to step in Katara's place and hook on to Aang's arms. Aang blushed. Katara had that feeling in her stomach that made her so mad: jealousy.
"So," Ayame started, "maybe we can... uh... go out to dinner, or something?"
"Oh! That'd be nice, right Katara?"
Ayame's face dropped, but not long enough for Aang to see it. She put her smile back on as Katara shrugged wordlessly.
"Ok. It's settled." Aang looked out towards the sun to see that sunset was about to begin. "I guess we could go now."
"Great!" Ayame exclaimed as she hooked onto Aang's arm. "I'll lead the way."
Aang was oblivious to Ayame's actions, while Katara could see straight through them. She was trying to get Aang.
As they walked, Ayame kept on blabbing on about herself to Aang, who, in response, nodded quietly so as to not be impolite.
"... and when I was—Oh! We're here!" She walked in, dragging Aang with her while leaving Katara to drag herself.
"Table for two!" Ayame yelled at the hostess over the noise of the bustling restaurant.
"Ummm... Make that three," Aang added.
The hostess gasped, "The Avatar! What a pleasure! We usually have our guests wait a little while, but for the Avatar? We'll have your table right away!" She looked at Ayame. "And is this your date?"
At the moment the hostess asked that question, Katara walked in and her heart sank.
It quickly raised up again in anger as she heard Ayame say, "Yes, we are," as her arm linked onto Aang's.
"Actually... I—"
"How marvelous! Come, come! Right this way! I'm guessing you are Katara, correct?" the hostess asked Ayame.
Katara quickly found her anger and stomped over to the hostess and tapped her shoulder. Ayame shot Katara a death glare.
"Actually," Katara said, "I'm Katara. And he's MY date. So, if you'd please get us a table right away?"
The hostess quietly nodded, in fear of what would happen next.
"And let me tell you this," Katara spun her head around towards Ayame, "Don't ever try hitting on Aang again, or so help me I will—"
"Katara!" Said waterbender spun around again towards Aang. She stared into his dark grey eyes and lost all recent death threats in her mind. All she could see was her Aang.
"Please," Aang whispered, "Don't. I know you can get jealous at times—you think I don't? But still. You very well know by now that your mine, forever. You're my... Forever Girl."
Katara smiled and giggled at his new nickname for her.
"You know, if you get to give me a cheesy nickname, you know what that means... Panda Lily." She smiled and he looked at her, confused. Katara giggles and tried to explain, "It's your nickname. It's my favorite flower. Just like you're my favorite individual." (A/N: Cheesy! -_-)
They both took a quick glance at each other before sharing a passionate kiss. Ayame took notice and growled in frustration as she stormed out of the restaurant. Everyone who saw them kiss cheered.
They both smiled into the kiss and parted. "Okay," Aang said, "ready to eat?"
Katara nodded with a small chuckle and the hostess (who saw everything) held a small smile on her face as she led them to their table where Aang and Katara both enjoyed a delicious meal.
Nothing much to say here. Not my best oneshot, but it'll do, right? Please review! It keeps me going. And don't forget to submit an OC to my other fanfiction, Put to the Test!