I'm backkk! With chapter 18. I had to update near the fics birthday! We should all mentally sing happy birthday. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear 83 Ways Happy Birthdayyy to yooouuu! Thank you all for supporting me the past year. I love you!

You can thank my theology teacher for this because she's the one who told me this really happened.

Danny stood on one of the desks in Lancer's room and tried getting some of the whip cream off the ceiling. As predicted, this job was one of the trios harder punishments. Danny looked at Tucker and Sam who were also having trouble.

"We'll never finish this." Danny complained. He looked around. There was still whipped cream on the desks, chairs, floor, and ceiling.

"It was so worth it, Danny. Even you know that." Tucker pointed out. Danny smiled a little, unable to argue back.

"Yeah it was awesome." He agreed.

"You know what else is awesome? The fact that it's my turn." Sam said. Tucker rolled his eyes. He knew Sam would be coming after him after all the stuff he made her do. He didn't care though. He loved everything about this game. Then he looked around the room. Almost everything.

"Bring it on Sam." He said with a confident smile.

"Ok here's the plan." Sam filled in Tucker and when she was finished Tucker was excited to do his task the next day.

The Next Day…

Tucker didn't want to waste any time in English class. He wanted to do the job and get the detention. Unfortunately, he had to wait. They liked to wait till the end of class. It was better that way. So Tucker carefully put his bag under his desk not wanting to harm any of the supplies he had safely stored in his bag.

"Everyone take your seats." Said Lancer and that was all Tucker heard before he went into dream land for the next 35 minutes.

35 minutes later, Tucker looked at the clock and realized there were only a few minutes left of class. He carefully and quietly set up what he had to. It was easy because there was only one thing and it was small. When everything was ready he waited about 5 seconds for…

"EW! A BUG IS ON MY DESK! GET AWAY FROM ME!" screamed Paulina. The bug in question was big and gross looking. It made Danny cringe looking at it. He felt bad for Paulina. Almost.

Dash, seeing the bug, went to go help his distressed girlfriend. He raised his arm, ready to squash the bug on her desk.

"NO DON'T!" Tucker yelled running over to Dash.

"What are you doing, Foley?" Dash asked. His eyes filled with anger and curiosity.

"The more important question is what are you doing? You were about to MURDER an innocent bug!" Tucker fumed.

"It's a bug!" Dash yelled in outrage.

"Gentlemen! What is going on over here!" Mr. Lancer finally butted in. Why was this always happening in his class?

"Foley's, being uptight about killing a stupid bug!" Dash yelled. Tucker narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"Dash was going to murder a poor defenseless bug! I had to do something!" Tucker defended himself. "You know, people go to jail for murder." Tucker said turning to Dash.

"Yeah for murdering people. Not bugs. No one cares about bugs!"

"I care about bugs!"

"Well you're nobody!"

"That's enough. Mr. Foley, if this bug is in such danger, what do you suggest we do about it?" Lancer couldn't believe he was actually asking that question but if it calmed his class down, he didn't care.

"We should let it go free." Tucker said happy to have Lancer on his side.

"That's a stupid idea." Dash said.

"You were a stupid idea." Tucker back. The rest of the class gasped. Tucker was gonna get it now.

"Why I oughta…"

" Mr. Baxter sit down. Mr. Foley, take care of that bug. And when you get back I'll have both of your detention slips written." Lancer broke in. He had to calm the situation down before it got ugly. Dash slumped in his seat. Tucker went to get the bug on Paulina's desk. He carefully picked it up and pushed it out outside.

After I wrote this I realized Sam probably should have done this one. What do you guys think? REVIEW!